Batman PS3 Exclusive Batman Arkham Asylum

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Hi, I’m Keir, you may remember me from such official forums as Tomb Raider: Underworld, Kane and Lynch: Dead Men and now Batman Arkham Asylum. Yep, I’m lucky enough to be Group Community Manager at Eidos. Batman: Arkham Asylum (which is out now!) has pwned my waking hours (and some of my sleeping ones) over the last few months. It’s been a genuine delight to work with Rocksteady‘s masterpiece (in case you haven’t seen any reviews, check out IGN 9.3/10, Gamespot 9/10, 1up A-, Gametrailers 9/10, Eurogamer 9/10, gamespy 5/5) and I’m here to tell you about the epic PS3 exclusives…

Batman Arkham Asylum

Along with the awesome ‘Play as the Joker‘ PS3 DLC in which you control the Joker in Challenge Maps (with some great special moves including my favourite: the kick in the nuts) we’re also giving PS3 owners the chance to get their very own Batcave Outpost in PlayStation Home. Available exclusively on PlayStation3, the Batcave Outpost is a faithful recreation of the Batcave under Arkham Island. Featuring the BATMOBILE, BATWING, and tons of other nice features, the Batcave Outpost allows fans to call the BATCAVE their own home within Home.

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The PlayStation3 version of Batman: Arkham Asylum unlocks the Batman: Arkham Asylum Batcave Outpost in PlayStation Home.

Check out the trailer…. HOLY PS3 EXCLUSIVITY!

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