PS5 and PS4 System Software Updates release globally today

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PS5 and PS4 System Software Updates release globally today

Variable Refresh Rate support is coming to PS5 in the months ahead.

Our next PS5 and PS4 system software updates are rolling out globally today, so we wanted to provide a quick look at some of the new features. We’re also glad to share new details on Variable Refresh Rate for PS5 on HDMI 2.1-compatible TVs and PC monitors, which is planned to release in the months ahead. 

New features for PS5 and PS4

Thanks to support from our beta participants, we’re introducing some fan-requested features to our global community today, like the ability to create or join Open and Closed Parties on PS5 and PS4 consoles. On PS5, we’re also bringing UI enhancements to Game Base and Trophy cards, as well as accessibility features like mono audio for headphones.

PS5 players with accounts registered to the U.S. or U.K. will be able to test drive a Voice Command (Preview) feature that lets them find and open games, apps, and settings, as well as control media playback with their voice (English language setting only).

You can read more about these system update features here.

For a refresher on PS5 features like how to apply game presets on your console, pin videos and apps to your screen while you play, or share your screen with friends, check out the new “Pro Tips” cards in the Control Center.

PS App and PS Remote Play enhancements

Starting later today, we’re gradually rolling out the ability for PS App users to create or join Open and Closed Parties through the app as well. We’ve also updated the PS App Game Base UI to make it easier to access the Friends, Parties and messaging features, delivering a consistent player experience with PS5.

PS Remote Play mobile app users can enjoy a new “dark mode” based on their phone setting and choose from new Screen Reader languages for both iOS and Android, including Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal), Finnish, Swedish, Turkish, Greek, Thai and Chinese (traditional and simplified).

On the horizon: Variable Refresh Rate support for PS5

We’re also pleased to share that Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) is planned to release on PS5 in the coming months. On HDMI 2.1-compatible TVs and PC monitors, VRR dynamically syncs the refresh rate of the display to the PS5 console’s graphical output. This enhances visual performance for PS5 games by minimizing or eliminating visual artifacts, such as frame pacing issues and screen tearing. Gameplay in many PS5 titles feels smoother as scenes render instantly, graphics look crisper, and input lag is reduced. Previously released PS5 games can be fully optimized for VRR through a game patch and future games may include VRR support at launch.

As an added option, you can also choose to apply VRR to PS5 games that don’t support it. This feature may improve video quality for some games. If this results in any unexpected visual effects, you can turn off this option at any time. Both VRR and this secondary option can be turned on or off.

Please note that results may vary depending on the TV you’re using and game you’re playing. As we get closer to the feature’s release, we’ll share more details, including some of the games that will enable VRR support through a game patch.

Our teams will continue to work hard on ways to enhance your gaming and social experiences on PlayStation, so stay tuned for more updates!

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  • So scared to update the ps5 now, i update my ps4 and two of my account no long have playstation plus, but should i just update ps5 since i can’t play online either way?


  • What’s going on with PS plus

  • Look at your competition for once. There’s lots of people using HDMI 2.0 monitors out there with freesync functionality.
    I bought a 4K 60hz monitor with freesync for my PS5 because you wouldn’t support 1440p and now, here I am again today restrained from using one of best features of my screen because Sony refuses to support the most used type of VRR there is.

    Shame on you again.

  • I’d really love to see Dolby Vision support for 4K Blu-ray playback.

  • I did the update and now I can’t access online. apparently that’s a problem with having with a bunch of people. do I just wait for Sony to fix it? hard reset and logging in and out of account did not work.

    • hard reset and logging in and out of account did not work – BECAUSE YOUR IMPAITENT – just wait till SONY FIXES IT !!!

      its a sony problem not yours they need to fix it and FAST

  • I renewed my subscription before I even had to and it still wants me to renew it


  • Online is no longer working for me since most recent patch.

  • So in watching all these videos of the PS5 over the past 24 hours, I noticed that they moved which side of the screens the notifications pop up in. It’s in the upper right had corner vs the regular upper left. Do we know if there is a setting to change the position, I really do not like it in that corner? Also any confirmation that we can turn off menu music and what kind of notifications we get such as turning off trophies but till having game/chat invites?

  • Why can’t we use our ps plus the symbol doesn’t pop up and we can’t play any games that require it online fix this!

  • I payyed ps plus for one jear and it is not working 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

  • My ps plus is not working an i payyed for one jear

  • Can’t play anything online after the update. Finally carve out a limited window to play something and PS ruins it. Might be time to switch to xbox.

  • 1 hour to play this week. Spend 20 of it on a ps5 update. Turn on Elden Ring. “PS Plus Subscription Could Not Be Verified” Come on guys…

  • The new update made the ps games online can’t detect your ps plus subscription so I payed for it again and yet it still asked for a subscription again what a scam Sony

  • Anyone know if the vrr Will work with the 24gl600f/24gl600f-b?
    Sorry if it’s obvious, I’m technologically impaired

  • Any word on discord party chats? Or is the discord update we got all were going to get?

  • So in watching all these videos of the PS5 over the past 24 hours, I noticed that they moved which side of the screens the notifications pop up in. It’s in the upper right had corner vs the regular upper left. Do we know if there is a setting to change the position, I really do not like it in that corner? plzz sony fix this

  • I just got done doing the new update version 9.5 and now I can’t play on my Call of Duty Vanguard online at all and says I need a PlayStation Plus subscription every time I try to play even though I already have one

  • Thanks for the update bringing us new features.

    In the future, please add the ability to backup PS5 game saves to USB external storage.

  • 1440p @ 120 please please 🤓

  • Can’t get online since updating my software! What is goin on? Ps plus renewal screen keeps popping up and I renewed membership already, really messed up and Very angry and disappointed!!!!!?

  • What about the part where the update makes it so games can’t find your PS Plus Subscription? That’s a cool feature, guys!!!

  • This update has screwed me royaly I can’t access any online services and I do have a freshly renewed PS plus subscription please fix this

  • This new update did something to my PlayStation where I have my ps plus but its acting like I don’t have it for my online games and I really wanted to play stuff today so I’m wandering when y’all could have it fixed.

  • Sony stop trying to get me to extend my Plus membership!!!! You cannot trick me this way!!!!

  • Why I can’t see my PlayStation plus when I already paid it???? I wonder if I’m not the one person this happen today

  • I’m super excited for VRR to finally come to PS5! But as a Sony X900H owner I’m skeptical on the time frame. “In the months ahead” is really vague. I have a bad feeling it’ll be at least a year or close to it. It took well over a year for the X900H to get VRR

  • somebody get in touch with topclass action people, we deserve our compensation!!!

  • After the update im logged in to the ps4 network. But COD says I cant play online due to now ps network

  • PERFECT!! after updated my ps5 now i cant play online all my games. its keep asked to buy psn plus even though the validity period of my psn plus is still there until 2024. BRAVO👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻



  • My Ps Plus on PS4 stop working after update -_-

  • No themes, no VRR, no 1440p… This update is garbage…

  • My PlayStation plus membership renewed already this month and after the update I don’t have PlayStation plus even tho I should already have it for the month

  • The PS+ issues are not related to this firmware update. There are wider PSN issues at the moment, as confirmed by Sony.

    • Yea Bc their update broke PlayStation because how bad it was now games are unplayable bc cant connect to ps networl

    • No it didn’t. The PSN issues are unrelated to the update. I tried connecting to a couple of games BEFORE applying the update – same problem.

      Yes, it is extremely unfortunate (and the timing too), but the two are still not related.

  • 1440p?????????

  • Your stupid useless update broke PlayStation and now i cant connect to network to play any games seriously wtf how to i get rid of this update

  • Worst update ever broke PlayStation and games now cant connect or even be played

  • Почему после обновы, когда я пытаюсь запустить гта-онлайн, требует заново приобрести пс-плюс, когда плюс у меня уже есть?

  • Shame we didn’t get FreeSync with HDMI 2.0 as well. I was expecting it to be HDMI 2.1 only, but it’s still disappointing.

    • It doesn’t make any sense. There aren’t that many HDMI 2.1 monitors out there and they still made it work for them.
      Also, the competition supports it.

  • After the update i cant play any online games singed in but askes me to renew, fix it quick im getting ill by the minute how am i supposed to live like this i need to school ppl on bo4 map 9 and all my elixirs 😉😊🤭

  • After last update on my ps4 now I can’t play any online games. Anyone have the answer.

  • Great!
    But, what about 1440p suport?

  • after this update all games dont work multiplayer.ex :Call of duty Vanguard.

  • Fix or let us remove this most recent useless literally console breaking update ASAP

  • Yes sorry I’m one of those poor people that can’t by your scalp PS5 yet and I sadly still play on the PS4. And it appears that this system update that you did today has stopped me from playing any online games is there anyway maybe that I can undo this and possibly play some games on my last few days off I know it’s first world question and I’m sorry that I’m not going to buy a PS5 off no scalping piece of trash but come on.

    • Im not buying ps5 because of fact that xbox is going to be bigger and better than 0laystation soon and also because customer support actually exists on xbox unlike PlayStation plus xbox in long run is actually better console and now has the games to compete

    • all updates are mandatory and cant be rolled back

  • This update in addition to PlayStation having the worst customer support ive ever seen or basically none as it doesnt care about customers is exactly why im switching to xbox

  • Is there any particular reason that PSN is demanding that I re-purchase PS+ despite me having a current subscription?

    • DONT TOUCH ANYTHING DONT DO ANYTHING ITS THE PS5 PATCH THAT HAS BRICKED PS PLUS JUST LEAVE IT ALONE SONY KNOWS ABOUT IT AND WILL BE FIXING IT – look at your subscriptions in settings it will say you got a active ps plus and look on your avatar icon you will see a yellow + plus saying you got a active ps plus so DONT DO ANYTHING DONT TOUCH ANYTHING JUST WAIT TILL THEY FIX IT !!!!

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