E3 2008 was another low key affair but there was a moment of adorable genius as Sackboy joined Jack Tretton on stage for what must be the cutest financial presentation ever seen.
There were also on-stage presentations of Resistance 2, Killzone 2, MotorStorm Pacific Rift and inFamous, and teaser trailers for God of War III and MAG. By this stage more and more people were interested in downloading their games from PlayStation Store and titles like Fat Princess and Flower made this even more attractive.
With the PlayStation 3 firmly established more third parties were releasing games, resulting in the strongest line-up to date. Standout examples include Mirror’s Edge, Dead Space, Street Fighter IV and Fallout 3.
And then we get to 2009: the last in this series, my first visit and a return to the old format as Los Angeles Convention Centre welcomed tens of thousands of eager gamers.
The SCEA press conference had a bit of everything including new hardware in the unveiling of PSPgo; epic gameplay demonstrations, featuring God of War III and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves; and the shock revelation that Final Fantasy XIV was coming exclusively to PS3.
We also saw ModNation Racers, The Last Guardian, Assassin’s Creed 2 and Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker for the first time.
And that brings us rather neatly to E3 2010 which is about to unfold before your eyes and ears right here on the PlayStation Blog. Thanks to everyone that has commented on this nostalgic odyssey; keep smashing the refresh button into oblivion over the next few days as we bring you latest news from the City of Angels.
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