Legendary developer to join PlayStation as independent, multi-platform studio and publisher.
Today I am happy to announce Bungie will be joining the PlayStation family.
First off, I want to be very clear to the community that Bungie will remain an independent and multi-platform studio and publisher. As such, we believe it makes sense for it to sit alongside the PlayStation Studios organization, and we are incredibly excited about the opportunities for synergies and collaboration between these two world-class groups. I have spent a lot of time with Pete Parsons, Jason Jones, and the Bungie management team to develop the right relationships where they will be fully backed and supported by Sony Interactive Entertainment and enabled to do what they do best — build incredible worlds that captivate millions of people.
Bungie’s world-class expertise in multi-platform development and live game services will help us deliver on our vision of expanding PlayStation to hundreds of millions of gamers. Bungie is a great innovator and has developed incredible proprietary tools that will help PlayStation Studios achieve new heights under Hermen Hulst’s leadership.
Here are a few words from Hermen about this exciting acquisition and what it means for gamers.
“I am absolutely thrilled to announce a new member will be joining the PlayStation family!
– Hermen Hulst, Head of PlayStation Studios
I’ve been a fan of Bungie for many years. I have admired and enjoyed the games that they create – and have great respect for their skill in building worlds that gamers want to explore again and again.
Bungie makes games with outstanding technology that are enormously fun to play. They also have unmatched dedication to the communities that play their games, and everyone at PlayStation, and PlayStation Studios, will be excited about what we can share and learn from them.
I have spent a great deal of time with the senior team at Bungie and it is clear their experience and skills are highly complementary to our own.We will be ready to welcome and support Bungie as they continue to grow, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for this incredible team.“
Here are a few words from Pete Parsons, CEO of Bungie.
“We believe games have limitless potential, and that to do anything worthwhile in entertainment, we must bet big on our vision, on our studio, and on our incredible team of trusted creators who build unforgettable worlds that truly matter to people.
– pete
In Sony, we have found a partner who unconditionally supports us in all we are and who wants to accelerate our vision to create generation-spanning entertainment, all while preserving the creative independence that beats in Bungie’s heart. Like us, Sony believes that game worlds are only the beginning of what our IPs can become. Together, we share a dream of creating and fostering iconic franchises that unite friends around the world, families across generations, and fans across multiple platforms and entertainment mediums.
Today, Bungie begins our journey to become a global multi-media entertainment company.
“Since taking flight in 1991, Bungie has always charted the future with our own star map – a path that is driven by our people and for our community. We are continuing that journey with new worlds in development, and we can’t wait to share them with you.
With Sony, the potential for our universes is unlimited. Our future games will take bold steps into unexplored spaces for Bungie, continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, and will always be built on a foundation of creating meaningful, lifelong friendships and memories.
We remain in charge of our destiny. We will continue to independently publish and creatively develop our games. We will continue to drive one, unified Bungie community. Our games will continue to be where our community is, wherever they choose to play.
With Sony’s support, the most immediate change you will see is an acceleration in hiring talent across the entire studio to support our ambitious vision. If this speaks to you, and you want to help us put a dent in the universe, we are hiring across all disciplines for Destiny 2 and for all new worlds beyond.
“What makes our worlds come to life is our community and our people in the studio. Our people are the soul of Bungie. Empowered by our people, we have pushed the boundaries of what we thought was possible and transformed who we are as a company.
Over the past 30 years, the inviting worlds we’ve built have turned into thriving communities, and that community is the true magic. These communities have taken Bungie beyond games. They have forged life-long bonds, and humbled us with the real, meaningful good they drive within us and the world.
More than anything, Sony understands that our people and our community are both the priority, and the heart of our success, and are willing to stand alongside us as we continue to use our platform to drive action towards a more welcoming and equitable world. Our goal is to build a place where the world’s most creative and talented people can come and do their best work, no matter who they are, where they are from, or how they identify.
That’s the real dent in the universe we want to make — the one we want to last beyond us.
Be a part of this future with us. See you Starside.“
I hope next acquisition will be
Most Likely – Kadokawa Corp, Kojima, Remedy, ASOBO studio.
Plausible – WB games, Arc system works, Cyberconnect2, ready at dawn, Quantic Dream, platinum games, level 5.
Not Likely – Konami IPs, Square enix, Capcom, CJ project, supermassive
Art design- gendesign
Support- iron galaxy studios
I hope they buy kojima productions ❤️
Sony just cant beat the Microsoft. These are trash games. Switching to Xbox.
They can get hold of one of those companies below with a little more money than was spent here, another thing is that they want to let themselves be bought xd
I do not understand why you people keep saying this stuff? All of those company’s games will remain multi-platform if they bought them. So what’s the point?
Very Good Choice
I hope something good comes from this… The only good games Bungie has ever made were Halo 1-3/Reach… That was 10+ years ago and most of the people that worked on those are gone. So, I say we should be optimistic! It’s all we can do really lol
Last I recall and I could be some part wrong. Many that worked on the good Halo games don’t work at Bungie anymore… I know the head story writers from a while back left around Destiny 2 development I believe. Funny enough some of the veteran devs actually now work at 343 with Microsoft again ironically…
Nothing good will come from it, just like porting games to PC. Just greed from Lying Ryan.
Just what PlayStation needs, more western trash.
Japan Studios slowly killed off and decent western devs like Amy Hennig kicked out because of this stuff… The leadership and management at Sony for about five or so years now has been on the decline.
The PlayStation we knew, loved and grew up with is dead now. Just focus on something else like me.
Good job Sony, I could see Sony telling Bungie to create a new Killzone title for them.
You are sadly mistaken if you think that they care about that. Killzone is superior to Bungie’s design anyway.
As long as the developers have the freedom and creativity to do what they want then that’s good.
Warning⚠️ Keep Woke and Ideology out of games.
Also to add stop additional censorship and added curation problems for devs outside USA. Sony being in part past couple years more restrictive in many ways for games T-M. Forcing non English speaking devs since 2018 to do more steps in curation. Has done slow damage to the company as many I know jump to PC or even Nintendo who is now in ways less censorship…
Sony needs to come to a realization quick before more bridges are burned.
There are no games that have any “woke” ideology in them. I don’t know why I keep seeing comments like this? You need to look up the definition of woke. Too many of you on teh internet keep using terms and don ‘t know what they mean.
This is great and all, but when is discord coming to consoles?
Well, I honestly don’t know what to say about this, but well, let’s see if they bring a new IP or resurrect a classic
So weak.
2 worst company ever.
Microsoft the best.
Switching to xbox.
LoL the sony delete my comments?
Plsssss give us more freeeeee game I’m broke
This seems like a overpriced deal for a developer company with one somewhat dying IP… Most of the veteran talent that made Bungie big in the first place don’t even work at Bungie anymore. Also the company has a history be it not their fault of burning bridges with prior partners. Aka Microsoft and then Activision.
For 3.6 billion that money could gone into internal infrastructure as many parts of Sony Network seem to be getting worse. Besides also using that money to find first party franchises that been silent forever like Socom, Legends of Dragoon, and etc. Could have tried if better leadership and management not kicking Amy Hennig and slowly killing Japan Studios years prior…
Just saying there is multiple issues be it this acquisition overpriced nature, the current public knowledge on certain first party studios, the restrictions/censorship implemented in 2018 on non USA developers, and etc…
In comparison the Insomniac and Bluepoint deals made sense to me. Or say in value in competition Microsoft buying Zenimax for 7B about double this for way more IP and tech/game engines. If trying to get into services based games, then should tried on cheaper bought say Digital Extremes prior to being bought out… Mind personal don’t play either Destiny 1&2 “Bungie” or Warframe “Digital Extremes” anymore due to part said service nature and poor decisions on game loop.
Most I know which has dwindle last few years on PSN that still occasionally get on think this is a joke… Mind I despise this recent acquisition buying be it Sony, Microsoft, or etc. Especially when it’s overpriced and seemingly nonsensical to me at least…
On bright side I at least got one of my friends who doesn’t have a playstation to take my old PS4. So we can play together outside PC. Still I literally had to give it away as showing lack of interest outside some first party titles like Tsushima and wanting to play Bloodborne.
It is an overpriced deal for an average at best company and a mediocre dying service, not even a game.
Lying Ryan said years ago that he wanted services so his greed is leading him down the wrong path to destruction.
Everything you said about what they could have done with that money is true, but Sony is not thinking about the console or console gamers anymore.
If Destiny was worth it than Activision would not have given the right to Bungie. Sony did not even consider that due to their greed.
Also their is no guarantee or prof that the next Bungie service will be successful. Basically all of these decisions will blow up in Sony’s face and people like me will not be their to save them like last time with PS3.
You want to go beyond the console Lying Ryan? So be it.
Just know that you are going to find it difficult to keep the support of casuals and none PlayStation fans when you step into that arena.
I’ve been on Playstation since original. I currently no longer desire the next system or look forward to anything currently shown or hinted at Sony Playstation… After my subscription runs up and I play my backlog I’m likely going PC like many my friends have. Mind already play PC, but it’s from 2012 so need to upgrade some stuff.
I’ve been in past vocal against Ryan choices as head and his not so great word salad/lies. I’m sure we don’t agree likely on everything given certain things I read on this comment section, but in regards to leadership at Sony and PlayStation we both seem to agree it has been a downhill spiral…
I feel similar to you on the PS3 era in being a buyer of first release of at time high priced system. Which took a while at start to get the later great catalogue of games it did later gain. I still recall the infamous data breach and months of no online play. I stuck through all that and even when Sony started restricting the PS3 system original features due to poor software protection on Sony end…
Sony biggest money maker is the gaming sector and yet they keep making moronic moves that slowly alienate the base. Most my friends don’t go online to complain of issues and instead just stop playing and leave. I do it though likely in vain/no avail as some misplaced hope stuff will turn around…
Mind once I leave something I never come back to it so I’m stubborn in both aspects. As example I had all Xbox/Microsoft till the original Xbox One reveal fiasco. Heck I had more 360 time back in the day by a lot verse PS3. Point is one major blunder made me quit Xbox.
Sony has went with a slow thousand cuts in my view and I’m just about done… Once I upgrade my PC I’m likely just sticking to that and maybe the next Nintendo system depending if I don’t boycott Nintendo for different reasons…
Same here. I was on the PSX too and chose PlayStation over N64 and Saturn after having a SNES and Genesis as a kid.
I now regret my decision, because it was all for nothing. There are copying Microsoft when MS has Windows, which is their main money maker and the PlayStation console is Sony’s main money maker with PSN.
I am glad that I stopped subbing to PS+ over two year ago. I may move to PC too, go back to Nintendo or just stop gaming all together.
I really wish Sega survived and more people bought the DreamCast. It appears that Jason Schrier was right about Sony fearing Stadia back then, even though Stadia has failed.
Yes we both agree that the leadership is on the wrong path but nothing to do except move on.
It’s kinda funny because the bit you mention of your game background kinda mirrors my own. Also feel the same if using the right word here as becoming jaded of my use to be favorite pass time… Also agree fully on Dreamcast and beat myself when I recall selling it years ago…
Off topic, but on Dreamcast. One of my best friends bought a Dreamcast two years ago. We occasionally play it at his house after kids are asleep playing Power Stone, Phantasy Star Online, and Crazy Taxi for nostalgia while occasionally drinking 😅.
It’s sad Sega maimed itself back then as the Dreamcast when originally released in Japan was a true power house. Just was poor management, advertising, leadership, and etc… Besides selling it nearly two years in USA and many other Nations….
The PS2 then killing it fully as that was the juggernaut back then. Heck the Saturn for it’s time was underappreciated as well and had similar failings like Dreamcast. Mind didn’t have any found memories myself and more my older brother device when he was out in college.
It’s like all we have now is nostalgia…😅😭 Well though random and morbid I’m fine with a modern game collapse if things worsen further. Be funny if history repeats with Nintendo saving the day or not. Rather things fix themselves instead of a extreme scenario, but if we are honest that chance seem to sailed a while ago…
LOL! A lot of people o this blog are delusional about this deal. There will be no exclusives and this has zero to do with PlayStation as a console like Lying Ryan stated. This is one of the reason why I will be moving on from this company and their product. After GOW, which is cross-gen I will be selling my PS5. Lying Ryan just told you people that they are going multi-platform, which will kill the console. Anyone hyped for this and taking about “welcome to the family” are in for a HUGE disappointment.
Also stop saying they should buy Square, Capcom, Konami or whoever as those games would stay multi-platform too. All of the moves that Sony has been making are not for the console and customers who play on the console. These acquisitions by both companies is killing gaming due to greedy CEOs which is shrinking the industry and killing competition. Stop talking about their business as none of you get a cent from how much money they make and that money just goes into their pocket, not PlayStation console.
I have been with the brand since the PSX, but now it is time to move on and I will be trading in all of my games including the future games I buy at discount or used. Deuces!
This was a pointless acquisition, for these values and for 1 ip. I don’t care about online games or multiplayer, or gaas games mechanics. There are much cheaper studios with potential like remedy entertainment, ember lab, arc system works, supermassive games, platinum games, asobo studios, kojima productions, techland, level 5, supergiant games, marvelous, teyon, nihon falcom, crytek, with the money they spent, imagine the experiences we may had with some of these studios. Or go all in for publishers, they could have bought konami, square enix, cd projekt, capcom, koei tecmo, Kadokawa corporation (animes/from software) all have more ip more value than bungie, and are more interesting than Destiny. But this is my opinion, I’m not excited about this news. missed opportunity to do something special.
Don’t think sony can afford the big companies you mentioned or they don’t want to be sold. Sony can’t just go up to a company and buy it. There needs to an agreement from both sides. Or that’s what I think. I really wouldn’t want Sony to buy square enix , as I like final fantasy, only game in the company. N I’d prefer if it was multi platform. good games should be played by every gamer.
Jim Ryan said there were many acquisitions to come, so they can still get Konami, Capcom, etc.
“You are finally here, Brother slayer. Spawn killer. All that strength and you’re still nothing but a retainer to the Awoken Queen. You could be so much more…all you need do is wish it. Come. I would quite like to meet you.” – Siren of Riven
Does bungie do fps only or do they do something different? If its something different, I might be interested. Just not into fps or shooting games.
I can’t wait for so destiny pre order today ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
And soon Konami and Capcom
I wonder if I will NOT be “returned to orbit” (kicked out) as much now. Still wondering.
That happens to me ALWAYS during a tense battle or going against a lot of enemy’s, at least for the past 4 months.
Купите EA
Does this mean anybody with an xbox will now never get another Halo game as they won’t do it Destiny as it is to big of a money maker to stop cross platform play and I hope they stop ripping off people who play destiny like the from developer’s to publishers and everybody who takes their cut. Ihave played destiny since the start and now I refuse to uy the new upcoming witch Queen I did have beyond light but it was take away so now my character cannot finish half of what he started so tha k you destiny you have lost a customer, player and a loyal fan with your money making scrounging pickpocketing ways. I hope Sony sort them out and fire the lot. See how they like it to have no money because someone keeps pinching it out of their pocket.
Nice, Now Bungie please acquire the rights to release Star Wars battlefront 3.
With Sony acquiring BUNGIE, HOPEFULLY we will no longer see nonsense like locking away DLC that players paid good money for, and start seeing more consistent and compelling DLC releases. If neither of these two things happen, this acquisition was a total waste of money.
You don’t pay someone 3.6 billion dollars to join you and they can leave anytime they want; it is a full acquisition, mate.
Awesome you guys need to buy nether realm studios next and put kratoes in mk 12
Does this mean Halo will be available on PS network (past and up coming games) ????
You are blowing my mind
I’m curious what console you have to have to play bungie games? I’m sure this seems like a stupid question to most gamers but I’m visually impaired and have only had a select number of consoles.
And when will a media player or web browser connect to the ps5?
So first off its not nice talking to the community like they are children, Now what i find really strange is the fact that people like me and a million others are investing in your plastic box called ps5 so you can go invest millions on other platforms?.
That just doesn’t seem right . So what is the point of buying a ps5 when someone can go play a so called PlayStation exclusive on pc or even xbox.
At the end of the day your customers are investing in your brand so you can fully invest back to them with excellent exclusive experiences where they cant find anywhere else.
Now here is the thing keeping exclusives gives a incentive to buy your product, not just in gaming even retail supermarkets all over the world have products that are exclusive to them.
i think this is awesome i want Sony to buy neither realm studios next i want mk 12 only on playstation and god of war in mk
Wow talk about stupidity bungie of all people and not gonna make them an exclusive studio to build exclusive games?…I know the word “exclusive” don’t mean anything anymore to PS while those 2 idiots are at the helm but haha is this an early april fool’s joke?…I understand keeping Destiny multiplat but not putting bungie to make an exclusive new IP now that PS lacks an FPS game well it’s stupidity.
Haha playstation just got the creators of one of xbox’s best games.
Way to Go Sony !!!
I hope they make s destiny movie or show soon
I would love to lend my talent as a voiceover actor for Destiny. Sony, if you can read this, contact me. I promise you won’t be disappointed. ^_^
Glad to see Playstation secure good studios, considering what MS is doing to the industry. Long live Playstation!
yes sir
make a destiny 3 please
I truly believe that the partnership is going to end being, pardon the pun but a real game changer.
To Jim Ryan; If PlayStation is looking to make any future acquisitions, please look at buying EA… I know they’re a huge publishers, but they need to be saved from themselves and the gaming industry will be better off with a EA under new management. They need fixing, and consolidation is worth it if it means an EA making great games again!
Destiny 2 Is off the charts and I am a madden guy and also die-hard at that but love the original last first make of the make of Modernwarefare 2019 up til now it has stolen my game basically and they turned it into this mess but now I am back on Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon BREAKPOINT which is now 3 chapters wicked huge open-world so much to do never not anything ever! Plus they encourage you to finish the first chapter the chapter you started on the only one at the time and the guns and ballistics got way better plus your choice of 2 squads or solo or friends but the squads are AI they eventual know what you are going to rally them to do almost before you give the ordered very vert tactical game especially on hard!
can you guys PLEASE add 1440p support to the PS5? Some PS5 games look terrible in 1080p on a monitor.