Today, Bastion makes its debut on PS4 as part of the excellent Spring Fever 2015 lineup!
It’s an exciting moment for us at Supergiant, as you may know us best from our game Transistor, which debuted on PS4 last year. But before that, we created Bastion, and this launch means a whole new slew of people will get to see what that game’s all about. So, whether you’ve never played any of our games, or played and enjoyed Transistor and want to see what else we can do (or count yourself a fan of both and want to play Bastion again), we love you! Thanks to you we get to do what we do every day, and keep on making stuff.
It was always difficult to describe Bastion while the game was in development. We designed the game in an organic way, little by little, listening to what it needed most and building whatever that was next, until we felt that we were done. It didn’t start with an elevator pitch for what would make the next big blockbuster. After all, one of the nice things about being a small, independent studio is you can focus all your energies on making the game you really want to make, and with any luck, you can discover much of that during the process.
We liked to joke about how the pitch for Bastion would have been just awful, and how the game never would have been made if it started off that way: “Well you see it’s this action RPG where an old man talks to you the entire time!” While this is technically accurate, it’s selling the game more than a little short. We wanted Bastion to feel cohesive rather than like a collection of cool features. The trailer we came up with is one of our attempts to convey that.
Thankfully, these days, the success of Bastion helps explain it better than we ever could. For one thing, more than three million people all around the world have bought this game, and for another, it’s earned more than 100 different end-of-year awards and accolades. As you might imagine, this exceeded our wildest fantasies while the game was in development. We just wanted to make a game that felt personal to the seven people on the team, building a game in the living room of a house in a California suburb. We hoped, and did our best to make sure, that it would do well enough that we could stick together and keep going, and make something new (that something was Transistor).
It feels great having made a game we feel has stood the test of time, as the first version of Bastion launched almost four years ago — practically an eternity in game years, yet you wouldn’t know it just from playing this latest version, with its hand-painted scenery running at a silky smooth 60 frames per second in 1080p and all that! And for you completionists out there, it’s another Platinum Trophy you could add to your collection.
We couldn’t have done this without the help of the team at BlitWorks, based over in Barcelona, who we knew would be up to the task from their great work on PS4 versions of great games like Don’t Starve and FEZ. The result is an exacting translation of a game that’s very near and dear to us, and we hope will soon be very near and dear to you.

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