Hi everyone – Alex Pavey here, with some great news about Heavy Rain to start off the new year! The eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed that the US release date has been confirmed today as the 23rd February – and although there are still some final tests and checks to be completed, I wanted to let you all know that you can expect to see Heavy Rain on-shelves across PAL regions during the same week – Wednesday 24th February for mainland Europe, and Friday 26th February in the UK and Ireland.
There are a range of pre-order programs going on – these vary across each country, but will offer you a chance to get hold of either the Heavy Rain Special Edition, or specific bonus items DLC including “Heavy Rain: Chronicle One – The Taxidermist”. Look out for more details on country-specific pre-order plans soon.
Heavy Rain is the highly anticipated PS3 exclusive developed by Quantic Dream – an emotional thriller where your choices can have dramatic consequences. There’ll be plenty more interesting news to come on Heavy Rain as we approach launch, so keep your eyes open…!
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