PAIN On Blu-Ray Disc

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Hi guys. I’m Joey, the SCEE Product Manager for PAIN . I’m really excited to tell you that we’ll be releasing all the best and most painful bits of PAIN PS3 on Blu-ray disc next week.

PAIN - Movie Studio, 1

Every environment, such as Downtown, Movie Studios, Abusement Park and Sore Spots, will be included so you can fling your chosen victim into Tanks, Cannons or even exploding teddy bears for massive combo scores by creating as much PAIN as possible.
Speaking of victims: Jarvis, Tati, Ginger and Cookie will be there, and keep a look out for the Ded Baron as you play through PAIN Darts, Mime Toss, Fortress, Spank the Monkey (Those damn, dirty apes!) and the other crazy game modes.

PAIN - Jarvis

We’re also adding in the great PAIN labs, where new developer-created, beta-style levels will be made available for free from Idol Minds on a weekly basis.
PAIN PS3 will be out on Wednesday 24 June in Europe, 25 June in Australia and New Zealand, and the UK and Ireland on Friday 26 June for €24.99/£19.99. More pictures of the levels and characters are in our Flickr account.

PAIN - Abusement Park, 4

PAIN - Sore Spots 05

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