Hello everyone! I’m thrilled today to introduce a new music destination called PlayStation Music, with Spotify as the exclusive partner. We’ve partnered with our friends at Spotify to bring its award-winning digital music service to PlayStation Network this spring in 41 markets around the world.
We know how important music is to our community of gamers, and this partnership combines the best in music with the best in gaming. PlayStation Network users will enjoy the convenience of linking your accounts to Spotify, making it easy to sign-up with your existing ID and subscribe to Spotify’s Premium service. You can also use Spotify while playing games on PS4, enabling you to soundtrack your gaming sessions with your favorite songs in the background. Want something heavy and rocking for an intense Destiny Raid? How about some old school hip hop while taking the field in Madden NFL? With more than 30 million songs and 1.5 billion playlists, Spotify on PlayStation Music has it covered. As we get closer to launch we look forward to telling you about some of the other great features that will be available exclusively through Spotify on PlayStation Music.
The new service will launch initially on PS4 and PS3, as well as Xperia smartphones and tablets. You’ll of course be able to listen to your favorite playlists – including existing playlists from current Spotify users as well as Spotify curated playlists – and enjoy the service on all of Spotify’s supported devices.
Prior to the launch of Spotify on PlayStation Music, the Music Unlimited service will close in all 19 countries on March 29, 2015. Nearly all of these countries will be among the 41 markets where PlayStation Music featuring Spotify will be available at launch, including the U.S., Canada, Mexico and Brazil. From February 28, 2015, Music Unlimited users with active subscriptions will receive up to 30 days of free access through March 29, 2015.
Stay tuned to PlayStation.Blog for more details on PlayStation Music featuring Spotify, and in the meantime you can sign up for updates here.
Best news ever!!! I’m actually crying right now! Thank you Sony.. thank you so much!!
Love Spotify! When using it during a gaming session, will you still be able to hear the game sound effects, or will it completely replace a game’s sound?
How is Sony going to handle the customers who paid for an entire year of service? As stated in this blog Music Unlimited will be turned off on March 19th. My subscription is listed as expiring on 8/11/15. Will I be reimbursed for the 5 months of service I paid for, or given 5 months of “free” Spotify Premium Service to compensate. I look forward to finding out.
Seriously what the hell, I’ve been arguing with a few people lately everyone i know is saying that the vita lacks games that the vita was a horrible purchase. I’ve always defended it , I’ve always defended the playstation portable as well. Honestly I was probably among the few people who towards the end of its life cycle still had hope that it would continue on, you can’t even imagine how much the NGP meant to me when it was announced. Honestly now we’re a generation later and this is the bull**** that sony’s shoveling on us . This is the new direction the vitas going. The direction of the garbage along with the psp and psx(the DVR based on the ps2) . Why do we even purchase consoles from sony if all you’re going to do is shovel **** in our faces. there won’t be a next generation portable this time. there won’t be a next time for me.
I have spotify premium, does that mean I have premium access to this, or is a new service with a new membership entirely?
This is exactly what Sony needed, especially for the ps4, well done!
………..first the psp loses its ability to connect to psn, which we thought meant more vita support. However in reality it looks like the exact opposite. Aren’t updates supposed to improve features? There is support for the vita right. We aren’t just fools who spent upwards of $200.00 usd on a device that would only serve to pay for r&d of the ps4 right. The vita was supposed to be going in a new direction right? so no direction counts as a new one. I don’t even want a refund. All we wanted was a little support something that should be a none issue and this is what we get, those of us who purchased the 3g model are losing functions that were built into our systems essentially making the 3g module and gps dead weight. Seriously sony if your going to make a console don’t half-ass it go all out , and don’t lie to us about a new direction when clearly this spells the end.
If ya can’t beat ’em, join ’em right, Sony?! lol I kid, this is fantastic news! Keep up the great work ;)
This is going to make my life so much easier! considering right now I have to use spotify on my laptop and then run a chord over to my mixamp thing for my Turtle Beaches to be able to listen while I play and not piss off my entire lobby. Adding this is just a great idea, and then seeing as you DO NOT need premium I am so game! I would love a Video Chat feature though instead of just voice.
Where is the blogpost stating you guys are peeling back all apps from Vita, starting with Youtube?
I’m an existing Music Unlimited subscriber – paying for the $9.99 / month option. Once the channel switches over, will there still be a single payment of $9.99 (for offline + device play) or will there be two separate charges, one for the Sony end, one for Spotify?
@75: Video Unlimited is just buying digital movies/shows or renting them… it’s not a sub. Where are people getting this idea? Ignorance I swear. And Spotify has free streaming with ads, so you’re whining for no reason. Read the first reply, it was there before my first comment which was posted before yours. smh
@142: The app won’t be supported. YouTube changed the backend, so the app will probably cease working completely. So keeping it won’t do anything if it doesn’t get updated with YouTube.
I’m so unhappy about this Spotify does not work correctly on sony xperia Phones. It’s super slow and crashs all the time. Can’t you at least use service that works with your own products?
I retract my feelings over the removal of the youtube app. It seems the browser has been updated at some point. I just watched the Dying Light trailer in both the app and browser, saw no difference in quality or performance. My other statements are still valid though.
So free users of spotify will have their playlists and stuff ready to listen to when playing games. Am I right?
@EricLempel wrote: “How about some old school hip hop while taking the field in Madden NFL?”
Really? … Think about that for a second.
Other than that, this is awesome news for people who use Spotify.
I hope I can play my favorite music from my playlists when I play games.
Is PlayStation music a dedicated area for a variety of different music applications or is it just a name change while Spotify Service is on PlayStation. Because I hear iheartradio app is coming to a variety of Sony products that included the PS4 it breaks my heart a little inside to know that music unlimited is closing been a long time user and enjoyed it. Here’s hoping you guys get Pandora on PS4 that would be amazing.
Another music service isn’t what we need. I listen to Christian rock and just want to upload my own music onto my Ps4.
This is perfect and all but, Wil there be unlimited skips like the pc? Or a set amount of skips like the mobile version? Btw perfect call Sony on bringing spotify to the ps4! My two favorite things finally come together!!!
Will it be able for canada?
This is awesome, but Music Unlimited shutting down sucks.
We also want it on vita please and thank you :)
Is the Spotify service available now? I can’t find it on the PS Store
Well darn. I really liked Music Unlimited. I’ve been a subscriber for a few years now. I’ve never used Spotify. Will this be supported by the Walkman app for Sony phones as well? That is the best phone music player I’ve used in ages, and I’d be disappointed if I can’t use it with any streaming services anymore.
Ha! Dont understand people crying about the VITA app. Spotify is on every phone now. Im not carrying my giant vita around to listen to music.
This is awesome news and one of the only things missing on my PS4. I had to always airplay from my i pad or iPhone but this just makes it easier. It also allows me to hear music in the background, which is awesome. This is huge news and a reason while I will keep paying $10 a month for Spotify. I was about to cancel but this offers more incentive.
When is this service going to be release?
Its about time for sony to get a better streaming serivce in place for the network. But I have to say I’m extremely upset and pissed off the way you guys aren’t adding PS TV or PSvita with this. It seems your guys don’t care about these products nor are temping to do so. As day one PSVita and PSTV owner we need native apps to expand long use of these products that you claim to teasure. PS TV is lacking all the streaming services that PS Vita has and PS4 and PS3 seem to have more. You need to push more services if you want the consumer to buy your products. I’m happy we have spotify now but that branch needs to extend accross the PS Brand.
@177 That’s nice for you. But there are a few situations where someone might want Spotify on Vita. I mean, Sony somehow justified a Music Unlimited app on the handheld, so it’s not an impossible request. I’ve already said that you playing Spotify on a phone won’t enable you to custom soundtracks on Vita.
YES FINALLY, this is so awesome I am a very loyal & happy Premium Spotify user I will make great use of this!!!! THANKS
@177: Not sure how your phone will be able to replace in-game music with spotify’s music… you must be a wizard. /s
That’s why. You can’t have custom music with a streaming service on Vita now. You’re stuck locally, and with memory card space [and prices] so ridiculous that’s not a great solution.
People want to listen to Spotify while playing Vita games, but not losing out on game audio.
@180: All? Crackle is there. Crunchyroll, the best one is there too.
I won’t be surprised if Crackle ends up dying soon though if Music Unlimited is. Though maybe Crackle does enough by being free that it’ll survive this push to consolidate things. Who knows.
This is incredible news, I couldn’t be more excited about this partnership! Any word on the gap between the Unlimited shutdown and the Spotify launch?
A little disappointed it’s Spotify and not Google Music. Google’s combination of storing uploaded music, subscription streaming, and music purchases make it the best option of all these music streaming services in my experience.
Vita support please! My 3G Vita lost so much functionality lately!
Unfortunately Spotify is still not available in my country South Africa. :(
That is so awesome! I just got Spotify premium last week and thought about it being on ps4! Great job Sony!
Pretty disappointed overall. In part due to the lost potential. Sony is sitting on music labels/music that’s not on western streaming services that they could have used as exclusive content on Music Unlimited.
And the Spotify exclusivity saddens me in that I’d much prefer Google Music as it lets people combine music Google doesn’t have with music it does (unlike spotify).
Plus it seems like with this Vita owners lose music streaming.
excellent. i have a spotify premium account and i have a PSN HK account. can i use it there?
Will Spotify Connect be supported so we change the songs from our mobile devices?
Wow Vita is getting the shaft today
What about us Music Unlimited customers what is happening to it? Answer our questions not just ones about spotify ????
Couple of questions about the app on PS4 / PS3:
1. Spotify seems to have the ability to let you listen to your local files (see support.spotify.com/us/learn-more/guides/#!/article/Listen-to-local-files). Will this work with the PS4 / PS3 app if I’m running Spotify on my PC on the same local network?
2. On PS3, the playing music list could be integrated within the games themselves. For example, in Wipeout HD, you could select a playlist you created on your PS3 and set it as in-game music for Wipeout.
The difference is that, instead of simply playing in the background, this kind of integration meant that music would switch tracks at appropriate times (for example, when a race was over, the music would fade, and a new track would play on the following screen). In GT6 you could even set different playlists for different parts of the game (e.g. in-menu v.s. in-racing).
Will the Spotify app allow for that kind of integration with games?
What about Vita? No Vita app but PS3 app? Sad thing…
Will Spotify work for those of us still stuck with a sub account? Music Unlimited did not…
This is amazing… When you can offer up a service where you make a commission (converting free accounts to premium for Spotify) you will jump at the chance, but when we want to play our own CDs, listen to our own MP3s… nothing. #fail
TERRIBLE MISTAKE SONY! Music Unlimited is WAY BETTER than Spotify!! MU has way better sound quality and way better selection!!!
PLEASE merge the Music Unlimited portfolio of albums with those on Spotify! Please improve Spotify streaming to rival MU’s high quality stream! PLEASE!!