Updated PS App includes new UI layout, integrated messages feature, support for voice chat, and more.
Today we’re introducing new ways to amplify your connections with friends and the games you love to play even when you’re away from your console. We’re pleased to unveil the updated PlayStation App, reimagined to enhance your gaming experiences on both PS4 and PS5.
Starting later today, the PS App will begin to roll out globally through updates on iOS (12.2 or later) and Android (6.0 or later) mobile devices. The PS App introduces fresh features such as voice chat, native PS Store integration, and a smoother experience delivered in an all-new design.
Please note: the Android version of the update is a phased release and may take one week until the update is reflected on your mobile device.
Here’s a list of the key features for PS App:
- Updated user interface – The first thing you’ll notice is the sleek new user interface of the redesigned PS App. The new home screen lets you quickly see what your friends are playing and access details about your recently played games, including your Trophy List.
- Messages integration – For a unified experience, the PS Messages app feature will now be integrated in the updated PS App so you can seamlessly message your friends all in one place. As part of this integration, PS Messages will no longer be available as a standalone app. Your existing messages and threads in PS Messages will be carried over to the updated PS App.
- Voice Chat and Party Groups – You can now create party groups from PS App, and voice chat with up to 15 other friends though your mobile phone. Also, a note to fans: the PlayStation team is looking into your feedback around the Parties changes introduced in the PS4 system software update 8.00. There are no updates to share today, but thanks for speaking up about your concerns – we’re listening and evaluating.
- Natively integrated PlayStation Store and remote downloads – The new native PS Store experience enables fast and smooth shopping and browsing, with the ability to remotely download games and add-ons directly to your PS4 and PS5.
- New features for PS5 – When PS5 arrives, you’ll be able to remotely launch games, manage storage on your console if you run out of space while downloading a game, and quickly sign in to PS5 straight from the PS App.
- All the latest PlayStation news – The Explore tab surfaces Official News from game developers and PS Blog content to help you stay up to date with the world of PlayStation.
If you don’t have the PS App yet, you’ll need an account for PlayStation Network to access the updated app. If you don’t have an account yet, please visit this link and follow the steps to sign up.
The new PS App can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play.
Our team of dedicated designers and engineers has worked tirelessly to deliver our best companion app yet. Take it for a spin and let us know what you think in the comments!
Great app!
But I miss a wishlist feature.
There’s already browser’s plugins out there to do this, so why not implement this very simple feature on your platform?
Hi there.
One of the main reasons why I game on a PlayStation instead of a PC is because I can see my friends lists activities and trophie achievement. I love matching myself up against friends and see who can get what trophies first or just congratulate them on their achievements. That’s been taken away. If it doesn’t come back I might as well get myself a PC and sell my PS5. Please bring it back as it was a major reason why I enjoyed console gaming on a PlayStation. Thank you.
Maybe Im blind, but where is the ‘Wishlist’ in the app??
I can’t believe you actually made the app worse:
I tried browsing through the deals section only to find that there are no filtering options whatsoever.
I’m completely at the mercy of whatever order is there by default and if the sale has hundreds of items, I have little choice but to scroll through the entire list or randomly search for a game, DLC or other in the hope that it is on sale. That or just don’t bother trying to buy anything in the first place.
Very, very disappointed!
Wish they didn’t take away the activities and communities from app 😔
The messages part of the app doesnt appear as robust as the prior standalone, in that I can’t click on something to see all the images sent back and forth, unless I’m missing it.
I have to say I’m very disappointed in the store part of the app… The only good thing about it is easier access to our subscriptions. But the things I used most are all gone and the usage has become tedious to say the least.
– wishlist is gone, so no more tracking the pricedrop you’ve been waiting for (and no I’m not paying full price for digital, I’ll find a cheap disc secondhand then).
– no more ps3, psvita or psp games available through the app, I’m not going to turn on every one of my consoles every time a new sale comes on (and I don’t think I’m the only one thinking that way).
– no filtering in the ‘deals’ section. If I want to scroll through deals I’d love to have the option not to have to scroll through an impossible amount of them because every dlc is in there along with the game. I mean, it used to go helluva fast when you could go through the pages, now it needs to load every 12 tiles… I’m not wasting an hour to see if there MIGHT be something in there to my tastes… Especially since I can’t track it anymore as per removal of the wishlist.
Sony I love you but atm I don’t feel any love back.. at all, not even for my money… Which you should be encouraging me to spend, make me happy I am spending. You just made shopping for games a chore and on this I have to say: how could you?!
Ps app is so great I can’t even use it🙄
Am I missing something or is there no more media?
I used to be able to post pictures and comments like Facebook almost. IDK I can’t find it. Does anyone know if it still exists?
After some days using the new app and the Store I’ll leave here some comments.
The user interface of the app is quite good, intuitive, easy to navigate through, clean and clear.
I think it would be interesting to include some customization / sorting options, for example display options in the games library and blog, being able to view them in list mode or in smaller bullets than the current ones.
In the Store I like that screenshots and videos are back in the info of the games, because when you access via browser on the computer they are gone. Also, it would be great to have the option to expand them full screen.
I am deeply sorry for the decision to remove the wish list. It was one of the features I used the most, not only to track offers but also to add games that I found interesting browsing though the store and to see them in depth at another time.
This is so bad! I really likes ps messages, with ”players met” part and easier chatting! This app is very frustrating for quick chat. Can you at least restore the players met option?
Hy all, one question! In the new playstation app, wher can i find now the favorites game list (games that “added to favorites”) that i had on the old app?
hello I love this new PlayStation app but remote play keeps disconnecting
Can you add the ability to kick players from group chats using the PS App?
How can I share a URL? For example a link to a reddit page or google docs?
Many thanks in anticipation of your help!
Remind me again why “Wishlist” was removed from the app? There really can’t be a valid reason, a reason that benefits the users; there can’t be! It’s a harmless function that enables some users track games they want to buy; what could possibly be the reason for removing it??? Baffles me
Don’t like it, can’t find the feed on the app and it’s confusing to use.
Messages problem: The “send” button is frequently grayed out so messages cannot be sent. Other times the send icon is replaced with a “mic” icon. Restarting app and phone does not resolve the issue.
Using Android 8.0
Where are the Communities in the new PS App? I can’t find them anywhere.
Bring back the previous style of chat parties. No having to create groups. The new way just irritates people getting all those invites. The old way let’s your friends join you as they please, kind of like having a friend drop by while they were in the neighborhood (or if they see that annoying person’s car out front they can keep driving). It would bre more welcoming and not force anyone against their will either.
The new PS Store is missing everything that was useful in the previous version. no more sorting, filtering, wishlist, you can’t even add an item to the cart without clicking on it first. Who was the responsible for this disaster?
Thanks for the update. I wish you hadn’t deleted my wishlist, though. I had over a hundred games in it!
Also, I love all of your older systems. I’m disappointed that I can no longer manage all of my consoles from my phone.
The app looks good, but please add the option to switch between landscape and portrait modes. I usually run this app on a tablet that has a keyboard attached. The tablet is always sitting in landscape mode to maximize horizontal display space and take advantage of split screen apps. Having the PS App hardcoded so that it only displays in portrait mode is a BIG negative.