Last September we put a call out to PS4 owners to test out our next system software update and since we’re getting close to the release of our next update for PS4, we wanted to do it again! Starting today you can sign up to be a beta tester and get a sneak peek at some of the features making their way to your PS4.
Click here to sign up. The beta program will kick off in early March, and if you’re part of the program, you’ll receive an email with instructions on downloading the system software. You can roll back to the previous system software at any time, so don’t worry about downloading the beta. In order to sign up, you’ll need a PS4 with an Internet connection and a master account. We’ll share more details on the new features you’ll be able to test when the beta begins.
Be sure to join the PlayStation Forums to get access to our beta forums, so you can discuss the new features. We will be monitoring the forums throughout the beta. And while we can’t always implement changes suggested by the community, it’s super valuable for us to hear your feedback to help guide the direction we take. We’re always listening!
I want to personally thank everyone who signed up for the last beta, and I hope all of you (and those who didn’t, too) will sign up again. Don’t wait too long — we’re accepting a limited number of beta testers, so get in now before it’s too late.
For ps4 I want really two things.
1. Custom wallpapers for top and bottom like the vita.
2. Folders so I can organize the randomize mess at the bottom.
Also please repatch the Vita. The newest patch keeps killing my battery. Quite annoying. I can’t take it on trips without worrying it’s going to fail to sleep correctly and decharge.
Please let us change our names!
@ TwinDad Skype never coming to the PS4 and that’s a Fact
Please add the ability to see how much game time you have on games.
Please add “Appear Offline”, I don’t need my boss knowing why I called out when The Division and Dark Souls 3 III roll around.
invite FREINDS to watch streams on LIVE from PLaystation
Tag friends on items you want them to check out on the Playstation store(may lead to more sales)
You know what i want the most?? I’m surprised i even have to say this is a feature i want but for the love of God fix your download list. I have to scroll through 2000 titles just to see things i have downloaded.. and the worst part is if i scroll down and click download on one of the titles the friggin thing starts back at the top again. it is the most frustrating thing about the psn store to me.. why show me 1000 ps3 and ps4 games i can’t download and have to scroll through on my vita? just show me vita downloads. is it really that hard? put a search function, anything.. it’s ancient, even on the ps3 it was ancient..
Actually; could we get larger party sizes? 8 is cool; but for some games it gets to be slightly too small a size
Here’s something for you Sony to add to the next PS4 system software update: Adding compatibility with the original disc for PS2 games released on the PS4, and allow those who already own the digital versions of those PS2 games on the PS3 to download the digital versions of those PS2 games on the PS4 either for free or for a small upgrade fee. Or better yet, have us install a PS1/PS2 emulator on the PS4 that allow us to play any PS1/PS2 game on the original disc, especially those that will be unlikely to be digitally released on the PS4 (including Budokai 3 and Hulk Ultimate Destruction). It’s shame that a high-end PC can run PS1/PS2 games and the PS2 Slim/PS3 can run PS1 games, both on the original discs through software emulation with little-to-no issues, yet the PS4 can’t do it. Not being able to run PS3 games on the PS4 through software emulation I can understand (due to the Cell processor on the PS3), but not being able to run PS1/PS2 games on the PS4 through software emulation? Gimme a break.
external hard drive support would be great.
Make name change
Folders, “friend online” notifications, ps3 cross-chat? Probably not gonna happen, but would be cool. MASS options.. like mass deleting of messages. Simple stuff. Playstation is King.. please DO NOT do ANYTHING similar to Xbox homescreen, or any other xbox-exclusive junk, regardless of people asking for it. If they like it so much, they can go play xbox.
I hope they increase the maximum number of people in a party
PLEAAAAASEEEE add name change. I am begging PlayStation to add this to the new software update
Folders on the UI. That is all.
PS: someone suggested a “time played” metric for games. Some support this internally, but it’d be a “nice to have” for all games/apps in general. So now that is all!
Add the ability to sort and arrange games and apps. Also, please allow me to delete games and apps I no longer use (demos, 2014 E3 app, WWE network app, etc.)
The only thing i want is PlayStation One Classics on PS4…PSP and Vita support them…how hard can it be to have them supported on PS4?
Please add support:
1) Add PS2 disc support for PS4 system since was DVD support we can play.
2) Add friends online notifications
3) Allow store photo and video in PS4 HDD always view content
4) Allow multitasking run in background anytime
Can you do it please?
Can you please add so that you can update your sub account into a master account
Please on the Next Update allow customizate wallpapers, storage Media on HD , Bar blue when its On. Thank You
Can we have the following
Able to delete betas and demos from our download list
Change our psn id
If we read messages on one console we dont have to read it on another
filter download list
Voice chat please! ALOT of build in games voice chats are beeing blocket even on NAT2! And sometimes even PARTY CHATS. When you think about it, its a basic, huge scaled, disfunction. Please! Fix it!
PLEASE let one of the features be the ability to hook up external HDs. I upgraded my HD and for some reason my Dying Light save DID NOT go to the cloud! So it’s still on the drive and I want that save because I am NOT starting back over. Plus I really want to play The Following.
External hard drive support an clean my library up folders would be nice an more useage for the camera
I would like a customizable interface. Folders, background, our own profile picture. Be able to delete games in the library.
No thanks, not signing up to brick my playstation.
Add Lifelog Support
Let our PSN activities sync with your Lifelog app. One Sony!
I think its time for an overhaul on the ui
1 make it super easy to text are friends with voice commend
2 make the homescreen neater and whats new should start when you boot up your game with a cleaner look
add colors customization for are icon and tiles and costume wallpaper
3 increase the party chat limit and changing are psn name
4 being able to add a post to the whats new like facebook.
5 make the voice commend more fun and useful; like turning on the console or texting friends and voice commend should work in party chat and this is an idea make a siri like voice person to help guide.
6 being able to download music from CD or usb
7 the profile should have a cover photo of are screenshots and use the ps home avater to make are homescreen alive but better then xbox
8 there should be an option to have an admin for user accounts
9 sharing are favorite trophy are profile
10 add people to are favorites (so are favorites can show up online) and fallowing them
11 the ps2 boot sound (when you launch ps2 games) for the boot screen
12 There should a feedback botton to add ideas
thats my idea of an overhaul update :)
Please make a local firmware that would be able to edit the profile and view trophies with the lack of internet connection
Please add external USB HDD support for games to install
I would like add the ability for John Koller to actually do his job as Vice President of Playstation Marketing and actually market the Vita instead of letting it die a slow painful death. I also want Shuhei Yoshida fired. Because he’s a hack.
I hope they add the ability to hide or remove things from the Library. I have a lot of betas and demos cluttering up my Library that I would like to do something about.
Ps1 backwards comaptiblity maybe? Not paid emulation. I mean i know it can’t really play ps3 games. Ps2, i can see it but won’t complain as much seeing as we will never get ps2 bc for disc and digita games we already bought. At the very least though, at least gives us Ps1 bc for discs and digital games we bought. The ps4 should be able to at least play those. Considering how old ps1 games are, and they don’t take up much memory.. So here is to hoping we can get ps1 bc and not have to pay a dime if we already own the game.
And possibly be able to download tv shows and movies we already bought instead of streaming. It sucks when either your internet or psn is down and you can’t access your vides
PLEASE Add folders for the library. Also let me hide demos, betas, & content not downloaded if I want? I would also really appreciate being able to download and play the content I bought on my PS3. Even if it was just for content you previous purchased only and even if it had a cost? And also why cant I play my digital download of PS1’s Spyro The Dragon (very first one) on my PS4 & PS Vita. My PS3 played it and I think the old PSP did as well but I don’t have those more. I just think the PS4 should be able to do more then the PS3/PSP/PS Vita…
But Thank You PlayStation! I’m loving my new Darth Vader PS4!!!
Add Apple Music support
@ everyone who wants HDD support. you must have your external HDD formatted to a FAT32 file system, as NTFS is not supported by PS4 or PS3. I have a brand new Segate External HDD and it works perfectly on my PS3 and PS4 with a FAT32 file system. and use it to back up both of my systems regularly.
It’s not huge if the ability to changed PSN ID is not implemented.
You should let us remove ANY game from our Trophy List, and not just 0% ones. I have games I’ll never play again but have 1% of trophies in. Would love to get rid of them.
Just make it subtract whatever trophies when you delete them off the list.
PSN name change option please!!
I signed up. Another link I saw was for EU but this is for NA. If I get in, that’s fine and I’ll try to accept whatever happens. And if not accepted, that’s OK too.
Good luck to all concerned. :)
Name changes?
– Expanded Remote Play device compatibility
– Menu folders & improved library organization features
– No disc requirement after game installation
– Ability to change PSN settings like ID and region
– Improvements to ‘Events’ and ‘Community’
appear offline. seriously. sometimes i just want to be left alone and not feel like a **** for ignoring invitations and i don’t want to have to completely cut off my network to do it.
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1) PSN ID change please (we have been wanting this for ages now)
2) and the ability to change one’s psn status, eg. offline, busy, N/A
Signed up hope i can get in. Also hope that a lot of features asked for are in this update
Fingers crossed I get to test this one!