Hi everyone! Spring Fever may be winding down, but week seven is coming in hot with Titan Souls from Acid Nerve and Devolver Digital. Set in a 2D fantasy world, the challenging top-down action-adventure game makes its console debut today on PS4 and PS Vita – oh, and it’s Cross-Buy! PS Plus members who purchase Titan Souls now through Monday, April 20 will receive a 10 percent launch-week discount.
Release Date (Launch Week) |
Title (Platform) |
PS Plus Launch Week Price | Regular Price |
4/14 (4/14 through 4/20) |
Titan Souls (PS4 / PS Vita)* |
$13.49 | $14.99 |
* Cross-Buy title
For the entire Spring Fever roster, head over to PlayStation Store.
As part of our game and movie franchise sales, this week we have titles from Grand Theft Auto and films from the Planet of the Apes saga – all discounted through April 20. Check out the complete lineup below:
Games – Grand Theft Auto
Title | Platform | Sale Price | Original Price |
Grand Theft Auto III | PS3 | $2.50 | $9.99 |
Grand Theft Auto IV | PS3 | $5.00 | $19.99 |
Grand Theft Auto V & Free Great White Shark Cash Card | PS3 | $29.60 | $79.99 |
Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City | PS3 | $5.00 | $19.99 |
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories | PS3 | $2.50 | $9.99 |
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas | PS3 | $3.75 | $14.99 |
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City | PS3 | $2.50 | $9.99 |
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories | PS3 | $2.50 | $9.99 |
Grand Theft Auto V & Free Great White Shark Cash Card | PS4 | $59.99 | $79.99 |
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars | PSP/PS Vita | $5.00 | $19.99 |
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories | PSP/PS Vita | $5.00 | $19.99 |
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories | PSP/PS Vita | $5.00 | $19.99 |
Find all our GTA sale titles over at PlayStation Store.
Movies – Planet of the Apes
Title | SD Original Price | SD Sale Price | HD Original Price | HD Sale Price |
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes | $13.99 | $10.99 | $14.99 | $10.99 |
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes + Bonus Features |
N/A | N/A | $14.99 | $10.99 |
Rise Of The Planet of the Apes | $9.99 | N/A | $12.99 | $9.99 |
Planet Of The Apes (1968) | $9.99 | N/A | $14.99 | $9.99 |
Planet Of The Apes (2001) | $9.99 | N/A | $14.99 | $9.99 |
Beneath the Planet of the Apes | $9.99 | N/A | $14.99 | $9.99 |
Escape from the Planet of the Apes | $9.99 | N/A | $14.99 | $9.99 |
Conquest of the Planet of the Apes | $9.99 | N/A | $14.99 | $9.99 |
Battle for the Planet of the Apes | $9.99 | N/A | $14.99 | $9.99 |
Human see, human do. Take a look at all the Planet of the Apes movies, on sale now at PlayStation Store.
Only one week of Spring Fever left after this one! Check back Tuesday, April 21 for the game and movie franchise titles on sale during the eighth and final week of Spring Fever.
I would love to get updated versions of the PS2 GTA games for PS3, PS4, or Vita. Same goes for Chinatown Wars.
Forgot to post my comment related to this post. My first comment was most likely be deleted since I forgot it: Good GTA sale for those who haven’t picked up any of them yet.
@jeztur2010 Sometimes, I forget who posts these. But he clearly said “blog team,” so he means everyone who works at the PS Blog including Chieh too. He can’t fool me. After all, he’s one of those unnamed trolls trying to hide his shame.
Finally getting to the end of this long and terrible Spring Fever. Next week will be the last – Call of Duty! and we all know what any COD sale is going to be like – then we will be back to the good old regular weekly deals. It’s coming to end of the month too, where there’s usually a flash sale, so there’s light at the end of the tunnel.
Please, don’t do this Spring Fever thing ever again. It’s just designed to sell some ‘new’ (new to PS probably) indies, so the tacked-along AAA titles are only superficially discounted. And we all know these featured indies will all be ‘free’ in the IGC within a year anyway. By then, those who want indies would have bought them in the Spring Fever and feel cheated, and those who don’t want indies wouldn’t want them taking up the spots in IGC either. Just drop the whole concept already.
>My first comment was most likely be deleted since I forgot it: Good GTA sale for those who haven’t picked up any of them yet. Open to everyone, but don’t be a jerk.
>My first comment was most likely be deleted since I forgot it: Good GTA sale for those who haven’t picked up any of them yet.<
are you serious? LMAO
I hope someone at Sony is reading these comments, show them to the people at rockstar, this GTA sale is a joke compared to the other franchise deals you’ve been having. I know you don’t set the prices, but the people who did need to see the feedback.
almost all of the other franchises put their “newest” PS4 product at 25/33% discount… adding a “free” 20$ in-game cash card to leave GTAV at 60$ kinda sucks…
Every 3 weeks there seems to be a Grand Theft Auto Sale…. C’mon Sony!!
Didnt you get my message earlier today? Yknow, in response to your childish psn message? In case you forgot, it was **** off.
@AcidOnbOard Yeah, it would have been edited instead of being deleted completely. The mods always tend to do this in case I gone too far, which I did.
@yowzagabowza If you don’t know, I’m accusing you as one of those trolls that rate every post low. Judging by your attitude, you’re a suspect that would most likely do this. You must be friends with that DOOMsDay guy too. Prove me wrong, I dare you.
I like a lot this offer is incredible !, i love all those GTA, I’ve recognized the fact that the pS4 GTA V is expensive, but bring the “White shark card thingy from use in online game mode, which one cost from $19.99. In short the only bad thing I see is that they are forcing you to buy that white shark card, and i don’t know to which serves yet.
Played All GTA games ,no point on buying them.
I’m so glad I decided to buy GTA:V on PS4 at Target for $40. I REALLY didn’t want to buy it again until it was on sale for $30. I was gonna wait for this PSN sale, but I got impatient because right now (for me) is a good time to replay the game. I would gave been SOOO pissed off if I had waited and this is the sale that you offered. I personally blame Take-Two for being so greedy with the price point for the PS4 version of GTA:V. Many of the games that came out in October/November 2014 saw a sale of $30 in the past month. Those were new games. GTA:V is 1 1/2 years old. There is no reason it should still be so close to full price on a sale!
Wow, I don’t usually say anything, but that GTA V “discount” is super disappointing. I was waiting for this week to finally buy GTA V for PS4 despite having it for PS3. But I don’t want to pay full price for a game I already have. Also, I don’t want the stupid money for online, I like earning it myself, so that deal was a complete waste. The entirety of this 8 week deal has been a big letdown quite honestly. Still love you Sony, but you can do so much better.
I know no one from the Blog is reading these comments (as always), but I proud myself of being a “fair” guy.
So…just wanted to say GOOD JOB. To Sony and Rockstar. This is a legitimate SALE. =)
Granted, most of the games on that list are old, so it’s not that difficult to do some serious price cut. But aside from the same complaints coming from the same bunch of self-entitled whiners that bought a PS4 expecting an endless library, huge discounts and a 24/7 red carpet…this is a REALLY GOOD SALE.
C’mon! Just take a look at the objective numbers:
12 games
10 with a 75% OFF discount
1 with a 63% OFF discount
1 with a 25% OFF discount
If every Sale from now on has those kind of numbers…I’ll be the Happiest man alive!
Everyone knows it’s NOT gonna happen…so why complain? Oh, right…the ego thing. >_>
PS: I want these kind of discounts for the last of these sales: the CoD Sale!!! So PLEASE talk to those greedy you-know-what at Activision and MAKE IT HAPPEN, Sony!!
The face that there isn’t any real discount on GTA V for PS4 is simply outrageous.
It was promoted as the final spring fever week and GTA sale from day 1. I was expecting more.
The PS4 ended up getting the short end of this spring fever sales.
Sony, I feel disappointed and deceived.
I remember playing games that looks like these indies in 1990 .
But the console was not as expensive and advanced .and it was all that the console could handle.
So why is this crappy looking graphics still being used today ?
I dont usually comment about sales in the PS Store but this is just disappointing and I actually agree with the other guy
that to stop this spring fever week sale, and bring back the weekly sales like publisher,critic,etc sales.
Yet another week of wack sales I could care less about. I’m looking for a decent indie games sale…like Nidhogg and Crimsonland for $4.99 each, Escape Goat 2 for $3.99. You know, something like that.
You think these sale prices are bad, you should see the crap we get every week from SCEE.
We just got LEGO Lord of the Rings for £12, you guys had it the other week for £3.23, and our LEGO Marvel is on sale for the equivalent of $33
Hey everyone,
The Titan Souls developer explained the price change here: https://blog.playstation.com/2015/04/02/titan-souls-from-game-jam-to-playstation/.
You can easily access your preferred power options.
Just bought GTA V for PS3, i would have liked it without the cash card, but it saved me a lot of time. So thanks.. I guess.
Daaaang… your sale sucks. GTA 5 PS4 for that price?? %$^# THAT !!
Currently looking for players who are interested in playing GTA5 heists
plz add Fear-Fermi for more info