Today’s the day. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is out! That’s a surreal statement to make. It’s even more surreal to think that so many of you finally get to turn on your PS4 and go on the final adventure with Nathan Drake. There were times during production when we actually thought, we’re not going to make it — this is the game where our ambition will get the best of us.
This game’s production was hard — probably the hardest out of all the games we’ve ever made. Our ambition was high; the scope was massive; but compromise wasn’t an option because we knew — this is our last Uncharted. Everyone on the team was going to give it their all because we love these characters.
A team of hundreds of the most talented individuals in the industry rose to the challenge in creating the closing chapter for Nathan Drake’s story. Every discipline wanted to make sure that their area of the game did justice to the series. We’ve pushed, helped, and motivated each to create something beyond the limits of what we thought was possible.
Standing back… we’re in awe. We knew the individual parts were great, but seeing how the game came together into something truly beautiful fills us with gratitude and pride. We are extremely proud of the send-off we’re giving these characters — and we couldn’t be prouder of the team that crafted it.
From everyone at Naughty Dog, we thank you for your support — without it we couldn’t make these kinds of games. We hope our passion and dedication comes through. We hope we’ve done you proud.
Until next time,
Neil & Bruce
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