Hello everyone! I’m thrilled today to introduce a new music destination called PlayStation Music, with Spotify as the exclusive partner. We’ve partnered with our friends at Spotify to bring its award-winning digital music service to PlayStation Network this spring in 41 markets around the world.
We know how important music is to our community of gamers, and this partnership combines the best in music with the best in gaming. PlayStation Network users will enjoy the convenience of linking your accounts to Spotify, making it easy to sign-up with your existing ID and subscribe to Spotify’s Premium service. You can also use Spotify while playing games on PS4, enabling you to soundtrack your gaming sessions with your favorite songs in the background. Want something heavy and rocking for an intense Destiny Raid? How about some old school hip hop while taking the field in Madden NFL? With more than 30 million songs and 1.5 billion playlists, Spotify on PlayStation Music has it covered. As we get closer to launch we look forward to telling you about some of the other great features that will be available exclusively through Spotify on PlayStation Music.
The new service will launch initially on PS4 and PS3, as well as Xperia smartphones and tablets. You’ll of course be able to listen to your favorite playlists – including existing playlists from current Spotify users as well as Spotify curated playlists – and enjoy the service on all of Spotify’s supported devices.
Prior to the launch of Spotify on PlayStation Music, the Music Unlimited service will close in all 19 countries on March 29, 2015. Nearly all of these countries will be among the 41 markets where PlayStation Music featuring Spotify will be available at launch, including the U.S., Canada, Mexico and Brazil. From February 28, 2015, Music Unlimited users with active subscriptions will receive up to 30 days of free access through March 29, 2015.
Stay tuned to PlayStation.Blog for more details on PlayStation Music featuring Spotify, and in the meantime you can sign up for updates here.
The most important question: Will we be able to listen and play games at the same time?
It’s great you’re adding support for Spotify and as I understand it they’re a major player Internationally but they’re a bit player in the U.S. It would be really nice if we had CHOICE and not just one blessed service. The dominant player in the U.S. is still Pandora last I checked with over 30% of the market while Spotify was a distant fourth with less than 10%. (iHeartRadio and iTunes being second and third) It would be nice to be able to choose between Pandora, iHeartRadio, and Spotify at least.
-awesome! been waiting for this for a loooong time :)
Some of you people are ridiculous and need to learn how to read: “The new service will launch INITIALLY on PS4 and PS3…” That means it could still come to Vita and probably will. Sony doesn’t think the Vita is dead, they are just putting the app where it will Her the most exposure and show Spotify that it’s worth their time and effort. Please cut out all this “You guys hate the Vita and Vita owners” crap.
@50, if you read the post it tells you about that.
Whoops! get* the most exposure.
@Nhanson I agree. Although I have found Spotify to be much better at recommendations than pandora lately so I don’t mind this announcement.
Hey, Eric
What happened too TuneIn Radio? I thought awhile ago you said it was coming to PS4 as well. Its on PS3 and PSVita (btw can you get it updated on PSTV as well as Netflix! Thank You)
But Spotify is nice too have too!
When will Sony ever add Pandora?
I find this line hilarious “You can also use Spotify while playing games on PS4, enabling you to soundtrack your gaming sessions with your favorite songs in the background.” being as I have been trying to do this with MU since Destiny came out but hard to hear music over Destiny when can’t turn volume down in game or turn MU louder. Either way guess I will find new music service now, as I won’t use spotify. Never cared for it. Good bye 900+ song playlist on phone, ps4, psv.
Perfect timing! I’m actually listening to Spotify and came across this News.
I sure hope Spotify also give people the free version that comes with Ad’s. People love music but can’t always afford to pay for it.
I’m currently a Spotify Premium member because of the Christmas deal they had for 3 month’s for only 99¢ but I’m on the fence to keep paying. The service is great but I’m not sure if I can pay for it each month as my money is tight lately. But this sure gives me a bigger reason to subscribe again.
Music Unlimited could have been great with lossless streaming (One Sony Hi-Res Audio) and upload of music like Google Music allows.
Oh well, it died just like it should since it never offered anything better than the competition.
It’s pretty cool Spotify is taking it’s place! Hopefully Pandora joins PlayStation Music too and I’d love to be able to stream my music from my Plex server too!
Develop a Vita app that has all the Music Unlimited features and I will gladly keep up my subscription or just update the Music Unlimited app to go to Spotify servers.
Plz give Vita Support
@The_Anomaly yes you can ehehehhe Im doing it now :))) im so excited for this
Sorry to hear Music Unlimited is going away. I liked it when I had it. But I really don’t like YouTube going away on the Vita. I use that app almost every day. Are we going to get a blog post about that, so people can let you know what an unfortunate decision it is?
I don’t understand why is the PS3 getting this much support at this point in time. games and all. too late for it. especially things that could have been added long ago
Cool, now maybe you can tell us why Sony plans on neutering the Vita?
IF you guys are taking these features away can we get you guys to talk to the firmware guys about hte following:
*PSTV and Vita Party chat while in Remote Play. You guys make my life hell when playing destiny via remote play.
*PSTV Pulse Headset support. I don’t know why a 3.5mm jack wasn’t placed on the PSTV, but clearly stereo bluetooth headsets work about as well as two cans and a string when doing party chat. This makes Freedom Wars nightmarish on PSTV
I want to see more PSN support for Vita and PSTV.
Also can we see Remote Play for PS4 on PS3 in the same way we see it for PSTV and Vita. I have 3 PS3’s that could easily stream my PS4. Why not enable me?
Remote Play on PC for PS4 would be nice too. I have 2 PC’s that I’d love to use with remote play as well.
Finally! Hopefully you will keep yourselves open to other music streaming partners. I would love Google Play Music on my PS4.
@53 They dont even sell 64 GB cards in North America, they are pulling youtube, maps and Near from Vita with no replacement. Honestly it wouldn’t suprise me if they never do bring spotify to Vita, Sony doesn’t care that much about it. Why is PS3 more important? Its already got a replacement out for over a year, you cant even listen and play a game at the same time like Vita!
I’m okay with this. Though I wish it were coming to Vita as well. What a sling of bad news for Vita apps. Guess my hopes for a final update for the Netflix app is a total pipedream. No profiles, despite my Sony bluray player getting an update for it…
I hope the twitter app is never killed, I love that app on Vita. Though I loved the YouTube one too and look how that went… the browser is ****. It can’t run during a game for ****. It CAN load a page, but refuses to let it stay loaded and refreshes constantly. Which it used to not do early on, but updates ruined it’s ability to be used during games. Even simple searches.
Finally. Tried to like music unlimited but it’s annoying interface along with the fact that it didn’t work on my other devices made it useless to me. Anxious to see how many games I’ll be able to use my own music in. Mlb 14 is one of my favorite games but listening to the same ten or so songs on the soundtrack over and over gets really old.
best news all day!!!
Not familiar with Spotify but it has to be better than Music Unlimited. As a subscriber to Music Unlimited for the last year I can say Music Unlimited SUCKS. So you can create playlists painfully on you PC but you can’t use that on the PS4. The “Premium Channels” are repetitious and play the same weird selection of 50 songs. (Folk and Country should not be on one channel as Carrie Underwood should not come after the Boxer by Simon and Garfunkel.) One time it just played the same song twice in a row. The Vita interface is weirdly better than the PS4 version. Spotify has to be better than Music Unlimited. The actual control of adjusting volume and changing songs with the Playstation button menu is actually awesome so I am hoping that this will be used with Spotify. I guess Vita won’t get Spotify but I am OK with that now that I have a good smartphone.
I just want to chill to smooth jazz while playing Pure Pool and old school country while playing Super Mega Baseball.
Just like Plex, your answer to stave off DLNA is MORE middle man services, with more subscriptions. I didn’t subscribe to Plex, Music Unlimited or Video Unlimited, and I’m a free user of Spotify on my laptop; suffice it to say, I’m not subscribing to this either.
I’m not shelling out more money to do what the PS3 does for free.
How will Sony handle those of us with Music Unlimited subscriptions that extend past the cut-over date? Just transfer over to Spotify for the remainder of our contract?
I’d rather just put my own music on my HD.
So does this mean I will be able to use my PSN ID INSTEAD of Facebook to make a Spotify account?
@buffpotato: “Why is PS3 more important?”
As a PS3 user, I don’t feel that’s true at all. Unfortunately, each Sony’s three systems have something different missing for no apperent reason:
PS3: Missing most of the newer & upcoming indie games, even though the system’s clearly more than capable and indie fans are not the most likely people to be shelling out for top-of-the-line hardware just for games that don’t take advantage of it.
PS4: Missing PS3’s local media playback and non-streamed (ie non-laggy) PS1/PS2 classics.
Vita: Apps being removed and diminished AAA and first-party support.
Much as I’ve come to love PlayStation stuff, this does get pretty annoying.
That said though, as long as the free version of Spotify is supported, then I’m happy to hear this news. I never really used Music Unlimited since I already have a gigantic music library so a paid music service isn’t really worth it to me.
Good news.
Something I find annoying is that on PS4, blurays don’t show a cover image like on the xmb on PS3. All you see is some default disc image. Not a big deal, but it’s a nice touch that’s missing.
If there is an option to pay a lower cost for a console-only (PS4/PS3) version of the service like there is for Music Unlimited (I think it’s $5 a month) I MIGHT be interested, even more if there is a PS Plus discount. My reason for this is that I prefer to own my music rather than stream it, so I would only be using Spotify for the occasional time I have company over or when I want to game to custom soundtracks with music I don’t currently own (way to go on maintaining the custom soundtrack feature, it’s much appreciated). The free trial should be extended to EVERYBODY so that we can test out the service and see if the variety of music meets our individual tastes.
Hopefully (as the article seems to suggest), Spotify will also come to PS Vita and Playstation TV, along with many other entertainment apps like Netflix that are already on PS Vita but STILL NOT ON PLAYSTATION TV. Get on this Sony, PLEASE.
Finally, is one month of free service really appropriate for Music Unlimited Subscribers that have more than one month remaining on their existing subscription? Certainly you can do better…as I suggested above, 1-month should be a trial period extended to everyone.
Will Hires Audio still be available under Spotify?
@54 When it comes to Vita, Sony doesn’t deserve any benefit of the doubt. They’re shutting down Vita apps with no mention as to why and have announced nothing new.
So it’s coming for Xperia devices but not the Vita? Come on Sony, show some type of love to the Vita community. We are here you know?
Since it seems audio playback on the PS4 must be monetized in some way (aka PLEX, Spotify, etc.), here’s a thought: remember those little round discs with digital music on them that you, Sony, still sell? Well, some of us would still like to buy them.
How about giving us a means of playing CDs (or CD albums in MP3 format via our home network) on your next-gen flagship console gaming system–the ONLY device in my house with any kind of optical disc drive that doesn’t play CDs. Is it really that hard? I don’t even care if I can listen to the music in game. I never do that anyway. I just want a means to play my collection of hundreds of CD/MP3 albums on a PS4 and a reason to buy more (not all of us pirate music). The USB music player is just a clunky band-aid as far as I’m concerned.
Vita please!
Ugh. Spotify has the worst audio quality between the streaming services, despite their claims of 320 kb Ogg.
For me, Sony > Google (very close) > Spotify. I stick to Sony cos they offered the best audio quality, despite the app crashing often. Guess now I have to switch to Google Music. :(
Sony adds Spotify but gets rid of Youtube and Near for Vita…yeah no thanks
Any words on Pandora on PS4 yet? I hope we can have it by this year, I’ll be waiting!
Awesome news! Thanks for a great initiative guys!
As a long time premium Spotify user, this is amazing. The most worthwhile $10 a month any music lover could spend. Now I can listen while using my 3 or 4? Absolutely fantastic. I’m confused about some of the reactions to it not being announced for Vita yet. I own a Vita and it doesn’t bother me at all, you know why? I have a phone with a functioning headphone jack and Spotify app.
I have a PlayStation Vita. Just saying.
Thats freaking awesome spotify coming to ps4
PS just changed the game!
I will never get rid of my PS3 or my Vita and will continue to get games for those, but seeing how Fony has handled my beloved Vita has made me give up on the company. I will not be purchasing a PS4 or an Xbone. Apparently I love unloved consoles since I just bought a WiiU.
funny how Xenoblade chronicles is the best RPG of the last 10 years and it’s not for either Sony or Microsoft….
I had such high hopes for my Vita……waiting for the announcement any day now….cancelled.
I have been with Sony since day one and ps vita since day one so I hope sony continues support for vita but so far today its been a bad day for vita i hope we get some positive news soon.
YUS! I use spotify everyday on my computer and phone. And for those of you who have never used spotify or paid for it, and are complaining, you should know that spotify is super cheap and has amazing deals often. Example if you signed up during December you could’ve gotten 3 months of premium service for $1.
AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE i made a suggestion 2 or 1 year ago on the Ideas section maybe Sony i listening to us now. now we just need flash support and HBO GO no PS4..That’s all i need
Yep. I pay $5 a month for MU, and have established playlist that i listen to often, and a precreated channel that i listen to almost daily. I don’t use Spotify at all, neither my playlists nor the channel i enjoy are there, and i’m not spending an extra $5 a month to switch. So i guess my music collection on a usb stick is my only option now. Disappointing.
” How about some old school hip hop while taking the field in Madden NFL?”
Wow way to be completely stereotypical there guys. Jesus.