Our beta program for PlayStation 4’s next major system software update, version 3.50 (codenamed MUSASHI), kicks off tomorrow. If you signed up for the beta and were selected, keep an eye on your email for instructions on downloading.
Regardless of whether you’re in the beta, we wanted to detail some of the key features we’re adding to PS4 in this update. We’re making it easier to play together with friends and adding the ability to appear offline when you’d rather play solo.
New Social Features
- Friend Online Notification – Want to know the moment your friends come online? With this update, you can, as we’ve added an option to be notified when members of your friends list sign on the network.
- Appear Offline – Sometimes you want to play a game or watch a movie without being bothered by friends. Now it’s easier to go incognito as we’ve added the option to appear offline. You can designate if you would like to appear offline when you log-in or at any time from your Profile or the Quick Menu.
- User Scheduled Event – Time for a play date! We’ve added the ability to schedule a future gameplay session with your friends on the system. When your event starts, users who registered for the event will automatically be added to a party so you can start playing right away.
- Play Together – This features allows all members of a Party to see what each person is playing so that you can easily join a friend’s game, or start a new game together.
Other New System Features
- Remote Play (PC/Mac) – We’re bringing PS4 Remote Play to Windows PC and Mac. This feature won’t be available to test in the beta, but you can look forward to it soon.
- Dailymotion – With this update, you’ll be able to live stream directly to Dailymotion on PS4. We’ll also support archiving live broadcasts, like we do for other streaming services.
Stay tuned for more details on MUSASHI, including additional key features and its release date.
Although it’s really nice to see some cool features coming alive, like many said before, it’s day 3487328472384732847283472383478327432 and still no ID change… >_>
BC please. 1 library 1 console
Make remoteplay happen on ipad. Thats be great.
Thank you Sony. Loving the new features coming in the update and I hope I get selected.
I’m sure there are more hidden features in this update. Perhaps even the folders organization.
All I want is for my media remote to NOT disconnect when I don’t use it for a few minutes. I mean…..when I am watching a movie I am not going to be fiddling with the remote. Then it disconnects. And yes, it only takes a second to hit the PS4 button to reconnect but come on….
I will be stoked to see remote play. We only have one TV, so being able to play PS4 on my MacBookPro on our lounge while my wife watches Netflix will be great!
I love having a PS4. I’m lucky enough to have an XB1 and they are both terrific consoles with MS and Sony working hard to add the features that we want.
I work in IT and changing a users ID is a difficult task. Your ID gets written to & referenced by so many places in an integrated system that making what we see as a simple change can echo for months, if not years. A system wide ID change would need to be tested to death as SONY know that if they turn this feature on and it is not perfect on day one, they will cop so much salt that it could cost them real money is lost sales as it would be worldwide news: “X million SONY PS4 users locked out of their machines with no fix due for weeks! In other news, the head of XBOX, Phil Spencer approves PS4 Trade in days ahead of ramping up of XB1 production”.
That sounds very doom and gloomish, but please be patient. Allowing people to change their ID’s is possibly the single biggest change that SONY could face. I know you can do it on XB Live (for a price), but that feature took years to implement.
Depending on how they implemented it and rolled out the PSN APIs, it certainly could be a challenge. For example, if the unique ID *is actually* the PSN name (as opposed to some internal ID, like a number or such), then, yeah–changing that could be a disaster across all the different games (think scoreboards, etc.), services and so on. That seems like extremely poor design, though (yes, even for the time when PSN was rolled out–not designing your database schemas that way is an age old rule of thumb).
I’d be surprised if that was the case, and it makes me wonder if there are some other details they’re concerned about. Perhaps while there is an internal ID separate to the PSN name, this internal ID was never exposed to games and services. This would result in the same issue above.
However, with some creativity and perhaps by introducing some limitations (e.g. ID change only works with PS4 and future consoles), it shouldn’t be an insurmountable task to introduce PSN ID change. For e.g. user records could maintain both the old ID and the new ID, and then you’d only have to modify authentication services to handle multiple IDs and dispense them appropriately to the requesting game/service/whatever.
I think all they need to do is create an alias(if its the case with your psn name is actually your ID which is just bad programming)
That way you can keep the psn name as the unique ID tied to everything and just replace the fields that are shown everywhere with the alias field.
it shouldnt be that hard at all.
They can even do it in phases. Change it on ps4 first or maybe on vita/psp first.