PlayStation Store’s mysterious Merchant returns with a peek behind the curtain.
Last year, PlayStation Store turned 10! We celebrated with a video that introduced an iconic Merchant, the embodiment of the magic and mystery of PlayStation Store. I know that the Merchant has become a bit of a fan favorite among the PlayStation community, so today, I’m delighted to announce that our friend returns in a powerful new chapter that you can watch at the top of this post.
Watch our new spot as the Merchant descends deeper into the Store, passing through different worlds within some of PS4’s biggest upcoming games: Call of Duty WWII, God of War, and Star Wars Battlefront II, just to name a few.
PlayStation Store has come a long way, but this is just the beginning. This year we’ve introduced the popular new Discover the Creators series, which curates games selected by some of the biggest names in game development, from Yoko Taro (Nier: Automata) to Herman Hulst (Horizon: Zero Dawn) and more.
And of course, PlayStation Store continues to boast special features like preorder and preloading, which accelerates your ability to get closer to the games you love.
Enjoy our new video and let us know what you think! And keep an eye peeled for Easter Eggs – there are quite a few to be found!
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