Since the game launched the Hustle Kings team have been watching with interest how the game has been received and where you guys think it can be made better still. After weighing up a lot of commentary from the internet and how we’ve seen the game played online we’re gearing up to release our first updates to the game. First out of the gate will be some general updates to the game as listed below:
- General improvements to game stability
- In game Voice Chat
- In game Video Chat
- Home Game Launching
- More stats for the loading screens
- The sound effect for the chalk has been turned down
- Chalk can now be used by pressing the R3 button as well as shaking your SIXAXIS
- Polish Language support
- Free Play mode
- Blue chalk only online rooms
- Online: Opponents are now allowed to change view whilst watching the player at the table
- Online: The player that breaks is now randomly chosen
- A new minimal aim line
- Damping effect on the pockets, to stop accurate high powered shots from always bouncing out of the pockets
- Small adjustments to the fine tune aiming to make it easier to use
Once this update is out and you’ve got to grips with the changes we’ve more features coming via the PSN Store. First up will be the Time Saver Pack which is aimed at the Hustle Kings player who wants to experience everything the game has to offer but doesn’t have the time to unlock all the items. This pack unlocks all the cues, avatars, balls and the unlock packs from the in game Hustle Kings store. If that weren’t enough, we’ve then got not one but two awesome freebies to give away! Two bizarre and challenging Crazy Tables are heading your way soon, adding a whole new dimension to your game when you want a break from regular pool. To whet your appetite check out these pics of the tables.
Crazy Tables are coming soon and they’ll be absolutely free, and even that doesn’t mark the end of Hustle Kings. We’re already hard at work with a lot of extra features for the game which we’ll be introducing later on this year.
By the way, before I forgot ….If you haven’t visited the Hustle Kings Home event space yet, go and have some fun taking the Hustle Kings Ball Dodge Challenge. You could win a very funny Hustle Kings cape and crown!
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