Hello everyone,
I’m taking a short break from harvesting footage in the digital fields to tell you about what we have coming up in FirstPlay episode 006, which will be up on the Store this Wednesday.
Basically, a whole bunch of stuff. We start with Capcom’s off-world bug-hunter Lost Planet 2. The game ticks a lot of our boxes – monsters, robots, explosions, snow – and you can find out whether it holds together or falls apart like a third-person Brundlefly in our HD review. After you’ve stopped thinking about that weird analogy, we’ve also got a preview of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker – the biggest guest PSP has had round to dinner for ages – and a review of twinkle-eyed retro adventure,3D Dot Game Heroes.
On top of that we’ve got our regular round-up of the best of the PlayStation Network, including the latest and greatest downloadable movies, a handful of PSone classics, and a guide to the tactical minefield that is Final Fantasy XIII‘s Paradigm system. And there’s even more in our screenshot galleries, including the latest from Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days.
As ever, this is all yours for just 99p, or just £8.99 for a 90-day subscription.
And I know many of you are asking on an update on the featured downloads. This episode we’ve got a Kane & Lynch theme for you all, and the next four episodes will each come with a free minis title.
If you have any questions or comments then you can email us at
FirstPlay@futurenet.com, find us on Twitter at @firstplay_uk, or hunt us down on the EU forums
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