Oh, doctor, do I have some news for you, PlayStation faithful. I’m Greg Miller from KindaFunny.com, I’ve been covering PlayStation for eight years, and it’s my honor to announce that we have a panel at PlayStation Experience 2015.
I’d really like you to come.
Saturday, December 5th at 5:00 PM Pacific, Colin Moriarty and myself will sit down on the PlayStation Experience Main Stage and bring you a live recording of PS I Love You XOXO, Kinda Funny’s weekly PlayStation podcast. We’ll have insightful criticism of the PlayStation Keynote, guests, and I’ll probably yell “A BAKER’S DOZEN” at some point.
I’ll never be able to properly express how important this opportunity and community are to me. When I started covering PlayStation, I was just some kid who had camped out nine hours for his PS2 and was given a shot at a dream job. Every day since then, you have kept that dream alive. That’s meant reviewing games like Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, interviewing folks like Hideo Kojima, and traveling the world.
Last year at the first PlayStation Experience, Colin and I did what we knew would be our last live Podcast Beyond. There, in the only panel that was standing room only, I tried to say goodbye without letting it slip that we were leaving and starting Kinda Funny, a podcast/YouTube brand covering all of the things we love. For someone who had made a career out of being your best friend, I found it incredibly difficult to tell you how important you were to me while not knowing when we’d get to be together again.
Now, a year later, Colin and I return to PlayStation Experience as the brand new No. 1 PlayStation podcast on iTunes and as the only live podcast panel at PlayStation Experience. These are honors that aren’t lost on us.
We’re going to keep giving you the show you deserve each and every Tuesday on KindaFunny.com, but at the convention? Oh, that’s going to be something special. Shuhei Yoshida’s already agreed to be on the podcast, I have plenty of unfinished business with David Jaffe, and we’ll make sure there’s time to answer your questions.
Oh, and did I mention we’re doing an all ages/free food/fun times Meet & Greet Saturday night? That’s right, at 8:00 PM Pacific Saturday, literally come across the street from PlayStation Experience to Jillian’s (175 4th St.) for Kinda Funny’s Just Cause 3 Meet & Greet. We’re going until midnight, so come win some swag and let me shake your hand.
Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I can’t wait to see you all next month at PlayStation Experience.
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