PlayStation Home: MAG Clothing And Furniture, Plus MyDeco Update!

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This week we bring you more MAG content! Show off your faction allegiance in style with new sets of armour. There’s the Ballistic Armour set for S.V.E.R., Reinforced Composite Armour for Raven, while for Valor there’s the Reinforced Fibre Armour. Also available for each faction are a Footlocker and Lamp or Light Fixture. Check out the screenshot below to see what’s on offer:

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If you haven’t been to the MyDeco store recently, this week is the week to drop in for a browse. There’s a large range of new furniture available including chairs, a dining set, the oddest bookcase I’ve ever seen, a Monster Bean Bag, and more! There’s even a Medieval Throne Toilet.

The Audi Home Terminal updates again this week, with the opening of a new commerce point within the space. Seven items will be available initially; say hello to Stephanie at the Reception desk and see what she has to offer. Check back here tomorrow for further updates on activity in the Audi Home Terminal!

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Alter Ego brings us something different this week: a set of DJ decks. Complete with large speakers and a pair of turntables, these decks are the perfect complement for the Musicality personal space or in combination with other musical-themed furniture.

The Heavy Rain event space will be removed this week, so tonight is your last opportunity to drop by. Stay tuned for news of new events in the near future!

Finally, a couple of updates that weren’t mentioned last week:

Namco Museum Essentials was released on PSN last week. Pick up the demo or full game to unlock some great Home rewards, including working arcade machines to place in your personal space!

Over the long weekend many of you discovered the little surprise we prepared. Home Square was the site of several invasions by bunnies wearing expressions ranging from enormous grins through to angry scowls and everything in between. These fantastic new costumes are available from Alter Ego and will be available all year. The bunny costumes come complete with a custom bunny hop walk animation!

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