PSN Community Spotlight – The Joy Of Horror On The PS3

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PSN Community Spotlight – The Joy Of Horror On The PS3

You know how I always talk about having bacon and eggs on Saturdays? Well, now bacon and eggs have been replaced with working out and it sucks. At least I still have Sundays. Anyway, it’s time for the PSN Community Spotlight. For the unfamiliar, this is where PlayStation gamers tell their unique stories/experiences/thoughts, as submitted to this section in the PlayStation Community Forums. Those that make it all the way to the PlayStation Blog will receive a $50 PlayStation Store voucher.

PSN Community Spotlight: RandomGuard

Last week we asked about your PlayStation stories, and gamer RandomGuard wrote in to tell us about his Halloween tradition (plus a scary PSP game).

The Joy Of Horror On The PS3

We might still be a few weeks away from Halloween, but has that stopped the different television stations from airing horror movies? Has it stopped stores from stocking up on merchandise seemingly made just for scaring babies? Turn your television onto any channel or load up any store website and you’ll have your answer. Halloween is clearly upon us, so what better time to explain my favorite PlayStation tradition for the spookiest of holidays?

Before I begin I’d like to mention a great PSP game that’s just perfect to play during Halloween this year. While I’m not real big into horror movies, I do love me a good horror game. And honestly, it could come in any form as long as it’s actually scary. Case in point, Corpse Party for the PSP. While some of the dialog in the game can come across as weird (it is a Japanese horror game after all), you really won’t find a better horror game on the PSP. The build ups to scares, the great atmosphere and the extremely impressive audio make one amazing gem of a PSP game.

Now as for my Halloween tradition, I’m not sure exactly why or when it started, but one year I just decided that playing the original Silent Hill game through October sounded good to me. I never really thought it would stick, but every October I would throw my original Silent Hill disc into my PlayStation and give it a go. I played using that same exact disc through the original PlayStation’s life, the PlayStation 2 and even the PlayStation 3 for a short while. Unfortunately, after many years of faithful service the disc just couldn’t hold out any longer and needed to be retired to my shelf for good.

My main worry after this was that I no longer had a copy of Silent Hill to play during the month of October. Sure, I could have bought an overpriced used copy online, but my inner cheapness refused to let me. It really looked like the tradition was going to die with the disc. Thankfully, there was the PlayStation Store. Not only was I able to rebuy Silent Hill for a much fairer price, but now I could play it on my PSP! It was like a double whammy of tradition saving.

Over the years, plenty of things have changed. Technology has advanced to near sci-fi levels and more importantly, I’ve got some little ones running around the house now. But the one thing that has remained the same is the original Silent Hill each and every year. While I might have gotten used to everything it has to offer, the next generation of gamers are just as susceptible as ever. Despite the obvious drop in graphical quality compared to games releasing today, the game still manages to scare them just like it scared me when it first released.

It goes to show you that no matter how much we progress in the world of graphics and what not, fear will know no boundaries and scare the daylights out of anyone with a good imagination. And also that first freaking pterodactyl thing you encounter can scare anybody. Every single October I let them watch that scene play out in the game just to see the look of horror on their faces as they run out of the room. I know it won’t work forever, so it’s best to enjoy their terror while I still can. I hope you all have a great Halloween this year and I thank you all for reading.

Thanks for writing in RandomGuard!

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