Hello everyone! I’m thrilled today to introduce a new music destination called PlayStation Music, with Spotify as the exclusive partner. We’ve partnered with our friends at Spotify to bring its award-winning digital music service to PlayStation Network this spring in 41 markets around the world.
We know how important music is to our community of gamers, and this partnership combines the best in music with the best in gaming. PlayStation Network users will enjoy the convenience of linking your accounts to Spotify, making it easy to sign-up with your existing ID and subscribe to Spotify’s Premium service. You can also use Spotify while playing games on PS4, enabling you to soundtrack your gaming sessions with your favorite songs in the background. Want something heavy and rocking for an intense Destiny Raid? How about some old school hip hop while taking the field in Madden NFL? With more than 30 million songs and 1.5 billion playlists, Spotify on PlayStation Music has it covered. As we get closer to launch we look forward to telling you about some of the other great features that will be available exclusively through Spotify on PlayStation Music.
The new service will launch initially on PS4 and PS3, as well as Xperia smartphones and tablets. You’ll of course be able to listen to your favorite playlists – including existing playlists from current Spotify users as well as Spotify curated playlists – and enjoy the service on all of Spotify’s supported devices.
Prior to the launch of Spotify on PlayStation Music, the Music Unlimited service will close in all 19 countries on March 29, 2015. Nearly all of these countries will be among the 41 markets where PlayStation Music featuring Spotify will be available at launch, including the U.S., Canada, Mexico and Brazil. From February 28, 2015, Music Unlimited users with active subscriptions will receive up to 30 days of free access through March 29, 2015.
Stay tuned to PlayStation.Blog for more details on PlayStation Music featuring Spotify, and in the meantime you can sign up for updates here.
Good move, never used Music Unlimited do to its lack of music I listen to. Spotify has the biggest catalog out of all the music streaming services. Will be a very welcome addition to the PlayStation brand. That being said, I’m sure there were some nice features about Music Unlimited, hopefully PlayStation Music is the best of both worlds.
I am however deeply concerned there is no mention of a Vita version in the works. Do to disappointing support for exclusive and AAA games on Vita. It has become little more than an AAC player to me. Having Spotify on a device that I currently use mostly for music would be fantastic.
Though not really the appropriate place to express concern over the Vita YouTube app. I too find its removal very depressing. The browser works (kinda) sure, but it’s nothing like a dedicated app.
Removal of PS Home, with no replacement social gathering app, along with lacking media support on PS4 (CDs). Really bumming out about the future of the PlayStation brand.
The current way things are going, I doubt I will buy a PS5. Probably just build a gaming PC and use PSNow (unless you manage to ruin anything good about the potential of that service). Sad times indeed.
Is it time to sell our Vitas?
Come on Sony! Give Vita users some RESPECT!
Cool I guess. It’s just a shame that Spotify robs hard working artists by paying them pennies as royalty checks.
Ugh, why no Pandora support? I rather have Pandora Radio :-(
Vita? :(
Youtube, Near, Maps… end is coming for vita.
Another subscription based fee app for media. Yippy!!! Get people eager bc Spotify is in the mix with this? That somehow suppose to be better? Luckily bc I have a 64gb flash and you added usb music support, i wont need this. But C’mon quit with subscription apps that the system can internally do for free legally. Aka like plex
Puzzling move. I suppose from a biz standpoint this makes sense, since MU was overpriced and I’m sure it was tanking…but Sony is also a company that is making a serious push into hi-res music, and you know what? I’ve bought into it. The combination of my Xperia Z3c with Sony hi-res headphones and Sony hi-res wireless speakers produces some unbelievable quality sounds. You really can hear the difference with hi-res music, and I for one can never go back to mp3 or (the horror!) streaming music. It’s mind-boggling how Sony, a company that owns music studios and movie studios, hasn’t been able to leverage this fact (along with the legacy of its Walkman brand and renown audio products), to give us something better than Music Unlimited or Video Unlimited. It’s sad. Sony has the chops to deliver something truly game changing. But now they are jumping in bed with Spotify? And they expect me to appreciate the crappy quality of its streaming music service? And they don’t even extend the service to the Vita, the one place that a streaming music service might make sense? No thanks.
The obvious question is Do we need Spotify Premium to use it on PSN? On tablets and phones you can have spotify for free, the only catch is that all playlists play randomly.
Will there be integration with the Walkman app in Xperia phones like there is now with Music Unlimited?
Will there be an app for Vita or, better yet, integration with Vita’s Music app?
Really shocked me when I read Music Unlimited is closing on Mar 29/15, as I thought this would just be another Music App.
Guess I’ll be moving to Spotify now.
Hopefully the Vita version comes soon as well !
Pretty disappointed. I’ve had music unlimited since day one and loved listening on my ps4 and vita. Being able to cache and take with me. I’m not familiar with Spotify. I’m bitter now but I’ll give it a shot. This is proving to me that I should just buy and at least I own my music because in the end all these services shut down.
Playstation Home shutting down is a loss? Music Unlimited wasn’t that great, particularly its web interface whereas Spotify has it nailed. I love spotify and using my subscription and playing music in the background is going to be awesome.
I would rather Sony shut down the extraneous services that are inferior to the competition and partner with people who nail it like Spotify. Sony can concentrate on gaming and beating MicroShaft into the ground which its already doing with music, the crapbox cant even play music in the background, it has to keep the music window snapped. Their friends list is an APP that crashes a lot. LOL. Fail.
Pandora is amazing yes, but not available in many other countries than the US, so I’m happy with Sony’s choice here.
So the Vita is dead now right? why are you killing the YouTube app? all the lack of support for the platform is a HUGE slap in the face for your consumers. You’ve been making really bad moves lately, that’s why I haven’t got a PS4. I’ve been with PlayStation since the PS1 and owned all of your consoles, now I don’t know if I’m going to stay, I’m really pissed.
@91 With that mindset, why have Spotify apps on PS3 and PS4? You can just listen to them while playing console games that way …
I too own a smartphone, but that doesn’t magically make it so I can do proper background music playback while playing Vita games.
Very smart move Sony.
See this is why I was always wary about subscribing to Music or Video Unlimited.Those services are sideshows to the core business whereas with Spotify the music service IS the core business and it runs on EVERYTHING. Spotify also allows free streaming in some form on all devices including the web.
This is why Spotify is the most popular of all three major services.
“The new service will launch initially on PS4 and PS3, as well as Xperia smartphones and tablets.”
I’m confused…Spotify is already available on xperia devices! When you mentioned that Playstation Music will be available on xperia phones, will that be integrated in the Walkman app the same way as MU is integrated now?
Omg… Was just thinking last night that ps4 needed spotify. Yay :D
To those complaining: Spotify is WAY better than Music Unlimited. So if I have a premium account I can just log into it on PS4? I only ask as I don’t know what Playstation Music is.
This is great news! I did enjoy MU, but this makes so much sense financially. Way to go Sony!
Please bring support to VITA though. I do enjoy using my vita for music on the go.
bring on pandora since thats the service that i use.but hey i will try the free side of spotify.megaton! and good job sony!
This is great news, love Spotify, on the other hand, I find really dissapointing that sony is taking out the YouTube app from Vita, they better improve the web browser, because it’s really bad as it is right now.
Why is Sony ending their support for the Vita? Is it officially dead? Why don’t you guys just leave YouTube and Near the way they are?
Like others have said, I am very disappointed in the direction that Sony is going with the Vita: the pulling of support and removing Youtube, Maps, Near Functions and now Music Unlimited simply adds fuel to the argument that Sony has given up on the Vita.
Paying to stream music I own doesn’t make sense for me, I will stick with the USB.
Would it be at all possible that a sub-account would be able to access spotify. Perhaps a setting on the master account to allow a sub account to access spotify because I couldn’t use music unlimited on my sub account.
Wait, you guys seriously are ending Youtube support for Vita?
two of my favorite things in this world coming together at last. let the soundtracking to our gaming experience begin!
now I just need to figure out what songs I want to murder people in the crucible to…
Wonderful news…do Vita too. :)
Pass we don’t need more useless things. What about the Project Morpheus? I hope it can beat the one Microsoft is doing called HoloLens i believe.
Welp…guess I better cancel my music unlimited service pretty soon and sign up for Spotify now so I can rebuild my playlist. I’ll miss thr service but things always change.
Does this exclude DLNA support?
YAY! Been wainting for this moment!!! HAPPY!!!!
@115 I see your point, I guess it just comes down to a gaming preference. I usually play my Vita when I’m away from home and most of the time the gameplay is muted or at very low levels. So background music on the Vita doesn’t really strike any chords within me.
Any word if this will come to Australia?
So Music Unlimited is going away? I actually really loves Music Unlimited, but if this is comparable at all, maybe I’ll just change my sub to that. I’ve heard really good things about Spotify so I might as well give it a chance.
Also, I’d LOVE to see soundcloud come to playstation in some way shape or form! The amount of music that is on Soundcloud that isn’t available anywhere else is significant, not to mention how great of a service it really is!
This is good news. I guess that secures them a paid subscription from me. I have been bouncing around between services for quite awhile.
Nice, PlayStation, this is great news!
Just to let people know, you don’t lose YouTube on you Vita if you have it downloaded. Just don’t delete it because you won’t be able to get it back. Near and Maps will be deleted and you can’t save them.
Will there be a 5$ per month option for non mobile access like there was on music unlimited?
Most of the time I am either at work or at home so 5$ was a great deal for me.
And if I’m already a Spotify Premium subscriber, I won’t be charged for anything additionally to use Spotify on my PS4?
Vita getting ignored again? What a shock~
Thanks for the free month of service. However, will all my own playlists that I have created be lost during the transition?
So when will we be able to store our own music files into the HDD?
Will it be available on Sony Smart TVs?
Didn’t care for Music Unlimited and I’ve dabbled a little bit in Spotify so this is great news!
As for bad news: Why are you killing the YouTube app? Maps and Near I didn’t care for but YouTube I used every once in a while, especially when I went away to places. You NEED to keep it alive!
About time they listen to the share Playstation side of the blog, and the rest of the community thanks Playstation.