PS Plus: Free Games for May 2015

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PS Plus: Free Games for May 2015

Another collection of excellent games joins PlayStation Plus this May, and you’ve come to the right place for details!

Let’s begin with a fan-favorite game with a crazy colorful art style: Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition on PS4. Is that title a mouthful? Sure! A mouthful of delicious hand-to-hand combat! Bask in Guacamelee’s mix of platforming, puzzle solving, and exquisite video game humor.

Also up for grabs on PS4: Ether One. This new, first-person puzzle game tasks you with restoring the broken minds of the mentally ill through surreal puzzles. Can you unravel their tangled lives and also find answers to your own desperate questions?

Other games this month include the critically acclaimed indie project The Unfinished Swan, solar speed-demon Race the Sun, and the calmly explorative Hohokum, all of which are available on PS4, PS3, and PS Vita. As well as the oddly charming Murasaki Baby, available on PS Vita.

These games will be free for Plus members starting on May 5th. Would you like to know more? Hit the video below, and hear me rant about video games for a few minutes!

PS Plus: Free Games for May 2015

3 Month PS Plus12 Month PS Plus

May’s PlayStation Plus Preview
Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition (PS4)

Free for PS Plus members
This 2D brawler/platformer hybrid is inspired by Mexican folklore and has a vivid art style to match. Explore a huge world, learn the robust fighting system, and enjoy some drop-in, drop-out co-op.

Ether One
Ether One (PS4)

Free for PS Plus members
This haunting, first-person puzzler tasks you with restoring the minds of the mentally ill by solving complex puzzles and sewing together the frayed strands of the patient’s lives. Be warned: not everything is as it seems.

The Unfinished Swan
The Unfinished Swan (PS4 | PS3 | PS Vita)

Free for PS Plus members
Developer Giant Sparrow made big waves with this project thanks to its astounding art style and thought-provoking gameplay. Will you help find a fitting end to this fairy tale? Experience a breath-taking story filled with delightful twists.

Race the Sun
Race the Sun (PS4 | PS3 | PS Vita)

Free for PS Plus members
This minimalist racing game forces you to compete against the setting sun in what is both a deeply calming and nail-biting session. That may sound like a contradiction, but it’s true!

Hohokum (PS4 | PS3 | PS Vita)

Free for PS Plus members
A supremely relaxing game that’s bursting at the seams with personality. Explore a crazy, colorful world, meet new friends, and just let go as you listen to the incredible soundtrack by a collection of talented artists.

Murasaki Baby
Murasaki Baby (PS Vita)

Free for PS Plus members
A strange puzzle game with an eerie atmosphere. Players guide Baby through a nightmarish landscape in search of home. It’s cute, and also a little weird.

Before you go, we want your feedback! Please take our poll, and leave us a comment below. If you’re still feeling chatty, join us in our PlayStation Community forums.

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  • Above post should say at least one aaa game a month not and game a month

  • What is with all the garbage games being offered? You guys give away games that are meant to be free! Give us something better, we are not paying for Playstation Plus to get exclusives that are meant to be free to begin with. We want games that are worth our wait. It has been months since I have downloaded a free game (I have a PS4 and I am highly disappointed with the PSPLUS). The last game I got was Infamous but that was a decent game. You guys give PS3 all the good games (such as Uncharted, Dishonored, Prototype, Thief, etc.). The best game you guys give us is freaking Guacamelee… like wtf. STOP GIVING US PUZZLE GAMES THAT ARE CHEAP AND GARBAGE. I am pretty diverse with gaming (i am not a fps only dude) and I play anything but the games you guys offer aren’t even worth looking at…


  • devilmaycry2300

    bring out free ps plus for gamers that don’t have it one more playstation for a whole week or month please, and some of you guys who commented friend request me on playstation network its devilmaycry2300 i got ps4 and ps vita

  • Get some better games already these blow……

  • Seriously Boring !!!

  • I hate this line up of “excellent” games. Last month’s line up was far more better then this. I’d say the only good game from April was Dishonored, that game is MUCH more better then these games for May combined. I feel like Sony just is slowly showing us how much they don’t give a crap about what they let us play for free. On the good old Xbox 360 they had in April;
    Gears of War: Judgment
    Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
    Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel

    Xbox 360 users with Gold had better games then PS3/PS4, They also had better games for this month too;
    Mafia II
    F1 2013
    But Xbox One users gotten Castle Storm, There could be more games to come for Xbox One but for know it’s just that. Castle Storm is much better then PS3/PS4 line up for May.
    Sony needs to make better free games, I’m very tempted to buy a PS4 but with the crap games for PS Plus so far I might just switch over to Xbox 360/Xbox One.

    At least Microsoft can show us that they care enough about us by offering these amazing games.
    Just look up PS Plus and click the Wikipedia link, also look up Games with Gold and check out the list of Free games on the Wikipedia.
    Cmon Sony, you can do better then this!

  • How about instead of 5 games you just release one decent game i will play more than a few mins..

    Complete crap as usual the only game i have kept on my system from PS PLUS is injustice: gods among us and i dont even know how long that was ago.

    Quality >> Quantity.

  • Hm… well… there’s always next month.

  • I no a lot of people who are getting shut of there ps accounts and moving over to xbox live as there is a better games line up every month Sony need to pull there finger out and give a triple a game a month all these indie games are not worth paying the monthly fee for

  • Ether One looks to be the only game worth a try in this lineup!

  • More variety in genre would be preferable.

  • Garbage games, Sony can do better.

  • Every Month is ****** games!

  • Yup, you have completely given up, Sony. I only maintain my PS+ subscription now because it is mandatory to be a subscriber to be able to play PS4 games online.

    You refuse to listen to your customers. You KEEP foisting off indie garbage on us, and we’re used to that by now, but ALL SIX TITLES? Not a single AAA developer? Not even ONE major developer featured for the month of May?

    I used to download everything in the IGC, just because it was free. Now I am not even bothering with games I know I will never play. I don’t want to send Sony the message that I actually WANT this crap.

  • Kind of a weak month but I’ve been meaning to pick up Race the Sun so I’m pretty happy about that. Got Guacamelee on PC last year and though it was kind of mediocre, but people swear that it’s a masterpiece so I’m sure many people will enjoy it. The rest are artsy indie games that I’m honestly really getting sick of seeing. It’s not that artsy indie games are inherently bad, it’s just that they seem to forget that they are a video game and not some other media like a movie and cut down on actual gameplay. I know PS+ can’t give out AAA titles every month, nor do I wish they would, I just want something more engaging than these “atmospheric puzzle games” that seem to be churned out on the daily.

  • This is hands down the worst PS+ monthly lineup I can remember. What a stink fest.

    I thought PS3 gamers were supposed to enjoy one free major release every month, not just a stack of indie games. I’m tired of being bombarded with games that look like they were drawn by a 5th grader, offer as much depth as a wading pool, and have a (lack of a) story that makes Dr. Seuss tales seem like classic novels.

    If it takes more than flashing lights and bright colors to occupy your brain, this month is awful. Ether One is the only one on this list that looks like a great offer. The rest seem to only be for children and those who would be as entertained by these games as they would watching leaves fall or seeing somebody waving a shiny metal object.

  • Crap‼️

  • wtg sony, these free games are pathetic nothing worth even playing yet. get yer head out of your ass sony and give us something other than bargain bin garbage.

  • TheNaughtyPlayer

    PlayStation plus games and PlayStation servers will be much better once they shut down the PlayStation 3

  • Looking forward to the line-up. Lots of games I haven’t tried yet. Guacamelee is a great title that people should pick up immediately!

  • I think that PS3 is receiving to much indies. April was really good but this month weak. Waitng for june.

  • Thunder_Gun_Expr

    I’m excited for each of these games. Many I e wanted to play but couldn’t justify buying. Unfinished Swan on the otherhand, I never knew it came out.

  • I hate Sony. That is all.

  • Quando vai sair algum jogo que preste para o PS4 que não seja esses “Indie”???

  • Wow this is disappointing. As always.

  • Not 1 month in 2 years has been worth noting. Ps fan boys need to stop saying these are good line ups when they have been nothing but junk. I hate xbox but its about time to convert.

  • TylerThePianoGuy

    People do need to stop complaining. This is a good game, and honestly, the free plus games give you a chance to open your mind to some new games. Nothing wrong with that. If you don’t like them, then you can delete them, but don’t knock it till you try it.

  • TylerThePianoGuy

    On another note, the art style of Either One looks pretty nice. :D

  • Yet another bad games month….if it wastn for warframe of the fact that I could not play online without playstation plus I would never pay for thiS. month after month hoping for a Aaa games for ps4…

  • I’m starting to get disappointed in Sony. I mean, they used to give out some really good games when I first got the ps plus. Now it seems like the only reason I’m keeping it is just to keep the games I got from month’s past. The only game I can genuinely see catching my interest is Ether One for ps4. I’m not going to say I hate indie games, because that would be a lie, but for Sony to have such a long streak going on now mostly giving out JUST indie games? I mean would it kill to put a top notch game up for ps4 and ps3 again? A lot of people look towards ps plus membership because they are tight budget on games, so is this really the impression you want to give us, Sony?

  • these indies actually make sense. why should sony hurt their bottom line offering high quality games anymore. they know you have to buy plus to use multiplayer in most games and most people will just for that. so you ps4 owners here can stop lying about dropping your plus account.

  • I thought for sure the driveclub ps+ version would be this month. With Project CARS coming out next week. Driveclub must really suck even more than I’m afraid it does. Guacamelee is great but I know because I bought it lol

  • TrippinHippie22

    Great lineup, but a little weak as far as PS3 titles go. I hope you guys continue bringing awesome titles to the PS3 IGC and don’t focus too much on the cross-buy games.

  • Honestly, I’m tired of every month it’s the same b.s. indie style crap. You get some idiot defending the games saying how great they are. If i wanted to continue playing this crap i would pull out my Atari or nes and play some real games. I mean, what the hell is this garbage? Pay top dollar for state of the art technology just to receive games that would’t have made it 30 years ago. I lower my head to the shame and disgust of this disgrace.

  • PrimeroIncognito

    Cradda said: “Yup, you have completely given up, Sony.”

    Yup, you keep making things up.

    “I only maintain my PS+ subscription because it is mandatory to be a subscriber to be able to play PS4 games online.”

    You said this about 5 times already.

    “You refuse to listen to your customers.”

    They listen, it’s just that you kids keep repeating the same silly crap. Not much to do with that. You know who refuses to listen? YOU refuse to listen to logic and reason. Such as, how it’s not financially possible to meet your unrealistic demands funded by a mere $50 (or less) per year. Why do you REFUSE to acknowledge REALITY?

  • PrimeroIncognito

    “You KEEP foisting off indie garbage on us … but ALL SIX TITLES?”

    You should be grateful to get anything. Remember when Plus was all minis and avatars? Have you even played the games you’ve criticized? Do you really believe you’re fooling anyone? Most of us know better.

    “I used to download everything in the IGC, just because it was free. Now I am not even bothering with games I know I will never play. I don’t want to send Sony the message that I actually WANT this crap.”

    You also said this about 5 times already. Nobody cares. Aizawa was the one who suggested this to you, and now you’re posing as if it’s some valiant stand you’ve brainstormed to right their unthinkable wrongs. Fake.

  • Nothing for me this month…
    You could at ‘least’ put a classic AAA PS3 title in there… ‘6’ INDIES, this is crap.

  • Hi, does anybody know when we get these ‘games’, it says the 5th however my list shows only last months still.
    I usually don’t play indie stuff but as it’s been paid for I may as well at least get the trophies, I just hope they are better than the April offerings which were not good.. I think tower of guns almost melted my ps4 a few times when it started dropping to 1 or 2 fps when the levels got busy and making some very strange noises :(

  • PrimeroIncognito

    You pseudo-intellectuals who automatically associate “indie” with “crap” need to stop getting high off the fumes from YOUR OWN crap.

    It’s no secret that many indie games have been ground-breaking, innovative, inspired, incredibly well-fleshed out and enjoyable experiences. But you continue to willingly ignore this. Must be some playground popularity contest, like, not wanting to be the nerd who eats vegetables when all the other kids are eating ice cream.

    It’s also no secret that many “AAA” titles have turned out to be watered-down, censored, boilerplate, broken, rushed, uninspired pieces of tech-demo GARBAGE not even close to being worth the $60 price tag slapped on them. You ignore this too, just because of… duh duh duh da gwafix! Right?

    There are stinkers AND gems in BOTH the “AAA” and “Indie” classes, and all classes in-between. Budgets don’t contribute to the quality of the final product as much as talent and passion do, especially passion. (Video games are art, after all.) Anyone who’s honest with themselves can admit this. To claim otherwise is disingenuous, and nobody who matters is going to respect that. Keep it real.

  • You are far more likely to be taken seriously with your opinions if you do not attack other people in the process, and in this case simply because they do not share your view, it is not very mature and I think honestly Sony should regulate these forums better against these kind of comments.

  • PrimeroIncognito

    Yeah, maturity is a big thing around here, let me tell ya.

    But, of course, there’s that unwritten double-standard rule popping up again. Apparently, “attacking other people” is only bad when one consumer criticizes another. Attacking Sony employees or game developers is just fine. They’re like, a lower level of human, so they’re not worthy of the same level of respect as we are, the illustrious consumer base, with our distinguished character, our limitless patience and understanding, our supremely sophisticated intellect, yes, indeed it is good to be at the top of this particular imaginary hierarchy, isn’t it?

    I bet I could call a game “crap”, demean its developers, and ridicule the blog operators all day long and you wouldn’t make a peep. But, as soon as I critique one of YOU? Oh! How dare I! Double-standards rule!

    You’re far more likely to be taken seriously by me if you’re not a two-faced phony. How about that?


    In June 2015 they should give out 1 AAA Game for PS4 like Rayman, Wolfenstein, Trials, Sherlock and June 16/18 at E3 Experience they should give out KNACK or Little Big Planet 3 for free for everyone. That would be a smart move to thank their customers.

  • Since I can’t post with my main account, I’ll post this as my alt:

    @PrimeroIncognito Yeah, you keep telling him that. It’s always nice to see you post here at the blog again. I could care less on what he thinks about PS+. That’s his choice, but what he’s really doing is speaking for others and shove his opinion on their throats. Plus, he’s contradicting himself since they offered Dishonored and Killzone Mercenary last month, so it’s not all indies for the past few months. Cradda seriously needs to stop acting like we’re his pawns. If I don’t like it, that’s my choice and I can be appreciative about it regardless. Also, he did said he stopped downloading indies at one point as I remembered. Why is he still whining about it? Proves that he isn’t a troll, but a child not getting what he wants.

  • I’m all for this idea but look PlayStation your taking the mik ok so last month PS3 got a brilliant game we got… three games whos average star score was 3.4 ok so the only good game you sent out was injustice and that was not the best. please if possible try to give us at least one good game per month one we wouldsay read about in magazeins.

  • looks like a lot of little kids crying, so you didn’t get the game you were looking for this month,huh? you want some cheese with that whine? you shelling out around $4.15 a month for plus, and you think your gonna get a triple A ps4 game every month? hell, ps4 is how old? a year and half? most of the ps3 titles are 3-4 year old with maybe a newer game every once and a while. we got a whole lotta crying going on around here, and i though IGN boards were bad. anyways haven’t played not a 1 of these games. so a bunch of indie titles this month, no big deal, this has happened before, and usually the next month will have a lot more ‘acceptable’ game

  • Hmm. :/ Not sure I care for most of these. well I am sure some people will love it.

  • Guacamelee is great and I’m always happy to see more people get to play it, but I think almost all of these are repeats and that’s unfortunate.

    I understand sometimes things get cycled in because they’re only available for a month at a time, but it does lead to an issue with folks that have been with PSPlus from day 1. We’re coming to a point where we’ve gotten repeats of the same game multiple time. I feel like there should be more of an incentive to stay subbed, not less!

    Either way I’m not particularly displeased or anything, but I would like to see that addressed sometime down the line.

  • When are the new games coming is it part of an update or something

  • So here it is May 5th and no new games. WTF?

  • I can not wait to play Murasaki Baby and Hohokum

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