Happy Holidays, everyone!
This is Hajime Tabata, Director of Final Fantasy Type-0 HD and Final Fantasy XV. I won’t take up too much of your time as you prepare for your holiday festivities, but I did want to share our holiday card with you today that truly encapsulates my feelings about Final Fantasy Type-0 HD in a single sentence.
We launched the original Final Fantasy Type-0 on PSP back in 2011 in Japan, and due to the market conditions and many other factors, the Western release of the title simply wasn’t feasible at the time, as much as we tried. But thanks to you and your perseverance in letting us know that you wanted to play it, here we are in 2014 nearing the release of the HD version. In this case, it is you who made the fantasy become fact.
In Japan around this time every year, we have a large festival (much like the conventions you attend in the West) called JumpFesta. We’ve debuted two new trailers for Final Fantasy Type-0 HD and Final Fantasy XV.
With JumpFesta behind us, I’m personally looking forward to 2015 very much, with a visit to the US in January, where I’ll be joining you for a Reddit AMA on 1/23/15 at 10:00AM Pacific. Please bring your questions about Final Fantasy Type-0 HD for me!
And after that, it’s only two short months before the launch of Final Fantasy Type-0 HD. I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it, so please remember what made this game possible in the first place — you!
Have a safe and happy New Year, everyone!
-Hajime Tabata
I’ve participated in the twitter campaigns and forum posts to bring Type-0 to the west on the vita. For SE to thank the Xbox and PS4 fans for making this happen is insulting. I own a PS4 and I will not purchase this game unless it comes to the Vita.
You guys remember that the ps4 has remote play right? Stop you whining just be happy it has dual audio and coming west.
I guess I’m the only one who just wanted a western release in general, and isn’t complaining about which platform its on.
Happy Holidays. Definitely buying this.
@152 are you buying me a PS4 also and a way to do remote play without 0 lag? If not, shut up then.
@2 Gerneric, that’s not entire true. While I’d love it on Vita, I was just asking for an English localization on a platform I can use. PS4 fits the bill, so I’m really excited for this one.
Happy holiday but……
No VITA no buy!!
One word. Vita
Where is the Vita version at then?
Im happy its finally coming over. I dont care that its on ps4. Thanks SE and I pre orderd the LE.
@ Earthiness
Thank you for that information. I remember some time ago that Square Enix had tried to kill the translation for it. I found the story on Cinemablend just a second ago actually too. I just thought it was dead in the water as could be.
@ Heavyman99
You’re probably right. I’ll go with your theory :)
@ jakx102
I have a feeling the entire thing with be like a Darude Sandstorm of #novitanobuy.
what a insult to everyone who has played Type-0, almost everyone wants a vita version, since the game was released on the PSP, yet you guys ditch a vita version, and make it for the PS4, which i own, but i will not support you guys in buying the game on that platform, you guys posting this, is like a huge slap to the face, the PR over there is HORRIBLE!
Thanks for the wishes, and thanks for bringing Type-0 outside of Japan for all to enjoy!
Come on then Tabata-san, how many signatures for a Vita version?
where is the vita edittion??
No Vita no buy ;)
Heard our voices? No, really? Then why the freaking game is on PS4 instead of PSP, dumb…
looks like the majority wanted it on vita..i own a ps4 and a vita…so i’m happy either way
My PSVita wishes you some Happy Holydays too!
Everyone is saying PS Vita. Square Enix are not actually listening to our voices but voices that are in their heads for some odd reason. Make it available on the Vita as well. But if you guys pull another stunt like FF VII going to the PS4 and you make Type-0 PSP version to the PS Vita, then you guys are not clearly doing what fans demand. My voice is also saying FF 12 HD Remaster.
No vita, no love for this chrismas.
I hate u whit love Tabata :c
I simply don’t have the time to play it on the PS4 so I won’t be buying it. If it is released on the VITA however…..
Hello Mr. Tabata
You guys at Square Enix should just be frank. State things clearly, your consumers are not dumb, and this is insulting to everyone. Of course there are people that don´t mind. The only ones that are hurt are your true fans. Who are for so many years caring so much for your work. Making it console excluvise (aka no PSVita love) to try and take advantage of the next-gen hype hoping it does well will not suffice.. It will sell ok in the best cenario. People are hungry for big games on next gen consoles. Things to blow their mind. This would do really well on PS3 instead, if you guys are thinking to cash in using the best FF you made in years…
So many years people asking to bring the game to the west “as is”. They were not asking for much, not asking for enhancements, they, who were asking, were gamers, they don´t mind for graphics, or resolutions, or even trophies! They just wanted to be able to enjoy your work as it was done. Just patching a translation and releasing it digitally compatible with PSP/PSVita/TV were enough to make it a best seller!
Honestly, paying full price to play a PSP game on an actual gen console seems a little odd… If this has the FFXV graphics people would say nothing, seeing the work put onto it. But as it is, upscaled, with some high res textures, seems obviusly just a cash in. Worse even, using our “voices” as a means of getting it done seems really insulting.
I´d love to play this, but will not buy it on PS4. It just seems abusive. Release it also on PSVita, we beg you. It seems like a Vita game, why not? Even Sony told already that porting from PS4 to PSVita is really simple. Downscale, downsample textures, remove some partible effects. We will not cry over some pixels.
Some games just feel right on some platforms, that´s what sells, not installed base. Super Mario would not sell as good if it were on XBox. Those Kingdom Hearts HD Remixes, and Type-0 would sell like hot cakes on PSVita!
Why not??
I was hoping it’d stay as a portable game since I can’t shell out for a new home console. However, I’m beyond thankful they’ve taken the fans’ voices to heart and brought it to the rest of the world. But I’ll be brushing up on my Japanese and tackling the psp version instead.
Do not misinterpret us. We love Square Enix and it´s games, we just can’t accept some weird decisions you make!
Release the PSP version for PSVita, stop this “we hear you” nonsense, treat well your old established franchises instead of making obscure mobile phone ports… Make small budget games but well made ones, that we can see your soul and heart shine through! Make these games portable (PSVita and 3DS). You have a legion of fans eagerly awaiting for your golden return, wher you will shine like the golden years past. We don’t need multimillionaire productions to know that a game is good…
Well, I hope you have some good bodyguards because the Vita owners here apparently have your number. *calmly sits back with my PS Vita and PS4* I’ll be here waiting for the release of the game and FFXV.
Oh, and playing Project Diva F 2nd on my Vita~~
They can’t even give a digital version for Vita which can run the game with no chances necessary and will cost next to nothing even though the game is going to have a digital version for PS4 and XB1 anyway. Yet they “listened” to their fans. lol SE, will never change.
No Vita version, no buy
First of all, Happy Holidays to the Final Fantasy Team and I am really looking forward to the Type-0 HD release on PS4
Now back to the hate comment. Most of the time I will defend a studio against hate comments because almost all the haters are oblivious to the blood and tears behind making AND releasing a game. Game making and game publishing does not happen with magic and rainbows. Difficult decision and compromises had to be made for Type-0 HD to even happen in the first place, regardless of the platform. Now looking at Vita sales in western market, to be honest, Vita sales are horrible comparing to Japan. Since one of Type-0 HD’s focus is on the western market, it’s only logical to make the business decision of releasing the game on console instead of handheld, that way the sales can be ensured as PS4 out-perform PS Vita is every single way in western market. Sales are important, money is important and business decision can never and will never be made solely on damands and fan’s emotional response. Game developers need encouragement to fuel their passion, not useless and ignorant hate like the 100+ hate comments displayed here in this thread, it’s very discouraging.
Thanks and Happy Holidays
but i don’t remember asking for a ps4 version
i ask for the vita version
and that why SE will never learn
The voices are calling for Vita version ASAP.
Vita version or bust.
yeah the voices of all those vita owners made this game possible for everyone except for those who actually cried for it…. good job Square enix. have a happy holidays
@ Lestatdelioncort, I doubt you own a PS Vita.
I own a PS6. see how easy it is to bs?
@wheremyconery, Those who clim we are whining seem elitist and truly entitled. Plus remote play blows. It never works properly, just like the fail tha is PSS NOW.
Um yess a vita version WOULD be awesome so please make that stuff happen
My voice called for a vita release.
Vita. Do it.
NO VITA NO BUY. can’t say i’m surprised at how scummy this was square, but im still ****ing disappointed
If this is how sony and developers in the west threat their fans, then it’s obvious why vita sales is horrible in western market..
Happy Holidays to the Final Fantasy Team and I am really looking forward to the Type-0 HD release on PS Vita
And industry troll of the year goes to……
I thought this was a portable game and was being brought to Vita. I’m confused now. Ps4? I have to get a Ps4 for a portable HD game?….
This is really …discouraging. I’m…sad now. How could they – …why… ? No one was calling for this. I never saw anyone say make it HD and PS4. I feel like they just wanted more games on there.
Whatever…I don’t even want it anymore! Feh.
our “voices made it possible”? Yeah, possible for you to ignore your entire fanbase and use the game as a $60 vehicle to push FFXV. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Even as a hardcore Final Fantasy fan who grew up with the games on Super Nintendo, it hurts, but I won’t be doing it. This is too much a slap in the face to the community.
come on man I am buying Type-0 in fact already ordered however, ”our voice” asked for a Vita version not a PS4 one even more not a XBOX one version. That was just a low move from you guys,but whatever at least I will get the chance to play it.
@2 gerneric123 hits it on the head.
Players wanted a PlayStation PORTABLE game to be portable.*
If I get FFT-0 HD on PS4, it’ll be either when it’s chump change or from Cross-Buy with the Vita (and/or PS3, given FFX/X-2) version.
*NOTE: “Remote Play” is a wireless tether; don’t even.
Wow Square Enix, That was brave of you to even greet us a Happy Holidays.
Now about THAT part that you said that:
“Your voices are what made FINAL FANTASY TYPE-O Possible? Isn’t it us VITA GAMERS Who campaigned for this? That’s really just an insult in our part as gamers of this handheld.
Well…Merry Christmas too. I hope you’ll be enlightened and come up with a version of ours WHICH WE truly DESERVE.
As funny as the whole “Vita owners want the game, so let’s release it on the PS4 instead” thing is, I feel really sorry for all the Vita owners. They wanted that game, campaigned for it and are being ignored AND mocked.
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD isn’t being released on the PS4 because they want more people to experience the game, it’s not because “the fans asked for it” and it’s definitely not because they care about you, the consumer. It’s because the console is doing poorly in Japan. Square Enix is desperately trying to get more PS4’s sold in Japan so they have a big market to sell Final Fantasy XV.
First the XV demo was announced to ship with all copies of the game. The pre-orders must have been low and many must have been complaining about price because not long after it changed to it would be downloadable for a limited time, and finally changed to only first print. They keep trying to push people to pre-order the game as much as they can. You want the game and demo? Then you need a PS4.
If SE truly wanted more people to play the game, they would have released it on all platforms, including the Vita. That would be 5 consoles instead only the two, but then people wouldn’t rush out to buy a PS4, their main goal. We know the Vita is capable of running Type-0, it plays FFX, a PS2 title. Type-0 is a PSP port. Nothing is being rebuilt for this game, it’s all existing assets. The game is also running on an engine that was designed for last gen consoles.
Also, by going with a PS4 release, SE is getting away with selling an HD port of a 3 year old PSP title for full price of $59.99, $69.99 in Canada. On PS3, HD remasters are released with multiple games and are only priced at $39.99. You are essentially paying $20 for the demo. Tabata already said they wouldn’t be able to release the demo for free. I take that as his excuse for the $60 price tag of Type-0 HD.
Tabata himself has said that SE was looking at releasing Type-0 on the Vita and didn’t want to do a PS3 HD port because of expense, and the amount of work the game would need to change its mechanics. Yet now it’s OK to release regardless of cost and to a smaller install base. The game was built for mobile and was going to stay that way. The plan was a PSN release. He also mentioned his passion for the handheld platform and the personal experience it offers.
If you read this interview from 09/17/2013 and then read other interviews after the HD announcement, you would think they are with two different people.
I believe Type-0 HD should have been released on all 5 platforms for $39.99, and include cross-save between the PS4, PS3 and Vita. The next gen versions could have still offered the XV demo, except I would have it on all copies at all times, as a thank you for all the patients the fans have shown over the years of waiting for Versus/XV.
That’s all from me. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year my fellow gamers!