PlayStation 3.50 System Software Update Out Tomorrow

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PlayStation 3.50 System Software Update Out Tomorrow

Our next major system software update for PS4, version 3.50 (codenamed MUSASHI), is out tomorrow!

While we outlined some of the features last month before our beta program started, we wanted to give a more detailed look at the update and share some new info. We’re making it easier to play together with friends, adding the ability to appear offline, and more.

New Social Features

Appear Offline

PS4 System Software 3.50 - Appear Offline

On your Profile tab, we’ve added a new option called ‘Online Status.’ From here, you can choose to ‘Appear Offline.’ This could be useful if you want to play games or watch movies without your friends knowing you’re online. You can designate if you would like to appear offline when you log-in or at any time from your Profile, or by holding down the PS Button on DualShock 4 to bring up the Quick Menu.

Friend Online Notification

PS4 System Software 3.50 - Friend Online Notification

Now you can choose to get notified when your friends come online. To receive notifications, select a player on your friends list, press Options, and select ‘Notify When Online.’

User Scheduled Event

PS4 System Software 3.50 - User Scheduled Event

PS4 System Software 3.50 - User Scheduled EventPS4 System Software 3.50 - User Scheduled Event

On the Events tab, we’re adding the ability to schedule gameplay sessions with your friends. Just select ‘Create Event,’ and you’ll be able to make an invitation for an upcoming gameplay session. Choose the day, time, game, and send it off to your friends. When your event starts, users who registered will automatically be added to a party so you can start playing right away.

You can also share an event to a group, or a community that you’re a member of. Once shared, the event will be sent as a message, or posted to a community wall, and members can register from there

Play Together

PS4 System Software 3.50 - Play TogetherPS4 System Software 3.50 - Play Together

This feature allows all members of a Party to see what each person is playing so that you can easily join a friend’s game, or start a new game together.

Other New System Features

Remote Play (PC/Mac)

PS4 System Software 3.50 - Remote Play PC

With this update, we’re expanding PS4’s Remote Play capabilities to work with Windows PC and Mac.
Remote Play on PC / Mac is compatible with the following system software:

  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 10 or later
  • OS X 10.10
  • OS X 10.11

You’ll be able to select from the following resolution and frame rate options, depending on your Internet bandwidth.

  • Resolution options: 360p, 540p, 720p (Default: 540p)
  • Frame rate : Standard (30fps), High (60fps) (Default: Standard)

You can use one DualShock 4 as the controller for Remote Play, which needs to be connected to your PC / Mac via a USB cable.

After the system software update launches, you’ll be able to download the Remote Play Installer here.

Along with PS4’s 3.50 system software update, PlayStation App version 3.50 is out tomorrow as well. The main new features of this update are as follows:

  • User Scheduled Event
    • Users can schedule gameplay sessions with friends
  • Dailymotion has been added to Live from PlayStation
  • Other players’ shared activities appear in your activities

That’s a look at some of the big additions in this update. Of course, there are lots of other refinements and improvements to the system software overall.

Let us know what you think in the comments. As always, we’re listening and appreciate the feedback!

Comments are closed.


  • Regarding changing your PSN ID:

    “They’ve said multiple times they aren’t working on that. The way the Playstation network is coded your PSNID is rooted into everything related to you. To change your id would require ALL of the code be changed as well. Which is extensive…..and expensive.”

    I know that’s been their excuse, but from a technical perspective it’s b.s. All they’d have to do is turn your current PSN ID into the primary key for your account and then add the new PSN ID as the login name.

    For example if I wanted to change my PSN ID, then “ratchet426” would become the internal primary identifier for my PSN account in Sony’s database, then the new name I pick: “clank182” gets associated to (the now internally referenced) “ratchet426” primary identifier. Problem solve.

    The only downside to this approach is that “ratchet426” would forever be the internal primary identifier for my account so it could never be ‘freed up’ for some other person to use as their PSN ID.

  • With remote play on PC does this mean we will finally have proper drivers for the DS4 to work on PC? In other words, will we be able to use the DS4 on PC with other games without the need for third party programs like DS4 Tool?

  • Playstation remote play link dont work fix pls?

  • YES! im in japan right now so far from my playstation D: i hope this pc remote play works ok for me with out to much lag cant wait to try!!!

  • It’s pointless, I don’t see the point where the part to appear online or offline thats dumb.

    • Admittedly we all sometimes just want to game alone instead of being badgered by requests for rocket laugue, is it me

  • Some people are never happy, ps4 to pc play…….. Why can’t we use mouse and keyboard…… Because us PlayStation peasants aren’t into them

  • How can I download the remote play file for computer? I says file is not found when I click on it.

  • It sounds amazing with remote play, but I think it’s a shame that you only have one controller

  • With each update the system just keeps getting better. Now if I could only find a game that grabs my attention enough to keep me interested for more than a month! Play on PlayStation nation!

  • How about they up the number of how many people can be in a party? Because 8 is not enough when you have a big squad.

  • At this point should I just accept the fact that we’re not going to get external HD support…

  • I’m dying, waiting for this

  • download link work now

  • but app don’t work with old firmware

  • windows 8.1 and windows 10 or higher?
    millions of people still use Windows 7. what am i supposed to do now?
    windows 7 is better than any windows in any possible way. what would it cost you if you make it for all windows?
    am hoping and expecting to see windows 7 support, i have waited for this for so long and now i found out that i won’t be able to use it :/

    • It’s their product. Consume it on their terms or don’t use it.

    • @Hitman720

      Oh am sorry.
      are you staff? or are you employee? are you anything? No?
      then kindly keep yourself out of it.
      all customers are allowed to complain.
      You would’t say that if you did’t have the the required software…..

    • @MalekTheMVP

      Following the logic that you have the right to complain about a product that you had no part in developing…
      Hitman720 has the right to complain about your unwarranted temper tantrum about Sony not supporting old, mediocre software.

  • Can you make it compatible with windows 7 in the future please.

  • So I’m guessing 3.50 update will come after the remote play download? Just installed RP but the PS4 says that 3.15 is the most up to date version, hopefully by the time I get back from work it’ll be sorted. Weird that RP should be released before the system update, wait and see I guess :/

  • Windows 7 Windows 7 Windows 7 Windows 7 Windows 7 Windows 7 Windows 7 Windows 7

  • Looks like i will not be using remote play because it requires higher than windows 7.

  • i think this will be good to prank your friends with so they wont think your on but then you start a party with them

  • The remote play looks awesome even tho I would need to get a new computer what about vita?any plans to give a update so I can connect my ps4 controller without being in my ps4 range??if the remote play is as good as on the vita AL have no choice to upgrade my computer would b awesome to play at work

  • Thank you but where is Linux support?

  • TBH: You could have done the appear offline ages ago from someone who came from the Xbox 360 that was able to do that it was one step back…

    TBH #2: only some internet providers will ofter high speeds and like one commenter said the lack of remapping keys is a pain as some of us don’t want to carry a USB cable and the PS4 remote it self (try putting one in your pocket my remote dosnt fit)

    And lastly i would love to see more apps for the UK and Ireland as i feel we are lacking behind the US with some of the apps that not available to us overseas like facebook would be nice to see on the PS store along with twitter but apart from them things i cant wait to update my PS4 as i made PSos crash twice

  • ty for the remote control for pc

  • Can I get this sweet update soon? “You bet your sweet ass I can!!!”

  • PS Vita & PS Vita TV should have had a much needed update so that a PS VIta could be streamed like the PS3 & the PS4 via PS Vita TV. And also an update for PS3 & PS4 to enable Sony’s Attrac playback via Cd’s & Sony’s Hi-MD format via a USB connected Mini Disc Player. Other than that it’s all good.

  • I am really excited, may I know what time ? And is it available for Singapore?

  • No party chat on PC or Mac :-( Rubbish!!!!!! I can hear people but I can’t reply.

  • Add The SaveData Folder Like PS3?!?!

  • When I used Remote Play on PC all I get is a black screen. I hear the audio and can control the games, but I can’t see a damned thing.

  • So you have to be logged in with someone else’s account to be able to play games with the controller?

  • Wow. Sad. So we already know how to use a controller on a pc with bluetooth but you didn’t add that functionality? Really?

    No Windows 7 – LOL – You are competing against Microsoft rather than hugging each other right? No reason not to support Windows 7 rather than the newer (just awful without a touch screen) OS’s. Why do you need a fast internet connection for remote play if you use it in your own house with wifi/lan?

    Social stuff – Can we disable all of that yet and remove it to create more space?

    Still waiting to see the Store get a speed boost. It is so slow………

    Best thing is not even listed – Ratchet and Clank comes out next week! Way better news than this poor excuse for an “update”

    • Wow, games that were built for a PS4 and not a PC don’t have the same functionality such as bluetooth? Shocker.

      About Windows 7… I’ve been using Windows 10 for a while now, and it is just fine. The only thing that gave me a bit of trouble was the set-up process, but that could have just been my lap top – not entirely Windows 10. In short, no one will (likely) make you upgrade past Windows 7, but you need to learn that you will not, can not, reap all the benefits those using updated software.

  • Hello. While all of these updates are great. Still no video chat options for the PS4. Please bring back video chat. Thanks.

  • YES good bye people who annoy me while i play single player or just want to watch something without disturbance. usually have to turn off the network to play single player without getting invites to pointless games or party chats.

  • Please guys, add the option to play the games over Bluetooth in the future.

  • Hi i was wondering that the remote play streams footage using internet (data charges apply) or uses local network like Xbox app???
    Please answer me
    thx in advance

  • playing remote from work on my laptop and everything is working great!

  • thank you so much for remote play, that it is awesome!! (:

  • Bit of an edge case here but I’m running Ubuntu 14.04 as my host PC and Windows 10 as a Guest VM via Virtualbox. Just installed remote play, connected the USB Wireless controller and all worked perfectly. It even connected but alas the screen is blank. Its connected fine as I can hear sound from the PS4 theme I have installed and I can use the controller to move along the PS4 screen as I can hear it moving but alas no picture, just a blank screen :-(

    Anyhow know of a possible solution to this ?

    • I can only go based upon my experience with it and the fact that all the functions work for me while using remote play. I have one of two guesses for why people are experiencing issues for the blank screen and one for those who seem not to be able to chat.

      For the blank screen it is possible that the monitor or laptop screen does not support 520p and therefore nothing is showing up. Usually there is some sort of indicator to this though.

      The other thought is that your connection speeds might just be below the recommended settings. This is extremely unlikely as I would think you might have screen lag, not a completely blank screen. Same with voice chat issues.

      The other thing I think could be possible for voice chat is that the people have the headset connected to the computer directly and not to either the controller or the PS4.

      This is just speculation on my part though coming from someone who has these things working. How to fix said issues is something else entirely.

  • Sony wants us to get hyped over being able to game whilst appearing to be offline or a remote play feature which will probably used by around 1% of PSN gamers? :[ Are you serious?
    How about giving all the folks out there who bought overpriced cameras on launch day the opportunity to use them in video chat?
    The Ps3 can have 6 people in video chat, I’m sure most people would prefer that service on Ps4 instead of the useless gubbins in the 3.5 update.
    In fact, I’m sure a lot of people would just like the option to switch OFF the infernal controller light and save the daily battery life for an extra 6 hours, I have to charge 2 controllers a day because of that redundant light which, aside from playroom activities, serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever and is just a waste of electricity.
    Perhaps you could also try fixing the browsers ‘out of memory’ glitch, controller/text glitch or the repeated system crashes which occur after watching streams via Live.
    I paid 450 quid for a Ps4 which says beep beep beep every time I shut it down, a camera I can’t use for chat, a 3rd rate browser which has no Flash and despite having a 1tb hdd, repeatedly says ‘out of memory’ on websites like Eb*y.
    Shocking really.

  • My mac says it cannot link to ps4, I think it has to do something with the internet here, any solutions?

  • No bad features here but still no video chat. They also need to do something about PlayStation plus. It’s starting to loose its value with all the indie titles


  • Still no function to change our Online ID :( Anyone else still having to use the same name you created when you were 10 years old?

  • On the plus side, being able to appear offline is awesome.

  • Another update for the kids and yet again nothing for gamers.

  • WHOO HOO!! Playing my PS4 right now on my PC. Nifty feature!

  • Now that’s a system software update and a half. And wow are we coming of age with this new remote play capabilities. It just shows why we are the best and complete entertainment choice for all your entertainment needs. Can’t wait to see what our extremely talented team comes up with next. From your Customer Ambassador to the new PSNI PSN ID:bombbreath

  • I would love if you would expand the Bluetooth headphone support. I would rather use my $80 wireless headphones then my $6 wired ones. Also, some 5 gigahertz router support, so I can use my internet speed’s full potential. I’m not an Xbox fan, but their doing somethings the PS4 should take note off. Been with PlayStation since the original came out, but I’m tired of the limitations on PS4. It took three years for this update. What are you all doing at headquarters?

  • In my country the best internet speed gives arround 10 mgbs of download. There’s no way anyone here will be doing remote play on PC. Hopefully we’ll see a direct connection option between the PC and the PS4 like with the Vita in a later update.

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