PlayStation 3 Firmware (v3.10) Update Preview

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Hi Guys,

I’m James and I’m really pleased today to finally be able to share with you more information on the Facebook functionality which will soon be available on your PlayStation 3.

Hope you enjoy the video and I’ll speak to you tomorrow morning to feedback on your comments.

– James

Hi everyone, here’s an early peek at PlayStation 3 (PS3) firmware update (v3.10). The latest update incorporates Facebook into the PS3 experience. By linking your PlayStation Network account to your Facebook account, you will have the option for the PS3 to automatically update your Facebook News Feed with Trophy and PlayStation Store activity. This update also enables developers to set specific criteria in their titles to publish additional game information to your News Feed. You can then check out your updates, and those of your friends, on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media favorites through the PS3’s built-in web browser.

This is just the beginning of our integration with Facebook and we are looking forward to adding new features enhancing the experience in future updates.

Additional highlights from update 3.10 include:

  • The Photo category on the XMB has been revamped to make it easier to see more of your photos stored on the PS3.
  • The PSN Friends List has been modified based on feedback we received after update 3.00. Additionally, you can now choose a color for your PSN ID on the XMB.

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I just want to clarify a comment I made to this post yesterday about Cross Game Voice Chat, which seems to have caused some confusion. I can’t confirm if or when Cross Game Voice Chat is coming, but as I said, when I do have some information to share with you, I’ll let you know.

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