PlayStation at E3: 2002

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With the PS2 in full stride, the onslaught of top-notch exclusives continued at E3 2002.
By this time, E3 was firmly installed as the highlight of the games industry calendar and websites and magazines starting to issue awards for the best titles of the show. Look up the awards for E3 2002 and on most lists you’ll find Ratchet and Clank, Sly Raccoon (or Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus, as it was known in the US), Kingdom Hearts and The Getaway.
The Getaway TV ad:

Here’s a little known fact: there’s a pub on the corner of Great Marlborough Street, not far from the SCEE offices, called the Coach & Horses; many of The Getaway’s scenes are based on that very hostelry.
EyeToy also made its first appearance introducing people to camera-based gameplay and getting them off their sofas at the same time.
With the PS2 already installed in 30 million homes and yet another strong line-up of games in waiting for it, the crowd would have to wait until 2003 for a truly show-stopping announcement, when Ken Kutaragi took to the stage and had the audience eating out of the palm of his hand.

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