Hello PlayStation.Blog readers! Today is a very special moment in our history. It’s been 20 years since the launch of the original PlayStation, which released in Japan on December 3rd, 1994. It seems like only yesterday! I’m so glad that we can celebrate this moment together.
20 years is a long time! In 1994, many outsiders thought that Sony was slightly crazy to launch the original PlayStation into an incredibly competitive gaming market. Who could blame them? Sony was (and is!) famous for engineering great electronics, audio equipment, and many other consumer devices. But game consoles?!
Sony Computer Entertainment, founded by my mentor Ken Kutaragi, was a project borne out of sincere passion and deep admiration for the craft of game development. The mid 90s were an exciting time for game developers, driven by the explosion of powerful but affordable 3D graphics rendering hardware and the birth of many young and adventurous development studios. The original PlayStation was meant to embody that sense of adventure and discovery, that sense that anything was possible.
We sincerely thank you for joining us on our exciting 20-year journey. You have made every bump and scrape we took along the way worthwhile. And there’s so much more to come! :D
But I don’t want to go on for too long, because we have a big piece of news to reveal: a very special 20th Anniversary Edition PS4!
Our friend Sid Shuman has some details in the video above, so be sure to check it out and let us know what you think.
I look forward to celebrating the anniversary and all things PlayStation with you this week in Las Vegas at the PlayStation Experience.
Thanks for a great 20 years, and here’s to 20 more.
Lol none of you guys are going to get your hands on one of these ..there are only a little over twelve thousand globally.
*Insert “So you’re telling me there’s a chance” gif here*
What if w dont watch the vegas show will you twitter a link to buy or pre order in the US?
This is incredible! Do not own a PS4 yet, looking into getting one, and this will definitely be the perfect start! AHHH!!!! Really hoping I can grab one. :(
Nonetheless, congrats guys!
I hope I get in on one. I’ll be up all night, so I hope they open pre-orders right at midnight.
Wow, what a great one for my collection.
Already have a black and a white one…
I have all playstations in the collection, how do I get this on? I live in The Netherlands.
Could anybody please let me know where to order and is it possible for me to get one ???
And where can I order that t-shirt the lady wears?
Great stuff!
This is quite literally what I’ve been holding off buying a PS4 for. And I’ve been dying for a OG colored Playstation since the PS2 era. Though I’m incredibly disappointed and feeling more then a little betrayed about the decision to make it as exclusive as it is considering this is such a milestone year for the good old PS and the ridiculously short notice on it’s preorder details.
I’ve been a fan of Playstation my whole life (I have been with you for all of these 20 years) and while I understand making the system limited production I can’t see using this extreme of quantity restriction being anything but alienating to the real long-term fans who have been here for these 20 years.
I guess it can’t be helped, capital will be had when it can. I know how business works.
My apologies for venting, I’m just a bit disappointed by this whole fiasco.
Still happy Birthday Playstation, thanks for all the miraculous adventures we’ve been on and all the crazy things we’ve seen. Thanks for the good times we’ve had as well as the memories I’ll always look fondly on. Here’s to hoping for success to both of us in the next 20 years. Maybe I’ll get my chance to celebrate your awesomeness then.
ma in italia si può avere?
That’s a really nice limited edition, though it’s a shame that I’ve just went and bought a new PS4 in the past month, otherwise I’d have been queueing up to get one!
One suggestion though – it’d be a golden opportunity to perhaps release some of the classic games from the PS1 era on PSN maybe? When I got my PS3 after a bit of a hiatus, I noticed that a lot of the PS1/PS2 games that are available aren’t exactly the great ones I remember. I’m sure there’s plenty of older gamers like myself who’d gladly pay to relive their (misspent) teen years… :D
Hello and thank for all
I want this but thinking it is going to be difficult getting a preorder!
I do hope they will sell at least the controllers in an unlimited fashion. Even if the system is limited to have a ‘piece’ of history with an extra controller for your 20th edition or reg edition would be nice since other colors are represented regardless.
Here’s to another 20 strong years, PlayStation!
This is just awesome. The colour alone brings back such fond memories! Could someone please post the link to whatever site outlines how to buy in UK/Europe. I need to be ready for when this comes on sale to make sure I get one.
I swear I was the first one to post this idea a long time ago in the forums, I should get one for free, bs I can’t afford it, they should let me even trade the ps4 I have now for it!
so…where do i order this? and when will it be available? for the asian region…
Oh my god, I really want this 20 yrs anniversary edition!! This is just awesome!!!
20 years wow, bring back so much memories~
I remember the first time of playing PS1 back in high school. It was final fantasy 7, sitting in front of the TV, watched that 3D combat and just felt astonished, played that game more than 100 hours…the day I started my PS life… thats like 17 years ago…
then PS2 5yrs MMORPG of my life, PSP launch line up in the morning back in college, PSP got through those subway ride time with me with Lumines, PS3 for the past couple years, now I am a dad with 2 kids and I only have 1~1.5hrs free time every night, i still turn on my PS4 and play that GTA5 just to relax
Does anyone know if the dualshock and camera will be available in stores?
I have owned consoles from Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. They all make a great product in their own ways so I give each new console a chance. The PS4 is not one I have owned yet, but plan to in the future. But, as soon as I saw this announcement, I decided if I can get my hands on one of these 20th Anniversary Editions I would be buying it immediately.
how do i assure myself and get one of the 20th anniversary PS4 Editions?
I can not wait for this. I hope I’ll be able to get on. I work on the weekends so I’ll probably miss my chance to pre-order in time. It’s a shame that there are such limited quantities. I’ve had every iteration of the Playstation, except the super slim PS3 and I currently have the PS4 and would be selling if I can get my hands on this version.
Dang I just got the PS4 Destiny bundle a few weeks ago. :(
This is awesome. I remember standing in line at a shopping mall (EB Games) for the PSX console launch. I have been a Sony fan since day one. Nintendo missed out on that possible collaboration with Sony. Better for us though! Sony has never disappointed. I have about 700 PSX games, almost the whole PS2 library and slowly building my PS3/PS4 library. I cannot wait to try and get my hands on one of these 20th Anniversary consoles (if I even have a chance to). I wish supplies weren’t so limited though. Can’t wait!
Where can I preorder this? I’m kind of in a rush to know… Being in Jamaica there are no game retailers, so if I am unable to purchase this PS4 edition, I’d like to know beforehand so I can just go ahead and preorder a regular bundle that will arrive in time for Christmas… :S
Wonderful, beautiful nostalgia. I loved reading everyone’s PS1 stories as I’m reliving mine by seeing this. Unfortunately I just got a PS4 bundle a few months ago and am pretty strapped for cash now because of Christmas, but just knowing they did this for their fans is enough to make me happy :)
Very beautiful and thoughtful work, Sony!
Mr. Yoshida, is the number of anniversary systems the same globally or is it a regional total? How many is Japan ? looking forward to in comparison to North America. Haven’t seen anything about EU. I just want to do everything I can in an attempt to join the celebration. Here’s to another 20 years! I’ll still be here. ?
This is the reason I’m studying and working in the software industry.
This feeling I get when visioning PS1 again, remembering that ol’ Bandicoot and more….
Reminds me why its so important to have dreams and to be passionate about something,
That guided my career and life choices, plus my free time – ever since I was a kid.
Thanks Sony.
You are a corporation, but you do know how to make a grown man weep.
please how to buy it or pre order it ??
They should give ps plus for life to whoever gets the 1994th ps4 20th anniversary.
Does each region have a set number dedicated to them? or could a country theoretically end up with just a handful?
Where would I require one of these beautiful systems? I would like to know before they’re all sold out, when they are available for pre-order.
You’ve done it again Playstation. Very cool that you are doing something like this. I still get a bit of a chill whenever I hear the opening music when you turn on the original Playstation. I’m really glad that you released the classic theme for the PS4. Thank you.
PS4 will be in the CIS ? or more precisely in Belarus?
Thank you for bringing so much fun to many generations. I had every one of the Play Station consoles and now I’m waiting to buy this special edition Ps4. Thanks to all the Play Station Crew for do your best work over this 20 years! Let’s celebrate!!
Sorry if this has been answered, I couldnt find the answer but will this be for sale at the PSX? So I know to bring my $$$
I’m in love with this design, too bad I already have my PS4, but I could buy a controller if they are available…
how much to pre-order it.
Sony!! I beg you, could you pleeeeease sell the DualShock 4 separately! I loooove this PS4, but I really do not have enough money to buy a second PS4 and I would LOVE to have the DualShock <3
You know what would’ve made this even better? If it could play all Playstation generation games.
Do I need two PS4s? Apparently so!
OMG!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you…! :D This is indeed a ps console that I would really appreciate and love for all times. I definitely must have two, one to play and the other for collection, because that’s how I roll…thank you again >;3
What are the chances of getting one of this, Really? i think it will be vertically impossible since there will be thousands of people online waiting for the chance to get one. l will try to be one of those but lm already realistic and l know my luck. GOOD LUCK to everyone else.
Can’t wait for the 20th Anniversary pulse it’s Sony.with out Sony I would not be here but I love Sony I met lots of people friend help me get start it then new friend come along and help I wish Sony for the best bring my old child hood back to life
Hi!what about uk stock and preorders? Thnx
Will Best Buy stores get this unit?
How much will it be worth
Playstation brought us love they were bad time and the good time but mostly bring class and new bring the whole world all at once
Does anyone knows if they will be selling that controller in the future?