PS Plus: Free Games for December, 2015

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PS Plus: Free Games for December, 2015

Attention, PlayStation Plus members! We have another set of great PS4 games for you to enjoy, just in time for the holidays. Whether you prefer a good ol’ fashioned romp through a dungeon, or maybe a light-hearted story of adventure, we’ve got you covered with two reimaginings of classic gaming goodness.

Up first is Gauntlet: Slayer Edition on PS4. Plunge into the dungeons on your own or with friends in this action-packed RPG. Face monstrous hordes of enemies, prowl crumbling catacombs for gold, and unearth incredible weapons. All in the name of fame and fortune!

PS Plus: Free Games for December, 2015

Also on offering is the critically-acclaimed first chapter in the new King’s Quest series, titled A Knight to Remember. Journey through the memories of King Graham as he recounts his adventures to become a knight of Daventry.

For the full list, head below. These games are free starting on the first Tuesday of December. Happy holidays!

Full Lineup:

  • Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, PS3
  • Freedom Wars, PS Vita
  • Gauntlet: Slayer Edition, PS4
  • King’s Quest — Chapter 1: A Knight to Remember, PS4
  • Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken, PS Vita
  • SSX, PS3

Before you go, we want your feedback! Please leave us a comment below and tell us what you think of the lineup. Thank you for stopping by.

Until next time! Enjoy.

Comments are closed.


  • I Always said you can`t make excuse for free stuff but sony please this generation your better than microsoft in alot of aspect instead free monthly games ، at least an AAA old game

  • Can’t wait to play bloodborne, been looking forward to playing the witcher 3… Wait neither of these games will come to plus, nor will any even year or two old AAA GAME!

  • This is an awesome line-up! I loved FW and I played gauntlet on the ps2 back in the day (used to do the arcade version). I don’t knew why everyone complains though. Companies have to make money somehow. And not just that, the company (I.e Sony ) needs the permission from the developing company to make the games free. What company wants to be skimmped out because another wants to get that $60 per person a year or so? Also, no one forced anyone to join ps plus, and many of us ps plus members enjoy the additive perks that follow either than the few free games we receive from PlayStation.

  • the last months we got only low budget games the price is going up but the service is going down thanks sony

  • Let me start off by saying plus has been absolutely horrible since day 1 ps4. Kings quest ep 1 are you kidding me? A demo basically? Then gauntlet some dumb re done n64 game. Maybe if Sony was spending less money on vr and it’s games we could have better titles. And wheres all the exclusives already? Yeah there’s been a bit but xbox is doing what you guys did last out Sony greed kills

  • Guess who won’t be renewing this year. SSX and Blood Dragon are awesome but come on guys, this is like the biggest month of the year for you guys and this is disappointing. It’s been at least 5 months since I’ve seen a game that I find worth playing or I didn’t already get on sale for less than $15. I really want to like plus but ya know.

  • we want just a full-priced retail game for december christmas but instead they make what they want, really?
    i will never buy a game until we get something better for ps4, when this doesnt change i wait until my subscription runs out and then i will sell my ps4.
    no games, bad ps plus, bad servers, bad service thats all what you get. im pretty angry about no games this year.
    we receivec nothing for ps plus 2015, and that was a mistake by sony, not even 1 good game, really?

    • I would say that’s your opinion and most would agree cheer up a little bit don’t be so entitled and you might enjoy something.

  • i wont renew too… Weak up sony this is a shame.

  • Ooh I’m looking forward to Kings Quest.

  • Well, i was debating yesterday if i should buy freedom wars or a 3 months psn plus subscription and see if the rumors were true and freedom wars would be the psn plus game of december, i am glad i believed the rumors and bought psn plus because now i have dragon fin soup and freedom wars :)

  • why they stop highlighting PS3 & Vita games on their Video?

  • “Before you go, we want your feedback! Please leave us a comment below and tell us what you think of the lineup.”
    Just check the ratio likes/dislikes on the YT video and the comments and you have your feedback~

  • Happy 2 year anniversary!!!!

    Here’s a pile a crap… thanks!

  • All of those moaning about king’s quest spare a thought for those of us who bought the series in august and still haven’t got chapter 2 now, at this rate the whole series will be out in 2018 lol. As for gauntlet, its just a cheap as chips version of Diablo 3 and nowhere near as good!.

  • This lineup is one of the reasons I am not renewing ps plus I already own 4 of those games cause they were on sale in the past few months disappointed guy here thinking about the xbone more now than ever

  • Another month, another list of boring PS4 games, I still have faith.

  • More Garbage shovelware. Remove the mandatory Online paywall from your garbage service please and keep your JUNK “free” games.

    Be nice if I could at least consider using that outdated, underpowered, restrictive P.O.S. Console, but it’s useless without PSMinus and I am NEVER paying for your garbage service again and therefore I will never buy another Sony Product again EVER, not a tv, not a phone, NOTHING.

    You lost a Customer forever, BUT as long as the Garbage console takes up space in my home you guys will here my dissatisfaction Every month when you announce your monthly Shovelware garbage.

    Happy holidays and see yas next month

  • And not a single official reply on this IGC post to answer all the complaints in the comments feed… I’m kind of not surprised. Since they made Plus mandatory to be able to play online for PS4 consoles (since PS4’s launch of course) they dropped the ball every single month with the IGC games… I hope all that money is being invested on the PSN platform, perhaps on next year’s first quarter we’re going to be able to change our PSN id’s… Yep, that’s it, that’s why all IGC games have been so lame since PS4’s launch.

    • How did they drop the ball, they gave away one of the best vita games. Far cry 3, is an amazing ps3 game and its free. Ps4 the section in thin but overall this is a really amazing drop.

  • Why don’t you take a look at xbox live gold ? See their free games ! Stop giving us those ****** games !!

  • I already BOUGHT both PS3 games ! It’s unbelievable to see that games with big promotions become free a few month later !

  • Awesome. Just spent $20 on Gauntlet a few days ago to play with my wife. Yay.

  • It is poor again this month, and Sony have missed a trick.

    With a large number of PS4’s being given as presents this Xmas day again, many users will look at this line up for PS+ and think ‘meh’ to subscribing

    I bought the PS4 back in Nov’ 13. Since then I’ve *endured* 2014 – the year of no titles – whereby the only games released were usual franchised games on their annual jolly, and a few major flops such as Watch Dogs. From PS+ I can honestly say the excellent “Don’t Starve” (a then year old PC port) and “Rocketleague” are the only great games we have seen on PS+ for PS4. Anything else since November 13 has been downloaded, played and deleted within a few hours. Correct me if I’ve missed a gem, but I dont think I have!

    I also bought a Playstation Camera – now officially the worse way to spend £55 ever. On release of the PS4 it was hyped as having a purpose, 2 years on, what have you released or made that focuses on the Camera game wise? If I could sell it, I would, but looks as though most punters online aint as stupid as me with their money

    • Yea, if there is only thing that they guessed right, it would be Rocket League!

    • I would add Resogun, Binding of Isaac, Rogue Legacy, Transistor, & Valiant Hearts as great PS+ games for the Ps4. I’ve enjoyed a lot of other titles too, but those really stick out as being special games that I could recommend to anyone. That said, everyone has different preferences so you might feel differently!

  • I quite like that as a selection. Cheers Sony.

  • Hi:
    What can I say? This is one of the WORST IGC Months EVER!
    Being a PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, PLAYSTATION 3, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 4 buyer since the beginning, the only thing I’ll do if SONY doesn’t change, is to stop supporting them.
    Red 5.

    • yeah same here red not happy at all

    • How so, Freedom wars is one of the better ps vita games. The fact that their giving it out for free is amazing. Also Far cry 3 is a really amazing game, so ps3 players are lucky too. Ps4 seems kinda bad but other than that.

  • and I pay my subscription for what ??
    a couple of old crappy arcade games not being funny playstation
    but even your ps3 titles are better than the crap your trying to
    hand us out for ps4 £300 pound console and that’s the best
    you come up with insulting
    good job I have an xbox one

    • I have both machines as well, and considering backwards compatibility XBL gives 4-5 titles a month. I cannot understand why Sony is isn’t valuing PS+ subscribers with quality games (a new Gauntlet is great? really?).

  • I remember ps plus on PS3 was amazing. We didn’t have to pay for online and if you had plus you would get amazing games like infamous, far cry 2 etc I loved play station it was owning Xbox big time. Then ps4 came along and we now have to pay to play online and we keep getting ****** indie games I’m so tired where are the AAA titles? Xbox already has given away 4 AAA titles (ac black flag, tomb raider, Rayman etc and now a 5th thief.) so far on ps plus we’ve only got injustice god among us. I think we’re overdue a triple a game? What about little big planet, knack, anything?

  • I’m a happy customer of playstation, and I don’t feel “cheated” or “robbed” about any of the free games each month, if I buy a game on discount and later is free on ps plus I don’t care because if I cancel my ps+ subscription I get to keep those games. However… I do feel like sony isn’t making a very good job at planning ahead what games in what dates are they giving away, I mean, they are, but not so smartly. This games just don’t feel like december for me, they should be presents that everyone would be happy and eager to get home and open, instead they feel like they are just.. there, you know? Sony: learn from the best, please take a look at now thats christmas already for me, and there are not giveaways.

  • Great games, looking forward to playing both ps4 games next month.

  • I didn’t even notice we are only getting the first episode of King’s Quest. That’s just sad.

  • Oh look, more games we could get on Steam on sale for $5 anyways. Rocketbirds is literally $1.49 right now…
    Also this episodic crap needs to stop. At least they gave us a whole season of walking dead last month (even though itwas the 2nd one if you hadn’t played the first.. ) but now the FIRST episode of Kings Quest? What about the rest of the game. is this a drug deal now? First one is free but we have to pay for the rest?
    When the hell are we going to get a quality title on PS4 that isn’t a crap-ass indy platformer or looks like it could have been on a PS1.
    Meanwhile… ps3 users get triple AAA titles like every month…

  • A decent lineup this coming month. Rocketbirds is the only one I’m iffy about. Only because I don’t know much about it.

  • This is *SO* frustrating. Sony, you’re a jerk.

    King’s Quest Season Pass includes episodes 2-5, which is what you’d be looking at after getting episode 1 free next week. It costs $29.99, so you’re saving about $10 from buying each episode.

    King’s Quest: The Complete Collection includes episodes 1-5, plus an exclusive Epilogue you can’t get otherwise. Experience suggests that once you get episode 1 free from Plus, this won’t be available for purchase – which means, get episode 1, never ever play the epilogue. But wait, it gets worse – normally $39.99, it’s on sale this week for $29.59 – which means it’s 40 cents CHEAPER to *NOT* get episode 1 for free next week if you want the whole thing.

    Get that? Next week’s free episode 1 DENIES you the epilogue (probably) and is a WORSE deal than you can get TODAY.

    There better be a really good sale along with the free episode 1, or this is a disaster.

  • Guys, it’s easy to see what has happened here. For the first time, Sony has a sizable lead over Microsoft in the Console Wars. The PS4 has FAR outsold the XBone.

    Therefore, Sony feels it doesn’t have to try as hard with things like PS+. They don’t have to make it as attractive because PS4 sales make them more than enough dough. I highly doubt PS+ sales represent a big portion of Sony’s money. So, they don’t put much effort into it.

    Frankly, they don’t give a rat’s behind about PS+. Anyone who has been paying even a little attention to their monthly lineup the last couple of years knows this. The offerings are minor league all the way.

    I didn’t renew my subscription for 2016 and I am just fine with that.

  • Another disappointing month, I bought a 2nd PS4 for black friday and will end up returning it once it arrives, going to order an xbone, i know they are always in stock.

  • Stoked!! Ive heard the beyond guys all rave about fredom wars, & have been almist rady to buy it. The chicken thing looks fun to me. The last couple months have kinda sucked on Vita but thes are both kinda exciting.

    Ive been looking for some new good couch co-op to play with my Wife, and get Gauntlet this month. And 2 great ps3 games to boot.

  • Wow. I assumed spell check worked better on this phone…..

  • So we are getting just the first chapter of kings quest and the rest of it we must buy? Thx SONY

  • CRAAAAAAAAP!!!……….another month of bs…..oh wait……is that the sounds of the suck ups feeding on Sony’s teet. I can they are not free. We are subscribers to a SERVICE….part of that SERVICE is monthly games that do not cost extra. As subscribers of a SERVICE we have every right to complain when that SERVICE declines steadily. I can only hope that some of you are trying some reverse psychology on Sony in hopes that it will improve their mood and give you better games. Because if you cant see these games suck it is time to turn in your PS4 and dust off the old coleco vision.

  • CRAAAAAAAAP!!!……….another month of BS…..oh wait……is that the sounds of the suck ups feeding on Sony’s teet. I can already here the chant “you guys are complaining about free games”…….OK A-holes they are not free. We are subscribers to a SERVICE….part of that SERVICE is monthly games that do not cost extra. As subscribers of a SERVICE we have every right to complain when that SERVICE declines steadily. I can only hope that some of you DOLTS are trying some reverse psychology on Sony in hopes that it will improve their mood and give you better games. Because if you cant see these games suck it is time to turn in your PS4 and dust off the old coleco vision.

  • Quit giving us the same games month after month. The last game I got that is playable was rocket league. And before that it was infamous….this was a year ago. Step up your game Sony…seriously….I will buy a different system if these same type of games continue arriving each month.

  • Sony is making money, I wonder myself if PSN Plus is refundable.

    I don’t want be a part it anymore.

    Sony, what’s your next step? Will you give DLC’s just to encourage someone to buy your poor games?

    Shame on you!

    • *I dont want be a part of this anymore

    • You are right when we buy psn plus we are told we would be given better deals and free games. These deals are pathetic and the free games are usually always $15 or less in retail value. Microsoft gives out way better stuff to there gold members sometimes I wish I stuck with the xbox one instead of the ps4

  • To be honest the past few months of psn plus free games has been complete garbage even the sales they have. They must do better!

    • It been more than few months. Sales have been horrible and repetitive. They put same game over and over in same price even in regular sale, flash sale, and anniversary sale. But thing is most games was given on ps+ after being on sale couple weeks ago

  • Some feedback:

    How about an option to play online without “free games”, a lot of us are only interested in multiplayer, you guys aren’t covering server costs for multiplayer games anyway, so why are you charging for it?

    Also, not all of us have the other two consoles, Vita and PS3. Why not offer some better incentives for those on PS4? Especially when the titles you give out on most months are indies, and no not all of us hate indies, but most seem like they are too niche or filler like giving an episode of an episodic story game.

    • Also,

      To add to my previous post, with free-to-play games like Planetside 2, Warframe, DC Universe, etc.. coming without
      Plus req, it’s becoming harder to find a reason to stick to Plus when we don’t want the games offered and the offered don’t appeal, mainly because they are niche games, especially indies.

      My subscription to PS Plus ends in December and I myself will have to think hard before I renew again if these niche titles are the best incentive you guys have to offer.

  • I have said it before and I will repeat myself. If you can’t handle service for 3 devices in one price then divide them. For example make ps+ for ps4, PS3/psp, ps vita seperate. $40 a year only for ps4. $30 a year only for PS3. $25 a year for only ps vita. I would me more than happy to even pay $50 and get really good service only for ps4, nothing else; nothing more nothing less.

    • I agree dividing up PS+ is a good idea. If I was Sony, I’d drop PS3 altogether from Plus honestly. Makes me wonder if more people would jump on board with the PS4 if PS3 support were dropped. At this point, no one could reasonably complain about that considering the very long lifespan of thst console.

  • I have 1 year left of Plus. If nothing as good as inFamous: First Light comes up on it, I might just sell my PS4. These snack-like indie games do not entice me to turn it on, and the only good new exclusive this year was Bloodborne, a game soon to be supplanted by Dark Souls 3.

    I dig the Vita love, though; heard Freedom Wars is really good.

  • Very disappointing Sony. You invite comments from the players, so listen to them.

  • For a console thats supposed to bring us the best and the brightest asking for a 3rd dimension in our +games hardly seems like an unreasonable request

  • None of you guys ever seem to think about the fact Sony may be hitting up companies about TRIPLE A TTILES but those companies may not want their games on psn for free. Most Indie games are on because they are much smaller companies and want more notoriety for their quality games to build their companies larger to one day make TRIPLE A TITLES themselves. I’ve seen multiple Infamous games, Crisis games, Dragons Crown, Dishonored, Red Faction etc through the years, it is easier to release good games on PS3 look at the catalog to choose from, but expect to wait another year before it’s enough games out for companies to start freeing up their titles. Or wait till Sony shows the PS5 at E3 or the Tokyo Game Show and then games for PS4 price drop. I hate a lot of the free games every month but still give them a try, if they suck ole well they free anyway.

  • What a great month again, sony just keeps dancing in the minefield i guess. Here’s a thought, instead of giving us all these so called “amazing” games why not gives us like 10/20$ worth of credit in your store every month so that we can buy games that we want to buy after like 3 months, then everyone gets what they want!
    You know its not going to happen but still, in another universe it already did.

  • PSPlus Lineups Don’t bother me a lot but it is annoying to purchase a game on sale for it to end up on PSPlus shortly afterwards. Sony shpuld really limit the practice of doing that.

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