Hi Everyone,
We hope your New Year is getting off to a great start! As promised, as a thank you to all of our PSN members, we are happy to announce the details of the 10 percent PlayStation Store discount. See the official terms and conditions here.
The discount will be valid from 9:00 AM 1/23 PST through 9:00 AM PST 1/26. Simply use the promotion code for a one-time 10% discount off eligible items in a total cart purchase in PlayStation Store on PS3, PS4 or the web/mobile at store.sonyentertainmentnetwork.com. Some exclusions do apply, including subscriptions for PS Plus, Music Unlimited, PS Now and rental video content (update: game preorders are also excluded from this promotion, we apologize for the confusion). The code must be redeemed at checkout and discounted transaction completed before 1/26/15 at 9:00 AM.
Use the discount on hundreds of thousands of items including blockbuster new releases, award winning indie games, game add-ons and season passes, pre orders, and an enormous selection of TV and Movies to own. You can find the code on PlayStation Store and via @PlayStation.
Also, for those PS Plus members impacted by the PSN service interruption over the holidays, we have started to roll out the 5-day PS Plus membership extension, no action is required on your part. You will receive an email in the coming days with a confirmation of details about the extension.
Thanks again for your loyalty.
You’re probably right about that, but I want to hope. If anyone asks, should that happen, I can already see responses referencing this past sale making the need for another sale right after redundant or something like that.
What the what?? The discount won’t apply on PS Vita games ? WHY JUST WHY ?!?!
Is there a way to apply this to games I’ve already pre-ordered or a way to cancel my existing pre-order to enjoy this deal?
I could care less about 10% off. I want to be able to play my games online again. Since Christmas day i haven’t been able to play online without interruption. If you want to do something for your PSN customers fix it so we can play uninterrupted once again.
Would this count for fifa 15??
Will it be tied to specific account or can i gift it to my son?
If yes can he use 2 on the same cart?
Can I use the coupon on games for the vita? Only stuff on console and the website was listed.
Please notice me Grace Chen-sama
so many people complaining good grief. you complain and say you won’t use it. if sony cancelled it b/c of yall then yall would complain that they took the offer away. THANK YOU SONY
Can we buy games with the code
How are we gonna get the code on email or how?
Time to buy EVERYTHING!
I’m sorry but I would rather see this as another simple sale, than an apology or whatever you want to call it, it just feels insulting. I usually wouldn’t say something like this, but I really think this is wrong
Anyone that’s in Canada interested in 2 20$ PSN Cards? (Canadian of course) Ill give them a good deal in exchange for US PSN or PAYPAL Transfer! Message me if interested! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS DISCOUNT WEEKEND!! :)
I can’t believe people are actually complaining that the coupon has a time limit……YOU ARE GETTING A 5-DAY EXTENSION ON YOUR PS PLUS SUBSCRIPTION. Sony didn’t have to give you anything else.
If you were planning on buying something that week….take advantage of it. If not, then get over it. 10% isn’t even that much.
Nice! Plan on picking up Never Alone this weekend with this extra discount already added to the sale for PS+ users! Will end up getting the game for about $9.99 something fun to play over the weekend.
What about ps plus holders, will the 10% be combined with already discounted items?
Would be great if i actually had money too spend on games this weekend…
Really was not expecting an expiration date on an apology.
I guess the 5 days of PS Plus is nice all tho all it means is money will come out of my bank account 5 days later than normal as i had no plan of stopping my subscription.
I am not one to complain … but it really is terribly lame to make it applicable merely for a three-day period.
So will we get the 10% off code in an e-mail as well or will it redeem automatically at checkout?
@iDonCamp: Sony made the announcement of 10% off to appease angry users, and only later said it would be usable for only three days. So you’re saying people shouldn’t be annoyed that Sony promised something to appease them, only to announce a significant restriction at a later date? Nonsense.
Nice, just in time for me to preorder The order!
Any kind of contingency plan in place for the people who miss the sale when too many people log on and crash the network due to the stupid arbitrary timeframe you guys saw the need to tack on?
to sony, I thank you for what u are giving us , while u are kind enough to give something, people still complain, which to me is just greed , how about the ones that r complaining take notice that sony is the only one out of Microsoft and sony to give anything , they where both down about the same time period thanks to lizard squad , there extending 5 days of plus which is good on its own, and gave a 10% of on ur purchase next weekend be grateful they did that unlike Microsoft. ps u where able to play ur games offline while X1 had issues with games playing offline.
10% discount and only 3 days to use it? You’re taking lessons from Microsoft.
Figures there’s nothing decent I want this week, and I just spend part of my remaining wallet last night.
Sony’s already betting on this… but mine will expire like so many others since there’ll likely no good sales.
People complain because like me they don’t have money during that period of time. I just used my last bit of money for Atelier Ayesha Plus and preorder Neptunia Re;Birth 2. I have no option of getting anything and I was looking forward to it. They could have gave us a month to use it, not 3 days where you’re only going to warn people 4 days in advance… That’s really bad and defeats the purpose.
So I can add more than one item correct? Like Bloodborne and Witcher 3 and get a discount on both?
Can we have a great big sale like this past week to make the extra 10% discount go that much further?
Wow, a 3 day period at a time I can’t afford to spend any money.
1st time using a discount code I will use. Is there like more promotional discount codes? I don’t know even know if this is the first one. So cool depending on what’s on sale tomorrow most likely preorders or tLoU dlc stuff I will buy over the weekend.
My wallet is ready!
A nice effort, but a 10% off discount is too little too late at this point. Last time something similar happened, we got 2 free games out of it. For those of us with the option to go over to XB1 as we please, recent events have been really discouraging.
For some reason I’m unable to pre-order grim fandango on the Australian psn store, I’ve searched everywhere online and couldn’t find a reason. Will the game eventually be available in Australia or not?
Noo why…. I just bought some games like 5 mins ago -.-‘ I didn’t see this
So let me get this straight, we get a code for use between 2 very specific times and dates on a store that has no sales just past a period that included Christmas where 90% of people bought or received all the content they wanted and there is no way to hold onto this 10% for a few weeks/months until we find something that we want to buy next?
Seems like shoddy compensation to me, talk about limitations.
Sweet, going to stack that with Citizen of Earth’s launch week discount to get it for $10.79.
Thank you!
10% off and it’s TIMED? no thanks, sony is too poor, the ps4 will be the last product i ever buy from them.
Though this seems like a great time to do something about that ridiculous 10 item limit.
I was expecting the 10% discount code to expire on 12/31/2015. That just bites.
Can you please put Project Car’s up for Preorder already! I want to get my 10% discount on that game.
What a freakin joke
Can we get 10% off fifa points?
It’s funny how people don’t really see how little Sony is giving us. It was really smart on their part because people are obviously buying into this. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t expect Sony to make it up to me after the outage. I was on vacation away from my consoles.
But if you really look at it, you’d be getting hardly more than $5 off if you spend $50. I say it’s a tiny bit more than $5 because of the extra few cents that the five whole days of Plus is worth. Thanks a lot! And you know what would make this entire giveaway completely worthless? Not having a sale this week. I wouldn’t be surprised if Sony went in that direction too. I mean, Sony is about to make money off of this “apology” and people will forgive them. Really smart business move.
You should really rethink that… 10% ??? Bunch of people couldn’t play. You don’t know the extensions of the damage… PSN STILL HAVE CONNECTION ISSUES and you dare to give only 10% so I want a 35$ content and I only get $3.50 discount ? LMAO!!!! WHAT A WASTE OF TIME.. GAMESTOP GIVES ME 15$ (yes dollars) OFF ANY PURCHASE RIGHT NOW…. Just because they want to…
They should change the preorders to let you be able to add them to your cart and check out
well, this blows…..
i don’t get paid until the 30th, and i’m flat broke at the moment…..
so i don’t get the same “thank you” gift as everyone else, because i’m broke?
seems kinda bogus..
Does it work on ‘Wallet Top Ups’ e.g. It only costs me $90 to fill my wallet with $100??
If this is meant as an apology for the outage, you should really make the discount available for longer than 4 days.
It should at least be a month because sometimes people don’t have available funds late in a month.
I just want to see 3D support in the big PS4 titles, or I just don’t care anymore. I want my PS4 to shine on my 65″ 3DTV that I bought just for gaming. If the PS3 can do it, the PS4 needs to also. Make sure Uncharted 4 and Bloodborne in 3D Stereoscopic, and bring these 3D patches to Killzone, inFamous, and Knack. along with Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, Ghosts, and as many others that you can get devs to add it in. PS4 without games in 3D is like having a top of the line car without an engine under the hood. It’s a joke.
Oh and the ones attacking MS. X1 was up the same day. Pen was down for a week and STILL HAS ISSUES!!!!
Oh and the ones attacking MS. X1 was up the same day. PSN was down for a week and STILL HAS ISSUES!!!!
I’ll see what deals I can combine this with. Looking for JRPGs/ japanese games for any platform. Hopefully there are good games on sale this week.