Hi, my name is Robert Karp and I am here to give you latest news on Hustle Kings.
Over the last year VooFoo studios and Sony have been combining their skills with some good old fashioned elbow grease to help make Hustle Kings the best. We have been packing in as many features as possible, whilst at the same time adding so much polish that you can almost see your own face! Check out these balls if don’t believe me.
There has been a lot of discussion internally about how we can do something a little different with the trophy system and we finally decided to make one of the silver trophies a little bit different from the rest… This trophy can only be unlocked by playing online and beating someone else who already has it – Sounds simply enough? Now the best part is that the developers are the only ones who will start with it and that means the only way to get it is by beating them at their own game!
Now to bit that I hope you’ve all been waiting for… (Drum roll please)
Release date: 22nd of December 2009 (That’s today!)
Price: £6.29 (€7.99)
If you’re a fan of turning your skills into (virtual) cash, then Hustle Kings is for you. With graphics, a physics engine, a whole host of offline game modes including (but not limited to) career, trick shots, local tournaments, as well as an online hustle mode and topped off with an intuitive control method. Sometimes when I’m at the pub playing pool, I think to myself… “I wish I could be playing Hustle Kings right now!”
We have tried to take advantage of everything the PS3 has to offer, so we’ve included XMB music (although I’d questions anyone’s taste who doesn’t like the eclectic mix we have on offer), uploading videos to you tube (to show off your greatest jump and swerve shots) and much more. Are your ready for the total pool experience?
Hustle Kings will be available exclusively on the PlayStation Store, so if you haven’t already signed up to for a PSN ID, you’d better do so now!
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