PlayStation At E3: 1995

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1995 was a significant year for the games industry: the first PlayStation console was released, we saw glimpse of the future when the DVD was unveiled and the Los Angeles Convention Centre hosted the first Electronic Entertainment Expo, better known as E3.

Previously, games companies had appeared at the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) but, as the medium grew in scale and popularity, the Digital Software Association, which became the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), decided it needed its own flagship event.

As the original PlayStation had launched in Japan the previous year, this was a time for the Western audience to get its hands on such games as Battle Arena Toshinden, Warhawk and Ridge Racer.

One of the enduring memories of 1995’s E3 is the appearance of Michael Jackson at the PlayStation party; one of many celebrities that would attend over the years, either for business or pleasure, as the games industry grew rapidly.

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