Introducing PlayStation Move

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PlayStation Move

By now you may have seen the update on our new PlayStation 3 motion controller, via our live video stream at GDC. In case you missed it, let me introduce you to ‘PlayStation Move’.

PlayStation Move

We first showed the ‘Move’ controller prototype at E3 in 2009 and we’re now ready with the final design, along with an early look at just a few of the upcoming games…

Take a look at our trailer below, which aims to explain PlayStation Move in more detail:

[viddler id=15e79e42&w=545&h=349&playertype=simple]

Our launch games are designed to appeal to all PlayStation 3 fans. We’ve got our own take on social games such as ‘Sports Champions’ and ‘Move Party’ (both working titles) as well as keeping our more serious gamers in mind with DUKES and EA’s Tiger Woods 2010. Many of our existing franchises such as SOCOM will also be enhanced with PlayStation Move functionality – because of Move’s low performance impact on the PS3 system we’re able to add this to our existing games without compromising graphical quality or gameplay. The PlayStation Move experience will offer our players a fun, high definition and immersive gaming experience.

As you know, we’ve got a lot of experience working with motion and camera-based control systems, having created the original EyeToy for PlayStation 2 back in 2003. This experience has really helped make sure our new control system is incredibly accurate and responsive. PlayStation development teams are working hard to create a strong and exciting line-up of games – you’ll be hearing more about new titles in the coming months but for now, here is a list of the games we’ve announced so far:

  • Dukes — Brawl your way to the top in this brutal bare-knuckle boxing game.

PlayStation Move (Dukes)

PlayStation Move (Dukes) PlayStation Move (Dukes)

  • Move Party — Chaotic multiplayer where you never know what will happen next!

PlayStation Move (Move Party)

PlayStation Move (Move Party) PlayStation Move (Move Party)

  • Sports Champions — The greatest athletes in the world are ready, are you?

PlayStation Move (Sports Champions)

PlayStation Move (Sports Champions) PlayStation Move (Sports Champions)

  • TV Superstars — Be a contestant in five TV game shows to prove that you are the biggest star.

PlayStation Move (TV SuperStars)

PlayStation Move (TV SuperStars) PlayStation Move (TV SuperStars)

  • Slider — Kung-fu action – on an office chair!?!

PlayStation Move (Slider)

PlayStation Move (Slider) PlayStation Move (Slider)

  • The Shoot — Take out the bad guys but make sure the movie director likes your style!

PlayStation Move (Shoot)

PlayStation Move (Shoot) PlayStation Move (Shoot)

More news both from first and third party publishers to follow in the near future…

You will be able to get involved with PlayStation Move in several ways:

  • Camera + controller (including a “starter disc” with a range of demos for games releasing later in the year)
  • A single controller for people who already have a PlayStation Eye camera
  • A full console pack which includes PS3, dualshock3, Move controller + camera
  • Finally some of our biggest games will be available with a Move controller included

We’ve also announced the Subcontroller this week, an additional peripheral for use with more hardcore titles like SOCOM, which benefit from analogue stick input.

PlayStation Move Subcontroller

Move is one of our big priorities for PlayStation 3 in Europe this year so look out for our ads and product updates.

PlayStation Move PlayStation Move

PlayStation Move

PlayStation Move PlayStation Move

I look forward to hearing your feedback and responses to the announcement of PlayStation Move in America this week. Watch out for interviews with Move developers from GDC here on PlayStation.Blog.

Start moving and being at the centre of the action and start a new way to play on PlayStation 3 in 2010…

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