With your help and determination the first Galactic War was won, then the enemies of freedom retaliated and we were forced to find a new home. New Super-Earth is safe… for now.
But how can we stand by while so many still suffer under the burden of independence, outside the democracy and justice that Super-Earth brings?
So today we announce a new expansion in the war against terror, because freedom has no bounds.
HELLDIVERS: Turning Up The Heat is a free content update for HELLDIVERS accompanied by the release of the Reinforcements 2 DLC.
- Increased rank cap from 25 to 27
- New Trophies
- New environment: Volcanic planets, full of dangers.
- New Bug enemy: The Bug Impaler.
- New Cyborg enemy: The Cyborg Hound.
- New Illuminate enemy: The Illuminate Obelisk.
- Three new objective types: Repair and Fire Artillery, Disarm Unexploded Ordnance, and Geological Survey.
- New customization outfit: The Volcanic Camouflage set.
- New perk: Strong Arm, allowing you to throw further.
To celebrate the release of the expansion, we are releasing the HELLDIVERS: TURNING UP THE HEAT EDITION Bundle for $19.99 – This bundle includes: HELLDIVERS Game plus the new SPECIALIST PACK including the Specialist Uniform (helmet, armor and cape), LAS-12 ‘Tanto’ ultra compact laser SMG, and the Close Air Support powerful strafing run Stratagem. Available for a limited time only.
In addition to the free content of TURNING UP THE HEAT, HELLDIVERS also adds 4 more Reinforcement Packs for those in need of EVEN MORE DEMOCRACY.
Each Pack is available separately for $2.99 and the DEMOLITIONIST, HAZARD OPS and PILOT Packs are available together in the REINFORCEMENTS PACK 2 for $5.99.
HELLDIVER Specialists are highly trained offensive support operatives. They specialize in the use of Stratagems and supportive fire. They are specially trained to receive enhanced air support.
- The Specialist Uniform (Helmet, Armor, and Cape).
- LAS-12 ‘Tanto’: An ultra-compact laser SMG with extremely limited range. The short focused beam is very powerful to compensate for the short engagement envelope.
- Close Air Support: An ‘Eagle’ delivers a powerful strafing run followed by a pair of anti tank missiles. Effective at damaging almost all targets it does however have the drawback of being slightly unpredictable.
HELLDIVER Demolitionists are experts at tearing things down and blowing things up. They are rumored to be careless when handling explosives, though this is most likely just their familiarity with explosives being misinterpreted.
- The Demolitionist Uniform (Helmet, Armor, and Cape).
- MG-105 ‘Stalwart’: A light machinegun based on the AR-19 ‘Liberator’. It’s very powerful when used in sustained fire, but the initial recoil is often hard to handle resulting in unpredictable spread.
- REC-6 ‘Demolisher’: A remote Explosive Charge capable of destroying both objectives and heavily armored enemies. The user can decide when to detonate the charge by pressing the detonator. Often referred to as a Satchel Charge.
The Hazard Operative HELLDIVERS are trained in chemical and biological combat and protection. Sometimes shunned by fellow HELLDIVERS for their use of inhumane warfare, many a Helldiver is happy to have them on the mission when it comes down to life or death. It’s not like the enemy is Human after all.
- The Hazard Ops Uniform (Helmet, Armor, and Cape).
- AR-14D ‘Paragon’: A heavy semi-automatic rifle firing rounds similar to the AR-20L ‘Justice’, but without the penetrating capabilities. Instead the rounds are hollowed out and filled with a neurotoxin causing targets hit to become slow and sluggish.
- TOX-13 ‘Avenger’: A high-pressure liquid projection weapon similar to the FLAM-40 ‘Incinerator’. Instead of projecting flaming napalm, this weapon sprays a very potent neurotoxin resulting in slow movements and irreversible brain damage.
The Pilot HELLDIVER is specially trained to operate the wide arsenal of vehicles available to the HELLDIVER troops. Especially trained in the use of the EXO-48 ‘Obsidian’ Exosuit, Pilots are some of the few that are given the honor of using this heavily armed monster. Though they prefer to use vehicles, they are still HELLDIVERS and very formidable troops on foot.
- The Pilot Uniform (Helmet, Armor, and Cape).
- AC-5 Arc Shotgun: A further development of the Arc technology, the AC-5 fires a wide, short range cone and damages everything covered by the static discharge. The charge up is much faster than the original Arc Thrower but the discharge is not quite as powerful.
- EXO-48 ‘Obsidian’: A powerful exosuit with two double autocannons. The firepower contained in this walking monstrosity annihilates light and medium infantry, and the two magazines allows for both maximum firepower or conserving ammunition. The only downside to this mech is its distinct lack of anti-tank capabilities.
The liberty we enjoy today we owe to the heroic HELLDIVERS that have fought relentlessly in the wars so far:
- 9.5 BILLION Shots fired by the HELLDIVERS (Avg. Accuracy 38%)
- 1.04 BILLION Enemies of SUPER-EARTH neutralized (killed)
- 7.6 MILLION Missions Played
- 1.4 MILLION Planets liberated
- 2 MILLION Trophies awarded
- (100k HELLDIVERS have earned the Cape Spinning DANCING QUEEN trophy)
Now we need to join them as together we march into HELL!
Get out there soldier! And fight #ForSuperEarth
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