After a year of work, I am excited to announce my next game — Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. Fans have asked us for a new exploration-heavy, Igavania-type game, and that’s the game we’re excited to make.
I have interest from investors who can provide most of the funds necessary to make the game I envision, but they have requested proof that there is demand for this type of game before they will commit. With that in mind, I am turning to Kickstarter to call upon my fans’ support. You can pledge to the campaign at http://igavania.com
Miriam, the protagonist, is an 18-year-old orphan whose skin is slowly crystallizing in stained-glass patterns, a curse inflicted on her by a corrupt guild of alchemists. The alchemists’ curse is transforming her into the conduit for a demonic invasion — the guild’s punishment for a world that has begun to lose faith in them.
Her friend Johannes, a rogue alchemist who is studying the curse, has learned to slow the spread of the crystallization by drawing runes around the infection sites. With his help, Miriam will explore a massive, demon-filled castle in search of Gebel, her friend and fellow curse bearer who destroyed the alchemists and summoned the castle when he realized the curse had made him something other than human.
The cursed crystals in Miriam and Gebel’s skin are linked to demonic magical powers. With that in mind, I intend to equip this game with many classic gameplay elements as well as a slew of new ones, including a crafting system that will allow players to infuse weapons with magical abilities and a unique skill/parameter system.
I’m glad for the opportunity to make this game, and I thank all the fans who will help us do that. I look forward to leading you in my army of the night!
Thank you for the great Castlevania games you’ve made previously. I’m happy to hear you’re back with a totally new game in the spirit of your classics. I’m highly interested in this game!
Funded the exact minute I heard about this game, shame publishers would rather keep pumping out relashes over funding new ideas.
I threw 100 bucks your way. I wanted those sweet rewards and the game of course.
Great. It’s not another indie game.
THis became the first project I backed. Might give them more money next month. COlin over at Kinda Funny sold me on backing this game.
@18 Ventus_Fury — There are such systems in place, the most prolific, in my eye, being BackerKit, which accounts for your pledge tier, and further allows you to choose specifics of that (or another) tier and claim add-ons, which will be charged at the “lock-down date”.
You must have a really funny definition of what an indie game is, because that is EXACTLY what this is.
That was funded fast!
By the way, I’d like that Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night custom ps4 faceplate!
Finally, a PS2 game coming to PS4? Where do I sign my inheritance over?
How do I make sure that more old games get released? What do I have to do to make sure you don’t have to work whatsoever and sell me something? Where do I sign up for this bad old game that everyone will forget about in five minutes?
@56 I don’t think you understand the significance of this game.
This is so awesome. I’m gonna hold off on pledging for now. I really want the Dark Grimoire, but need to make sure I can afford to pledge that much first. Really sad that the delivery date isn’t planned until March of 2017. That’s a long time to wait for something that’s going to be this amazing.
Well, FINALLY, an amazing looking old school game that I will actually ENJOY playing instead of the same old rehashed garbage over and over like the Call of Doody games, and the lame old AssAssins creed boring nonsense. Don’t even get me started on that overproduced just like Battlefield! This game looks amazing, and the ONLY thing missing from it is Stereoscopic 3D! But, if you bring Stereoscopic 3D to this game I will go from the $60 pledge, to the $250 Special Collectors Edition for the PS4! If not, I guess the regular game physical copy will be good enough for me. If I didn’t just spend $15,000 on Neo-Geo AES games this month, (no I’m not joking, I love 2D games), I would have pledged the top tier pledge, just to fly to Japan and meet the director/producer, and create a monster in the game and have my portrait in the game. This game looks to be so outstanding, I simply cannot wait!
Over $1.2M in 24h O_o Now give us an awesome Castlevania by IGA and I’m sold!
I`m so backing this up, castlevania symphony of the night is one of my all time favorite :)
Sony let Japan Studio help with the game instead of the mediocre Inti Creates, and make this game exclusive for PS4.
Thank you IGA for making this game and thanks for hiring Michiru Yamane, she’s the best.
You can count on my purchase! Looking forward to this.
I JUST got word of this game 5 min ago then i come here and see this. F**ng awesome!
I love castlevania sotn favorite game ever super excited for this i will do anything to get this lol (anything!!!)
Already happily pledged and really looking forward to a modern Igavania game on PS4.
Wow this game looks excellent…the art is superb,the concept looks cool,characters look good and well-done.Damn I’m glad this got funded,congratulations and I hope you guys have a big success with this game.Seeing a lot of potential on it…can’t wait to see a gameplay video.
Also loved the PS4 pic…awesome work.
@25 MakaiOokami – Hmm…wii u more powerful than the PS3?…uuh no just no,wii u couldn’t handle the oldest PS3 exclusive.
As a huge fan of your work (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is my number 1 favorite game of all time, with Chrono Trigger taking the number 2 spot), I will be supporting this Kickstarter for sure. I cannot wait to see what you have come up with this time!
Also, a Vita version down the line would be amazing as well. Symphony is a permanent fixture on my Vita, and I’d love to add Bloodstained to that collection.
oh come on let’s have a vita version this is so lame the vita gets jack squat but a bunch of misfit indie games hardly gets any memorable high quality games!
Backed! Physical copy here I come lol.
@74 Vita gets lots of memorable high quality games. You wouldn’t know that because you only have like 11-12 games that show up in your trophy list that have anything to do with the Vita, and most of the games that do are free to play titles, or shared titles like Borderlands 2.
How can you say that the Vita has no memorable titles if you haven’t played Soul Sacrifice, Freedom Wars, Ys, Uncharted, Tearaway, Toukiden, Dongonroppa, Disgaea, Persona 4, a good selection of PSP and PS1 titles, Oreshika, Zero’s Escape Virtues Last Reward, Dragon’s Crown, you don’t have a PS Plus library…
You not enjoying your Vita is no one’s fault but your own. You have virtually nothing for it. You don’t get to say that the Vita has no good high quality games, unless you’re actually buying and playing good high quality games.
Start below. Indie isn’t a bad word. It’s a description of what happens when you can’t get a large publisher to provide funding, because they don’t think there’s a demand for the game.
You can start making comments about the quality of the Vita Library after you have spent as much much on games as you did on the Vita itself.
Congrats on the funded goal can’t wait till this game is released
PS Vita joins the fray: