PlayStation Plus members have spoken! The chosen title for March’s free games line up is Broforce.
Also, Plus members will get Action Henk and Assault Android Cactus at a 30% discount starting March 8th through March 21st. Congratulations to all three titles for their entry into our Vote to Play promotion! We also wanted to give a special thanks to all Plus members for their vote. We can’t wait until the games are released.
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Hi PS Plus members! Vote to Play voting begins today. Let’s learn about the games, the studios that made them, and how you can vote to include one of these incredible projects in the March PS Plus free games lineup.
Action Henk!
Studio Name: RageSquid
Studio Location: Utrecht, Netherlands
Development Time: 18 months
From the Team:
Action Henk is a fast-paced running, jumping, and butt-sliding platformer in a glorious 3D, toy filled world!
We’d love to share Action Henk with the PS Plus players for free, so vote for Henk!
Assault Android Cactus
Studio Name: Witch Beam
Studio Location: Brisbane, Australia
Development Time: 3 years
From the Team:
Assault Android Cactus is a fast-paced, tightly-tuned shoot ’em up that plays like a modern day arcade. It’s exciting to see Cactus make it to PS4, so we hope you’ll vote for it so everyone can get to experience it!
Studio Name: Free Lives
Studio Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Time of Development for the Game: 3 1/2 years. Like liberty, it cannot be measured in a linear time frame.
From the Team:
Broforce fights terror in the name of freedom through the use of excessive force to blast liberty into terrorists. Vote for Broforce because freedom should be free.
To get your vote in, fire up your PS4. Access Vote to Play under the dedicated PlayStation Plus section on the top left corner of your PS4 home screen. Details can also be found under What’s New or the PlayStation Plus section of the PlayStation Store.
Happy voting!
Broforce is amazing ive played it on pc
Really tough between Assault Android Cactus and BroForce. I am a Sucker for twin sticks though so I will vote AAC
Both are my picks as well although even though I already have Broforce on my PC I still voted for it since I was going to buy it again anyway. It’s that good.
Average critic rating scores according to Metacritic:
Assault Android Cactus: 79 / 100
Broforce: 83 / 100
Action Henk: 74 / 100
Average user rating scores according to Metacritic (I tend to take these with a grain of salt as they’re usually just people overreacting and jacking up/bringing down the score of titles to fit their viewpoints):
Assault Android Cactus: 6.7 / 10
Broforce: 8.2 / 10
Action Henk: 7.7 / 10
I feel like the last time people voted for Grow Home based on the graphics and possibly also the publisher (Ubisoft) and it wasn’t great. I think the main thing to think about here is gameplay and variety.
Sorry, I meant to specify that those are PC scores not PS4 so unless it’s a really bad or good port the numbers may average around the same.
im was torn betwen AAC n Broforce until i looked at gameplay n broforce gets the vote. i love twin stick shooters but after seeing how AAC looks specially compared to Helldivers (which is free this month for ps+) i have to go with Broforce with couch co-op is must even if it dont win im buying it. Action Henk! is different i give it that but i cant see myself playing it at all on ps4 over my other ps4 titles and i’d probably try it for once on vita n never play it again also does it remind anyone else dorito dash 2 for xbox360… lol