The newest monster in the New World introduces new challenges and gear... for those brave enough to face it.
Attention all hunters! The fearsome Deviljho has been sighted in the New World, and we need you to gear up, investigate and control the inevitable damage.
With the version 2.00 update for Monster Hunter: World now available, hunters around the globe will be required to exercise extra caution while exploring the New World. The Deviljho, known for its extremely powerful jaws and relentless pursuit of prey, will start roaming all of the environments of the New World, during expedition and quests ranked 6 and 7 Stars. Make sure to pack plenty of Nulberries and Adamant Seeds.
Hunters brave enough to track down this terrifying tyrant will have a chance to take on a Special Assignment called “The Food Chain Dominator.” Those that defy the status quo and come out on top will be handsomely rewarded with materials to craft powerful weapons and armor.
The version 2.00 update also introduces the handy Dragonproof Mantle (which will be quite handy against Deviljho) as well as some game system changes and a number of weapon balance updates; you can read the full list on the Monster Hunter: World official website.
This title update is just the beginning. From April 6th until April 19th, we’ll be hosting the first of our seasonal events in Monster Hunter: World—more details coming soon here at PlayStation.Blog!—and we have more of these big updates planned for the near future alongside our schedule of weekly event quests. The New World is about to get a lot more dangerous.
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