If you were fortunate enough to attend the PlayStation Experience this past weekend, you may have played The Last of Us Remastered with some of our brand new Factions mode add-ons. Or maybe you attended the panel with our multiplayer team and learned about how this was developed. If you participated in our tournament in Vegas, you might be downloading this new content for free today.
For those of you who didn’t make it out to PlayStation Experience, there’s a lot of fun coming your way. Here’s a look:

Clearly our The Last of Us combat designer has a soft spot for a good takedown and has designed some very visceral, very lethal Special Executions across nine different weapon categories. These sets of animations are available for purchase for $0.99 each. We had to exclude some sets from the PS3 version of the game due to memory constraints on the hardware. Yes, it seems with our latest add-ons we’re squeezing every last ounce of memory the PS3 has to run our Factions mode.
You can purchase our new Tactical Weapons Bundle for $2.99. In the bundle you’ll get the Tactical Shotgun, Burst Pistol, Frontier Rifle, and Crossbow. Yes, a Crossbow. These items are available for $0.99 each if you prefer to pick your arms individually.
If you’re looking to avoid falling victim to some of these new executions and weapons, buy the new Risk Management Survival Skills Bundle for $3.99. In the bundle you’re getting Lone Wolf, a skill that grants you temporary survival skills when you are away from your team, Second Chance, a skill that gives you a free health kit when you have none and take more than half damage, Jack of All Trades, a skill that grants you grab-bag level 1 skills at discount, Lucky Break, a skill that allows you to get more ammo and crafting ingredients when you open supply boxes, and Lethal Efficiency, a skill that allows you to perform a faster, low-to-the-ground neck snap when performing a special execution. If you just want one of these skills, it’ll cost you $0.99.
Some of you just want to look your best as you’re surviving the post-pandemic life. We have you covered as the Misfit Head Item Bundle will soothe your style itch. Get the Viking Hat, Plague Mask, Smiley Mask, Outlaw Mask, Ski Goggles, Broken Gas Mask, Ballistic Helmet and Urban Camo Helmet in the Misfit Head Item Bundle for $6.99. Aside from the bundle exclusive Plague mask, you can buy these items individually for various prices.
Rounding out the content drop are our two new Gestures bundles. You’ll get Dust Myself Off, Evil Laugh, Game Over, and Intimidation in Gestures Pack 2. Gestures Pack 3 features You’re Done, Combat Formation, Stretch, and I’m Watching You. Both packs are available for $2.49 or you can buy individual gestures for $0.99.
All this fantastic content will be available when the PlayStation Store updates in your region. Fire up The Last of Us or The Last of Us Remastered and have some post-pandemic, holiday fun this December.
First of all, this is one of the best games ever made. I’d like to thank the developers for the continued effort to keep the MP environment going, and I hope that you continue to do so. Everyone complaining about having to pay for the extra content(executions included) needs to really think about this. Would you work for free? I’m asking because that’s what you’re asking ND to do. I’ve had the chance to play with the new weapons and they’re a lot of fun. The only thing I’ve seen so far that may need balanced is that tactical shotgun. Holy crap that thing is OP.
I don’t get why everyone is complaining :p
Here’s how it works, they keep working on a game that I love, I keep paying them. We got lucky with those new maps, why would they work for free? No artist should, think of these artist’s families. Sure these artists aren’t getting the bulk of my money but it’s certainly helping their job security and careers.
With regards to the update, I don’t think any of these perks will be overpowered and they’ll probably have some default loadouts that let you try these new items anyway. Personally I would like a hardcore mode as well. No listen mode, no radar, no hud (or let me turn it off please). Marks can stay though. Everything else is fine though. None of these new perks or weapons beat my favorite(and the best loadout imo) of the hunting rifle, launcher, 9mm covert 2 and explosion expert 2. Will love trying out these new weapons though.
“If you’re good at something never do it for free.”
1st you release stuff beyond the season pass which is pure bulls*** and a utter disrespect with your custumers,now you take off content from the PS3 version where the game started,where the game belongs and where the game should never have left.Last time I played TLoU online was in May…its just sad to see what the 2nd best online ever have become.
i think a trick was missed on this one by the developers.
1: Tournament mode: This would have been brilliant for teams to have a go at. obviously there would have been a few kinks to work out but i for one enjoy it when your team is matched with other teams instead of a rag tag bunch of individuals who get slaughtered in two seconds :/ hell even just a browse for teams by rank to challenge would suffice i know of a few individuals who have stopped playing because they had gotten bored of random matchings :/
hell this game could have even ended up on the pro game circuit albeit one of the minor games.
2: Statistics: Am i the only one who wishes they could see the matches won and matches lost stats as well as downs revives etc even a biggest swing turn around would be cool i think my best would have been a 3 – 14 hammering to turn it around and win.
Anyway i imagine the developer guy who was posting wont be looking at these anymore :/
These are OP weapons…. you have made the experience much less enjoyable!!!!!
I’m amazed at the amount of whining in these replies…These weapons are NOT that OP, and neither are the perks. And if you keep complaining about having to buy it….you *do* know they added these weapons to the preset loadouts right…
Thanks for updating things more guys. Hope to see some new maps soon.
I would absolutely love to get these new additions to multiplayer, but for the longest time now my game has been glitching and lagging online. Doesn’t happen with any other game of mine, not sure what happened with the connection. Oh well.
this is garbage .how are you not going to give this content to the ones that paid for the season pass!?its ridicules !
I downloaded the new rifle, pistol, revolver, automatic weapons downs and they have all been paid for. Even though i restarted the console, they do the regular plain old executions. How do I fix this?
I downloaded the new rifle, pistol, revolver, automatic weapons special exections and they have all been paid for. Even though I restarted the console, they do the regular plain old executions. How do I fix this?
I think the factions part of this game is full of it. It’s so unrealistic it’s not even fun to play. Someone tell me how you can get shot through walls or metal objects, how you get blown up by a bomb but the person standing right next to you doesn’t , how you down someone for them to hop right back up and kill you , how you can get shivved when punching the person and shivs can only be used from behind. I could go on for days about the glitches and unrealistic things that are on factions. I tell everyone I know not to playtthis part of the game it sucks instead of working hard on new things to pay for they should be working hard on fixing these problems .