Brace yourselves, brawlers! Aksys Games and Arc System Works proudly announce that BlazBlue: Central Fiction is coming to the PS4 and PS3 Winter 2016!
The latest entry in the BlazBlue franchise, Central Fiction introduces an all-new story and features tons of characters, new and old alike. Demon/cyborg hybrids, vampires, cat people, berserkers, and science experiments run amok are but a fraction of what you can expect to see on the packed fighter roster. Familiar faces return to wreak havoc while new challengers emerge from the sidelines with flashy moves and insane techniques.
Blazblue is a series that has always been known for its over-the-top gameplay and Central Fiction continues that tradition with two new game mechanics. Players have even more strategic possibilities for combat with the additions of Exceed Accel and Active Flow. Exceed Accel is activated during an Overdrive and unleashes a chaotic attack that deals massive damage to the opponent. Active Flow utilizes the Heat Gauge and once activated, boosts your attack power as well as your Exceed Accel damage.
Adding more mechanics and offensive weapons to your move arsenal might seem overwhelming, but options are a fighter’s best friend and one can never have enough to add to their bag of beat down tricks. Still not convinced? Fear not! If you’re getting clobbered on the learning curve, simply choose Stylish mode and tune up the competition with simplified move inputs. A fighting game is nothing without battlefields to brawl on and Central Fiction weighs in with tons of arenas and level variations. New locales and familiar stomping grounds are all rendered in 3D and offer a unique contrast to the intricately hand-drawn 2D fighter sprites.
Dust off your knuckles, fighting fans! Like a well-timed 2D punch, Central Fiction bashes massive amounts of content into one slick title that hits hard (in all the right places!) and keeps the pummeling steady. Coming to PS4 and PS3, BlazBlue: Central Fiction steps onto the battlefield this winter!
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