PS5 beta rolls out today with new accessibility and audio options, social features, and UI enhancements

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PS5 beta rolls out today with new accessibility and audio options, social features, and UI enhancements

Invited beta participants from select countries can test new PS5 features.

With each PlayStation 5 system software release, we’ve introduced new features designed to enhance the many ways you can access your favorite content, navigate your console, or create new gaming memories with friends. Today, we’re thrilled to roll out a new PS5 system software beta that introduces new accessibility features as well as audio options that allow 3D Audio powered by Tempest 3D AudioTech to be enjoyed on compatible Dolby Atmos-enabled HDMI devices such as sound bars, TVs, or home theater systems. The beta also includes more options to quickly find games and console tips, new ways to connect with other players and customize your multiplayer sessions, and support for larger-capacity M.2 SSDs (up to 8TB).

While beta access will be limited to invited participants in select countries*, we plan to release the update globally later this year. If you’re selected to participate in the beta, you’ll receive an email invitation today when it’s available to download. Some features available during the beta phase may not make it into the final version or may see significant changes.

Without further ado, here are some of the highlights from the beta release:

New Accessibility Features

Use a Second Controller for Assistance. You can now assign a second controller to one account as an assist controller, and use two controllers to operate your PS5 console as if you were using a single controller. This feature introduces a new way for you to enjoy games collaboratively with others or help a friend or child navigate a particularly challenging section of a game.

  • To use an assist controller, go to [Settings] > [Accessibility] > [Controllers] > [Use Second Controller for Assistance], and then turn on [Use Assist Controller].
  • You can use an assist controller when your main controller is a DualSense or DualSense Edge wireless controller, or a PS5-supported third-party controller.**
PS5 UI screenshot showing the option to use a second controller for assistance.

System UI Haptic Feedback. You now have the option to turn on haptic feedback effects while navigating your PS5 with your DualSense controller, DualSense Edge controller, or PS VR2 Sense controller.

  • When enabled, system sound effects for certain events will also be reflected physically through haptics, such as moving focus, reaching the end limit of a scrollable section, checking a box, or when you receive a notification or boot up a game. This optional feature enhances immersion and is particularly useful for players with some level of sight or hearing disability, who appreciate the additional feedback on their inputs.
  • To turn on this feature, go to [Settings] > [Accessibility] > [Controllers], and then turn on [Haptic Feedback During Console Navigation].

Support for compatible Dolby Atmos-enabled audio devices

3D Audio powered by Tempest 3D AudioTech can now be enjoyed by those who own compatible Dolby Atmos-enabled HDMI devices such as soundbars, TVs or home theater systems. Tempest 3D AudioTech specifically renders to the Dolby Atmos audio devices in use – including overhead channels – allowing for even greater levels of immersion in the audioscapes of PS5 games. ***

  • To turn on Dolby Atmos, go to [Settings] > [Sound] > [Audio Output] > [Audio Format (Priority)], and then select [Dolby Atmos].
PS5 UI screenshot showing the option to select Dolby Atmos.

Social feature enhancements

Party UI update. You can now invite a player into a closed party without automatically adding the player into the group or creating a new group. Additionally, players can now send open or closed party invitations to groups instead of only individual players.

PS5 UI screenshot showing a party invitation during gameplay of Astro's Playroom.

Share Screen Preview. When someone’s sharing their screen in a party that you can join, you’ll now see a preview image of their Share Screen, even before you enter the party.

PS5 UI screen showing a Share Screen preview image.

Join friends’ game sessions easily. You can now easily see which of your friends are in an activity you can join under the [Friends] tab.

  • The Joinable icon will be displayed next to friends who are playing a game you can join.
  • You can join a friend’s game directly by pressing the options button and selecting [Join Game], or by selecting the ”Join” button on their profile card.

Game Hub tournaments tile. In the game hub, you can now see how many tournaments you’ve entered and the highest place you’ve achieved, as well as the start time for the next tournament. You can select the tile to see the full tournament list.

PS5 UI screen showing the new tournaments tile in the game hub for MLB The Show 23.

React to messages with emojis. You can now add reactions to messages with emojis, which makes communicating with friends quicker and easier.

PS5 UI screen showing the option to react to messages with emojis.

Ease-of-use features

Search for games in your library. You can now search for games within your game library.

PS5 UI screen showing the option to search for games in your library.

Game Help improvements. Game Help cards have been improved.****

  • In addition to in-progress activities, you can now see available, previously available, upcoming, and completed activities.
  • When a card is selected, its details are now displayed on the right side of the card, making it easier to find objectives and their corresponding hints.
PS5 UI screen showing the newly enhanced Game Help cards.

Discover new features. Browse useful tips for getting the most out of your PS5 and learn about new features in the new Discover Tips section.

  • Go to [Settings] > [Guide & Tips, Health & Safety, and Other Information] > [Guide and Tips], and then select [Discover Tips] to view all the tips.

Mute PS5 beep sound. You can now mute or adjust the volume of the PS5’s beep sound when turning it on or off, or putting it in rest mode.

  • Go to [Settings] > [System] > [Beep Sound].
  • To adjust the beep sound volume, select [Volume].
  • To mute the beep sound, turn on [Mute Beep Sound].

Support for larger-capacity M.2 SSDs

You can now use an M.2 SSD with a maximum capacity of 8TB (up from the previous 4TB limit) to expand storage space on your PS5 console.

Important: M.2 SSDs must meet the requirements outlined on this page. Please read the page linked above carefully before purchasing any M.2 SSDs for use with your PS5.

We always appreciate hearing your feedback as we continue our journey to enhance the PS5 user experience. Please let us know what you think in the comments section below!

*PS5 beta access will be available to selected participants in the U.S., Canada, Japan, U.K., Germany and France (same countries as our last system software beta).
**A DualSense Edge wireless controller cannot be used as an assist controller. Some of the DualSense features, such as motion sensor, haptic feedback and adaptive triggers, will be automatically turned off when the controller is being used as an assist controller.
***Media app providers can update their apps on PS5 to support Dolby Atmos audio, giving users another way to experience immersive audio in movies, TV shows, and more in the future (these app updates are not currently supported in the PS5 beta.)
****A PlayStation Plus subscription is required to use Game Help.

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  • Please bring back music storage and the ability to play music over game audio/custom soundtrack. By far my favorite feature when they added it to PS3

  • Now allow for PS5 saves to be transferred to a USB!

  • Now allow us to backup PS5 saves to USB!

    • You won’t need to backup with 8TB storage and Online storage. The online storage hasn’t failed me yet.

    • I honestly don’t see this coming back as this is a selling point for ps plus and I’m sure that makes PlayStation a decent amount of money, I’m sure people buy ps plus just because of online backups or if that is what pushed them to get it but it probably makes PlayStation a good amount of money. That being said it would be nice if it came back so the people that don’t have ps plus can backup their saves. I wouldn’t be using it as I have ps plus and the online backups work fine for me.

    • Online storage isn’t good enough, because it let you only backup 1 saves per game and there are many cases, I wan’t to backup more than one save files. ANother issue we cannot select which files we want to backup like for the PS4 games, you can backup all game save data with all save files included, or none.

  • Please add a shorter timer (1, 3 & 5 minutes) for the DualSense controller to turn off.

  • I’d still like folders on the dash board and not in the library please-.-

  • Thank you for Atmos support finally. Hopefully it will properly work with my surround system instead of telling me to use headphones. Tempest audio isn’t it.

  • When can we have voice commands for the PS5 in South African(we do actually speak English in SA) I was looking forward to having it included in the updates in the near future

  • BUT NO OPTION FOR PS4 GAMES TO BE 60FPS ON PS5 just tipical 😡😡😡😡😡😡

  • I hope that one day, yall can consider making it so you can use a ps4 controller for ps5 games🙏

  • These are some great features but I need dynamic themes back on the PS5. I have all these themes but can’t use them 😕 😭

  • the_gainz_expert

    Release more Spider-Man plates stop letting scalpers win! Oh wait Sony don’t care, they only care when the competition buys publishers.

  • Anyone else finding a bit asinine that sony is still playing the data cap game on storage capacity? Granted 8tb is stupid expensive, but I’m also not a poor college student scraping by on student loans and struggling to find internships that pay anymore. What if I had grabbed an 8tb recently instead of a 4tb?

  • Happy to see these improvements. Really waiting on the ability to transfer PS5 game saves via USB.

    Also PS extra game catalog should be easier to get to from the normal system game library

  • Make it possible to be in a party, while still being able to speak in game…

  • Sony, I’m begging, as I’ve been begging since PS4. Let me sort games in the Trophy menu alphabetically. Like on PS3 and Vita. It’s maddening to not be able to see all games in a series together.

  • All this is cool, but give us Media Player and Browser! Also how about Themes??? Come on, Sony.

  • How about the ability to rearrange the home tabs? Mebbe I don’t want the games tab always on the far right..

  • I have 2 USB external SSDs that I can hook up and use at the same time for storage of last gen games on xbox.
    Please add the ability for ps5 to support more than one external USB storage at the same time.
    If xbox can do it I believe ps5 could as well.

    • dude, who does that? Unless you are on a limited internet connection and you do not wish to burst, there is no way that an external hard drive is needed. But, please explain.

  • please add :
    *ps3 compatibility

    [ URGENT ]

  • Add more streaming options and overlay support. Also add Streamlabs support as well.

  • I really would love the ability to read my chat when using PS VR2 for streaming. They had it on the first one but I was over on PC and switching back and forth to PS VR2 is really jarring when I can’t read chat. They have the text to speech but it doesn’t tell me who’s talking and it cuts out after a certain number of characters. Really hoping they show PSVR2 some love. Also, having a more robust system for streaming would be great as well

  • I am SOOOOOOOO glad I picked PS5 instead of their main competitor for this generation. Microsoft came up with so freaking cheap offer that I saw a whole whack load of people who switch. They won’t say they regret it, but they are quiet!

    As per me, the only thing I am missing is a AAA game with PSVR2, like a red dead redemption 2 style.

    I love my ps5s (yes I got two, 1 in eastern Canada and 1 in Western Canada!)

    1 lovely thing, it is hot these days, and my ps5 gets to about 24 degree celcius, while my new xbox series x climb to 45 degrees celcius. Metal Cooling my friend, metal cooling!

  • also, if you can at some point improve share play. This feature feels like a small server. Hosting a game and friends on it. Very cool and UNIQUE feature!

  • Please bring FULL discord integration. Thanks.

  • Happy to see Atmos support

    Would like to see
    USB PS5 save transfers please+ extra game library available to see from system library

  • rexmusmax1mus775

    I just would like to know how does one become a beta tester for these things I’ve been putting so much money into PlayStation since I was a kid I feel like some of us get left out when it comes to this however also they should definitely implement more audio options and adjustments for nicer expensive headsets in in the UI instead of just having 3D sound audio and whatever the other option is there should be multiple ways and then there are other headsets that don’t have adjustments on them that are very expensive that don’t adjust the chat volume over game volume which should just be something you should be able to do straight from the controller no matter what expensive headset we are using not only that but I bought the dual sense edge controller and I just wish there was more colors or options or grips or accessories for those since they cost so darn much money….hmm what else can I complain about? … That’s probably about it besides the fact I bought a very expensive Sony Bravia TV and it forces it to go into game mode which will not let you mess with any of the motion flow settings or have to settings for that matter which should definitely be something implemented into the PlayStation synced up with the TV and last but not least and most of all please please give an option to wear when I’m using my gaming headset just like when I used to on the PlayStation 4 I could have the sound going in my headset and still have the sound of the game and the chat parties coming out of the TV so that way if I have someone watching me play and I’m trying to play competitively and aggressively to entertain the person sitting on my couch they just don’t have to sit there in silence and not hear a single thing that’s going on watching a soundless picture because that gets extremely boring if anyone knows how to adjust this feature and I’m missing something please let me know I just want sound coming out of the TV and into my headset at the same time the PS4 did it so the PS5 should be able to do it too and for that my friends I bid you all good day and God bless.

    • To be a tester sign up to it when you see a beta test asking for people. You may not be picked for the one you signed up for but you will get added to one at some point.

      Please note being in the program holds downsides as well like the chance of getting all your data wiped if it doesn’t work fully

  • Patch notes for PS5 games, like PS4 games has

  • mr-struggle69420


  • I want to manipulate the led light on the console, and sort the trophies via platinum. I want ps stars too on the console.

    • Add a trophy progress tracker (567/1000 things collected for example)
      Also, we need the ability to completely disable a controller. —My kid splashed water on my second controller, and the PS button kept auto turning the controller on, and connecting to the PS5. I couldn’t play anything since the “who’s using this controller” window kept popping up. ( I paired it with a hard line to my phone as a temp fix till I could take it apart and remove the battery). Nothing on the console or controller (even the reset hole on the back) would prevent it from turning on and auto pairing.

  • I’m desperate to have the ability to send games between PSN accounts, or to have some sort of merge purchases option so people with multiple accounts can have all of their downloads in one place.

    • If all the accounts are on one system you already have shared games. If you’re talking about having sharing of games to other machines No

    • @yasink, Exoprimal pre-order skins, Street Fighter 6 DLC (4 or 5 more characters) and deluxe edition character skins etc are not available to other users on the same console. Diablo 4 on PS5 is also this way. To name a few. Many more games and future releases are, and will be this way.
      Consolidating accounts is practically a requirement now. I have one account on my console for my kids, with all the parental controls etc. And they complain about things like Disney Dreamlight Valley bonuses (pre-order, digital deluxe etc. I forget) not being available to them. And at the time of purchase I did not know it would be this way.

  • I would love to know if the Dolby Atmos support also works for Dolby Atmos Virtual Surround devices – for example, I use my AirPods Max headphones (which have the Dolby Atmos 7.1 virtual surround certification) connected analog through a cable into a controller. The simulation of surround is already great using standard Dolby format and the built in 3D audio tech but that extra level from Atmos would be nice on premium headphones connected to the controller, not just through external sound systems.

  • I would love the ability to purchase a Dolby Vision license from the Playstation store. This way when using the PS5 as a primary 4K UHD players movies that support Dolby Vision will play in that format instead of Standard HDR.


  • Themes when?

  • Please PS :

    Back from PS Home.

    Folders in the Gaming Interface.


    PS Stars in 4k resolution in the User Profile.

    Use PIP to watch Apps while playing.

    • By “Back from PS Home” do you mean that it should return to the game when you press circle on the home screen? If so, yes please! I’m constantly pressing that and it’s really annoying that it does nothing.

  • Pleas, can we get this accessibility feature for the screenreader? Since launch of the PS5, we have been requesting an on/off toggle for the audio ducking for the screenreader. The screenreader audio ducks gameplay at crucial moments and also audio ducks friends while chatting in parties. Thank you!

  • Some unneccessary improvements but they don’t hurt either. One of the most annoying functions of PS5 compared to PS4 is the messaging. On PS4 you got a notification before writing the message if the receiver isn’t accepting them but on PS5 the notification comes AFTER you have already written the message and are trying to send it. Wastes a lot of time.

  • I think there should be something for us who have difficulty reading on the PlayStation 5 on something that can read something to a I think Sony should work on that and I also think they should work on a few more things for us who are dyslexic and for those of us who find it difficult to understand things you have to read things and I also think there should be a little more where you could make your own background just like on the PlayStation4 to make but I really like this one updates I think there should be some more things some things that were also on the PlayStation 4 that I would like to see again as I think there were I think you should be some things that came back that the PlayStation 4 had that I think was really good and that I’d like to see a little more of I think it’s a cool update coming and I think it’s some good things coming to the PlayStation 5 on, but I also think there are a lot of things that must remain that have not yet been fixed

  • Beep Sound as a new UI choice 🥰

  • I think there needs to be something for those of us who have a hard time reading on the PlayStation 5 on something that can read something to one. I think Sony needs to work on that and I also think they need to work on a few more things for those of us who are dyslexic and for those of us who have a hard time understanding things, you have to read things and I also think there should be a little more where you could make your own background just like on the PlayStation4 to make but I really like this updates I think there should be some more things some things that were also on the PlayStation 4 , which I would like to see again, since I think there were, I think you should be some things that came back, which the PlayStation 4 had, which I think was really good and which I’d like to see a little more by I think it’s a cool update coming and I think it’s some good things coming to PlayStation 5 on but I also think there’s a lot of things that need to be left that haven’t been yet corrected

  • How about booting the console directly to the icon of the last game that was played instead of to a screen full of advertisements?

    And how about giving us that 8K that you advertised to us on the PS5’s box?

  • Has everyone who was going to get an invite already gotten them? I just signed up for beta testing, wondering if there’s no chance for me to get this. There’s a feature I really would like to try for my son and I.

  • Y’all should bring back themes for the ps5 like y’all did for the ps4 so that we could personalize our consoles.

  • How can I join the beta?

  • Some useful and excellent updates.

  • And still no themes or communities. Great job Sony

  • I’ve been waiting for Atmos since launch. Gotta get me a beta code

  • Finally Dolby Atmos on PS5 😭 It was about time! All that remains is to wait for Dolby Vision, hoping that it will be available and activated as soon as the console is switched on like HDR10 currently.

    I also find that the 4K image quality on the Apple TV is much better than that of the PS5 under the same conditions: so I would like an improvement on this side too. Maybe with the PS5 Pro who knows?

  • You’re letting us use PS4 controllers with PS5 games now right?

  • In for my usual complaining about not having Activity Feed on PS5. WE NEED THAT!!! Get rid of Explore tab in favor of it if you have to.

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