In celebration of Dead Rising’s 10th Anniversary, we’re excited to announce that Capcom is bringing Dead Rising, Dead Rising 2, and Dead Rising 2: Off the Record to a new generation of zombie slayers on PS4 with classic zombie sandbox gameplay and upgraded graphics presented in 1080p and targeting 60 frames per second.
Since we began working on the Dead Rising series with Dead Rising 2, the studio has joined the Capcom family and officially become Capcom Vancouver. We love the series, and like Dead Rising fans the world over, can’t wait to get our hands on these updated versions.
Here are the details:
- Dead Rising (PS4)
- Dead Rising 2 (PS4)
- Dead Rising 2: Off the Record (PS4)
- Dead Rising Triple Pack (PS4)
- Digital bundle for $59.49 that includes all three games (Dead Rising, Dead Rising 2, and Dead Rising 2: Off the Record)
- Preorder the Dead Rising Triple Pack starting today for 16% off the normal bundle price at just $49.99!
Release Date
- Digital (all three games) — September 13
- Retail Disc (North America only) — Dead Rising and Dead Rising 2 only
- Dead Rising — September 13
- Dead Rising 2 — September 27
2016 is the year of Dead Rising. With 10 years of zombie expertise under our belt, we are looking forward to introducing a new generation of PlayStation fans to the franchise. What a time to be undead!
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