Lock And Load: Announcing The New SOCOM

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Hi All,
Just wanted to share some really exciting news with you about Zipper Interactive who recently released the brilliant MAG. The guys have busy working away on the re-envisioning of a certain military franchise that they are hugely passionate about… I’m pleased to announce that an all new SOCOM is gunning its way exclusively to PS3!
So what can you expect from this thrilling new title from Zipper Interactive? While retaining the pillars of previous SOCOM games (team work, authenticity and innovative online play) this is an all new SOCOM experience created from the ground up for the PlayStation 3. You’ve never played a SOCOM game like this.


Here’s the story:
In South East Asia, a revolutionary army has seized control of a country bordering one of the world’s most vital waterways; threatening to disrupt he global economy.
Your mission is to step into the well-worn boots of the Ops Com, a NATO Operations Commander of an elite, five-man squad. You must venture deep into inhospitable jungles, city streets and crumbling urban ruins to engage an army of rebel fighters and discover their plans. Although you’re vastly outnumbered, you’re armed with the latest weaponry and your men are second to none – but do you possess the stealth, speed and tactical thinking to lead them to victory? Time is not on your side: you have just six days to complete your mission. To emerge victorious, you must lead from the front, maintain control of the situation and fight with sheer intensity.


In addition to the gripping new single-player story mode, you’ll find all of the different ways to play that you’d expect from a SOCOM title. Online, you’ll be able to do battle with other teams in matches for up to 32 players – and you can choose to play in the guise of more world-famous Special Forces units than ever before. And – as it’s SOCOM – the realism of the experience will be second to none. As always, teamwork will carry the day.


Even at this early stage the game is looking great and with a little bit of gentle persuasion the guys have kindly shared a few screenshots from the game – make sure you tune in again tomorrow as we will be unveiling, for the very first time, the EXCLUSIVE TEASER TRAILER!
Let me know what you think and of course watch this space for further intelligence!

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