Naughty Dog shares a new trailer that focuses on Abby’s emotional story in The Last of Us Part II.
It’s been nearly six months since we launched The Last of Us Part II and, in that time, we’ve been overwhelmed by the support shown by everyone that has played the game and reached out to share their experience with us. This story and its characters mean so much to the entire studio and to have it resonate with millions of people around the world and be recognized by industry and fan-voted awards over the last several weeks is beyond humbling.
With the year winding down and new players picking up the game for the first time over the holidays, we’ve put together a new trailer that provides an expanded look at the story, and, for the first time, focuses on Abby’s emotional journey as it intersects and collides with Ellie’s. It explores her origins, the events that spark her search for vengeance, and the devastating repercussions that follow. You’ll also get a glimpse into Abby’s unique gameplay and how her training, equipment, and skills contrast Ellie’s. We hope you enjoy it:

Thank you again to everyone that has played The Last of Us Part II. For all those picking it up for the first time, we’d love to hear from you by following and tagging us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. We hope you stay safe, stay healthy, and have a happy holidays and a wonderful New Year.
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