Hi everyone! In January, we announced PlayStation Music, a new music destination that brings Spotify to PS4, PS3, and Xperia mobile devices in 41 markets around the world. This exclusive partnership brings the best in music and the best in gaming together on PlayStation Network, and I am thrilled to announce that Spotify on PlayStation Music is coming to PS4 and PS3 today!
Spotify is the exclusive partner of PlayStation Music, and with more than 30 million songs and 1.5 billion playlists, PS4 users can soundtrack their gaming sessions with their favorite songs. To make controlling your music even easier PS4 and PS3 users will be able to take advantage of the Spotify Connect feature on the official Spotify app for Android/iOS. You can select a playlist, skip songs, adjust the volume, and more.
PlayStation Network users can easily link their accounts to Spotify and use their account to subscribe to Spotify’s Premium service, which is available for $9.99 per month. If you want to check out Spotify’s Premium service first, we have the following offers in place:
- Music Unlimited subscribers with accounts active as of March 29, 2015, can receive 2 months of free access to Spotify Premium
- New and existing Spotify users who have not previously received a trial of Spotify Premium can receive one month free
This is just the beginning of Spotify on PlayStation Music, which will continue to evolve. We are working with the team at Spotify to bring new and exciting features exclusively to our platforms. You can learn more at the official site.
I want to store my own god damn music on the hard drive.
PlayStation & Spotify:
Not sure if its possible but can you guys add actual radio stations to listen to? Like with Iheart radio i can listen to the real life radio stations that are played over the air waves in cities thru out the USA. If you already have this ability then i need to find it.
If you cant do it PS & Spotify, then i hope that PlayStation will work to bring us an app that will allow us to listen to ota radio stations. Maybe even bring Iheart to PS4
@102 mixedkidbx
You’re right…Spotify can’t do actual radio stations.
Hopefully TuneIn Radio will soon be available on the PS4…it’s there already on the PS3 and Vita and does what you asked for.
Horrible, horrible app. 20 steps backwards from music unlimited. First off my remote pause play skip and whatnot buttons don’t work anymore, Wtf. I have to ‘re-remember 1000s of song my old list. The interface is worse that the first version of music unlimited, if you have say 1500 songs and want to skip to the end you’ll have about a ten minute wait skipping to it. Bring back the written list of music unlimited! Also looking up music to resupply my library I tried mother mother. Not the song, not the album, and not the playlist. Are you kidding!!! There is no artist category!! Wtf!! Haven’t seen an option for .. well anything. No playlist option I can find yet, music quality settings. UI settings, nothing. A screensaver would be nice to , or at least the ps4 wavy lines, these static images are gonna kill my plasma tv if I listen to too much music. So many more problems, I hate this app. I miss music unlimited, every issue they had kept getting fixed and just when it semed perfect now back to square one with spotify. I think when my 2 months free expires I’ll unsubscribe. Unless they can get to where music unlimited was. Seriously, I don’t need to see a slow ass pic of cover art for each song, gimmi the much quicker lists.
@104 Maverick_McKool.
If you want High Quality music…go to Spotify and you can set it up under your Settings tab.
Not sure if you have a cell phone, but you can control a lot of it via that.
Understand that you most likely want it on the device you are using, but Spotify settings will allow it to change everywhere you use it.
Ah, Yes I’ve been waiting for this.
Just checked Spotify on their own site….they do have Mother mother…guess you have to search on that site (at least for now).
Music Unlimited has higher stream quality AND larger music selection! Did you at least combine the Music Unlimited catalog with the Spotify one????
@108 EletroDragon.
Spotify has High Quality music as well.
Not sure if it’s only for Premium (I have a premium account) and it plays high quality for me…even my PS4.
I mentioned above to look in your settings tab on Spotify.
Correction…it’s in your Preferences tab.
High quality is for Premium…see below from Spotify.
Click Edit in the menu bar.
Select Preferences.
Under Music Quality switch High quality streaming (Premium only) on (green).
Also on Spotify site under Help
Spotify uses 3 quality ratings for streaming, all in the Ogg Vorbis format.
~96 kbps
Normal quality on mobile.
~160 kbps
Desktop and web player standard quality.
High quality on mobile.
~320 kbps (only available to Premium subscribers)
Desktop high quality.
Extreme quality on mobile.
When I got to link accounts to get the 60 days free, it tells me to pay $9.99 and says NOTHING about 60 days free!! WHAT GIVES SONY?!?!?
Can you use psn funds to pay for Spotify Premium?
@111: Thanks but what I meant was that a few months ago I conducted a stream quality experiment with both services on MAX quality and found that Music Unlimited sounded better. And their catalog was bigger. This is a lose lose for Sony fans.
I have a high end stereo system (Onkyo TX-NR929) attached EletroDragon to my consoles.
I also did as you mentioned.
Music Unlimited showed exactly the same details as what Spotify shows today on my PS4. (shows on the ONKYO system)
Make sure you have High Quality set in your Preferences tab at Spotify and that can only be set if your a premium users.
Also not sure about the catalog as I’ve been Premium on Spotify from Jan of this year.
I found many more title on Spotify that weren’t available on MU….
Not trying to argue the point, but I took out Premium as soon as Sony notified us…(was free for the first 30 days) just to see the difference.
Also Spotify streams to my Onkyo receiver which MU could never do and the sound quality doing this, is just amazing !
Just thought I should mention…on the PS4 under settings,
I have it set for DTS sound….not sure if that makes a difference with Spotify though.
This is great news. I haven’t visited the blog in awhile and boy are there some dumb comments on here. @4 takes the 1st place trophy for dumbest comment! Nice work!
The indicator for MU had indicated, as well as Spotify now indicating Multichannel (on the Onkyo receiver).
It outputs to all 7 of my speakers.
I’ve made enough comments here…ha ha.
Like to help people if I can.
But time to get to my real job.
I’ll maybe check in later and see if there’s other questions that I can answer.
Ok, I managed to get a list of the offline files I had on my iPad by using 2 softwares on my Mac. One to backup all the files from the Music Unlimited app (used iExplorer) and then a SQLite reader to export csv files from the u2.sqlite file that was in the backed up Library>Application Support>MUnlimited>u2.sqlite (used sqlitebrowser app from sqlitebrowser.org), if those infos can help anyone.
Still missing a few hundreds of albums and thousands of tracks. I’m thinking of writing to support to ask for my database csv list even if it’s past deadline.
Au Revoir Music Unlimited, Bonjour Spotify. Loved MU but having just connected with Spotify via PSN. 2 months free and my first impression, brilliant. Thanks Sony
Been waiting for something like this for a while. So awesome being able to stream my music in the background while playing my favorite games.
Whats`s HAPPENED to Music Unlimited the site seems to have disappeared completely not good sony ?
How do I stop in game music when listening to spotify ? I’m playing a game and you can barely hear my music from spotify compared to the in game music.
I’m a Spotufy Premium subscriber and I linked my accounts. How do I enable high-quality (“Extreme in the IOS app”) streaming? There’s nothing in the Options page and nothing in my profile..
So I downloaded Playstation Music and linked my Spotify and playstation accounts through the Spotify app. Now the Playstation Music app wont load at all. It’s stuck on the opening “Spotify” screen. Any help?
The Spotify App needs to have artist profile pages and it needs to have artists categorized in your music library and in search results. Until we get that 2/5. Thanks for the free 2 months.
The app needs a shuffle button. Also, the scrolling needs to be faster. Just minor things, thank you :)
I am a Music Unlimited subscriber and when I go to link accounts, it wants me to pay $10 immediately for a subscription! Where are my 60 free days you promised?!? HELP!!!
Does anyone else have this issue? Did you find that you were charged immediately after clicking accept, and more importantly, did you see the 60 days Premium for free promotion on your Spotify account afterwards?!
+ Michael-A-1994 There is a shuffle button and if you hold the joystick for 3 seconds it scrolls faster.
This is cool for spotify peeps, but Sony, PLEASE let us delete thumbnails for services we don’t use under video, music, etc, I love my PS4 but it is a weak interface for a multimedia set top box. Roku, aTV, FireTV crush the PS4 in this sense.
Should be discounted or free for PLUS members.
@126 – plaztiksyke
I just logged onto Spotify and tried to access my account (Preferences) where you specify the High Quality streaming.
Apparently Spotify is doing maintenance at the moment and you can’t update currently.
Once they’re back, you should be able to update it.
For Iphone:
Tap the menu User-added image button.
Tap Settings.
Tap Music Quality.
Select Normal, High or Extreme.
For Android:
Tap the menu User-added image button.
Tap Settings.
Under Music Quality, select Normal, High or Extreme.
Click Edit in the menu bar.
Select Preferences.
Under Music Quality switch High quality streaming (Premium only) on (green).
This is excellent, but it needs a visualizer. Might I recommend a Vib-Ribbon visualizer?
I don’t believe it matters what the settings are on other devices. If you stream from your PS4 with or without another device the settings for quality are locked.
Great news that Spotify has finally come to Playstation!
I have only one request.
Please bring Spotify to VITA!!!!!
This new trend of the VITA getting shafted (no more near, no standalone YouTube app, no maps, no PSVUE support, limited first party support, etc) has GOT TO STOP!
That is all
I’m really stoked to Spotify. Background playback works like a charm, but why if that’s allowed, being able to switch back to the app from say a game is NOT allowed. I can goto the web browser mid game, but not Spotify? hope that’s an oversight or will just another great offering with partial practicality.
You should allow users to hide icons/apps on the home screen.
Forcing everyone to look at your spam is lame. We paid for the system, we pay for the games, we pay for ps+. Stop forcing your ads on our ps4s.
I loved the app and I think it is a great way to improve the lack of music support the ps4 has. I liked it so much that I have already become a premium member. However, why not support the vita? I travel often and I am not always near the ps4 and I carry the vita. Please Sony, do not abandon the vita! Please let us enjoy spotify in the device!
WAR THUNDER already works great with Spotify. THANKS for making it work so quickly!!
I was sad when i heard spotify was not coming out for vita but now i am very happy because spotify is garbage. M.U. Was way better.
Good job on bringing Spotify to PS4 and PS3, Sony. Keep it up. I’m pretty stoked about this.
@ 48 Elvick_on
It will post to FB, but not the actual song, just a copy of the screen. (just hit the share button when you’re in Spotify).
Hopefully, the song will be able to post to FB in the near future with enhancements.
Premium users can only use the High Quality music…I went to Spotify to confirm.
Normally it’s on the Spotify site that you can set this, but they have a message some services are undergoing maintenance at the moment.
You can download the app for Spotify to your pc and then open Spotify on your desktop.
Once in the app on your desktop, click the Edit button at the top.
You’ll see Preferences at the bottom of the list in the Edit tab, click on Preferences.
If you are Premium, you can drag the High Quality button over so that it turns green (is on).
When I first got Spotify Premium this past January, took me a bit to find this option, but once it’s turned on, I noticed a huge difference in the quality of the music.
The PS4 Spotify app is nice, but I really wish it was more like the PC app.
PS4 app is a bit difficult to operate, but it does work and hopefully future enhancements will make it even more user friendly.
Seriously? Why the fudge nuggets do I need to have HDCP enabled in order to use Spotify?
This is anoying the info on the psn store said nothing about needing a ps4 for backround music. Whell I got exited for nothing. Can Sony please make it work on ps3
Just a comment here to everyone else that has commented/complained asked for more.
Sony is partnering with Spotify.
It may be a good idea if you have comments/issues/want more from Spotify on PS4/PS3 and hopefully soon to come Vita,
go to the Spotify site.
They have a Spotify Community page that you can address those issues with other users.
I’m sure Sony does have some push, but I think if Spotify sees these concerns as well as Sony, something may come a bit quicker that way.
On Spotify, click the Help at the top, you’ll enter a page that has several different options on it and the last is Community.
Sort of like the Playstation forums.
I can’t find the option for listening to radio stations based on an artist in the PS4 app. That’s a big part of my Spotify listening that needs to be an option on PS4 if it’s not there right now.
why the frack can’t i delete the stupid thing from the task bar? i dont’ use spotify. i will NEVER use spotify. let me delete the fracking thing! this menu screen, task bar, whatever, is getting ridiculous.