Hello all. I’m Michael Michael of PomPom Games. I thought I should get the absurd name out of the way before commencing with the meat and bones of what I’ve got to say. Yes, it is my real name. No, I don’t know what my mum was thinking. I would change it but I’m worried I’ll lose my super powers.
We are PomPom games. Independent developer of some of the finest retro-yet-modern-kind-of videogames since a very long time ago. We are just 2 guys ( silly name and Miles Visman ) with some help from a rather excellent sound dude, James Drabble. PomPom games are but a whisker away for their latest slice of RSI inducing, finger twisting, brow soaking shoot-em-up action called…. ALIEN ZOMBIE DEATH on PSP minis.
[viddler id=bcdd3c1f&w=545&h=327&playertype=simple]
We were kind of digging this new-ish breed of game : the survival shooter, and wanted to have a go. We have also had a bit of a longing for doing something platform-y ( when I say we, I mean me throwing a strop at Miles, when I don’t get my way ) so “we” concocted this scenario:-
“Somewhere far far away in a random solar system, a lone space man dies… horribly. Take control of said fateful space man as he battles to his end against the dreaded Alien Zombies! Using a standard laser gun and a few pickups along the way, make sure you take at as many of those Alien Zombie suckers before they take you down. It’s that simple. It’s Alien Zombie Death.”
The game involves jumping around a bunch of platforms floating in space battling endless waves of Alien Zombie until you meet your demise. The platform layouts are very simple, with the focus on creating the space for the ensuing battle rather than complex level layouts.
As per usual we went completely over the top. We originally wanted a single level you could play that got hard very quickly and that was that. Sell it cheap as nuts and hope people dig it.
But… 2 or 3 enemies became 9 or 10 and one level became 14 and before we knew it we had weapon power-ups, score multipliers, coin pickups, bonus UFOs, a menagerie of different beasties and lots of medals to collect.
Oh well. It turned out rather fabulous and we can’t wait to introduce the world to Spaceman Death… via Alien… Alien Zombie.
Oh my.
All goes well, Alien Zombie Death will be hitting the PSP minis channel January 2010. It’ll cost something cheap. £2.50 GBP, or something similar if you fiddle with a different currency.
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