Hello PlayStation.Blog readers! Today is a very special moment in our history. It’s been 20 years since the launch of the original PlayStation, which released in Japan on December 3rd, 1994. It seems like only yesterday! I’m so glad that we can celebrate this moment together.
20 years is a long time! In 1994, many outsiders thought that Sony was slightly crazy to launch the original PlayStation into an incredibly competitive gaming market. Who could blame them? Sony was (and is!) famous for engineering great electronics, audio equipment, and many other consumer devices. But game consoles?!
Sony Computer Entertainment, founded by my mentor Ken Kutaragi, was a project borne out of sincere passion and deep admiration for the craft of game development. The mid 90s were an exciting time for game developers, driven by the explosion of powerful but affordable 3D graphics rendering hardware and the birth of many young and adventurous development studios. The original PlayStation was meant to embody that sense of adventure and discovery, that sense that anything was possible.
We sincerely thank you for joining us on our exciting 20-year journey. You have made every bump and scrape we took along the way worthwhile. And there’s so much more to come! :D
But I don’t want to go on for too long, because we have a big piece of news to reveal: a very special 20th Anniversary Edition PS4!
Our friend Sid Shuman has some details in the video above, so be sure to check it out and let us know what you think.
I look forward to celebrating the anniversary and all things PlayStation with you this week in Las Vegas at the PlayStation Experience.
Thanks for a great 20 years, and here’s to 20 more.
People can’t be excited for a limited edition, or a different color? What’s it to you guys? Get off your high horses.
Plus it’s not just grey, if you actually look, you can see the little symbols are etched all throughout the matte finish of the console.
Cool! But how can I buy it in the EU?
Please answer! Thanks
the real question is if you get one do you open it or keep it in box. i think i would have to open it.
First game I ever played on the ps1 was Descent. Followed by a few of Sony’s classics: Twisted Metal, Tomb Raider and a few others. I’m from America but I live in Europe now… We need some positive news here too boys and gals. Between this profile and Westneelo, I’ve put in thousands of hours. Even helped to convert a few “Crop” box enthusiasts who didn’t know any better at the time..lol. I was disappointed those who pre-ordered a Ps4 didn’t have a color option. But I forgave you. But I, along with thousands would love access to this bundle. We’re talking here, hoping you’re listening.
This is amazing! But…$500? I know its limited edition but other than a different color and some etching, its not that different from a standard bundle. The only thing I think that would add to the price would be the camera. I’m glad that Sony offers fan service (thank God), but it should be $450. I mean I love gaming in general and I don;t pick any sides, but while “the other company” is lowering the price on their consoles, you should keep it at an affordable price range. I mean half a thousand doesn’t grow on trees! I just thik I’d be fair for those who already got a PS4 or ahem…put one on layaway
Given that it will sell out in under 30 seconds, the question to ask yourself is can you add one to cart, enter your payment info and check out in that time and do you have a fast enough connection to load the page faster than the tens of thousands of people that will be trying to get the same thing.
Continued- I just think I’d be fair for those who already got a PS4 or ahem… are putting one on layaway should be able to get some nostalgia through the release of a PS1 themed controller I mean look at that logo! Although this is awesome..the price isn’t very appealing. But thanks anyway! Heres to another 20 years!
So when will they be saying the price is
its $500
Where can i pre-order mine
Please Sony release the retro DUALSHOCK 4 for stand alone purchase.
I want you sooo bad….But i’m a poor college kid.. *weeps*
I just want the controller. Can you sell it on its own?
Will the pre-order cost be charged immediately? Or when the console is actually released?
How to get buy in spain???
Hay alguna posibilidad para comprarlo en españa???
I’m in agreement here with many others in saying that it’d be incredible if you guys released the DS4 as a stand alone (and not limited in production). I’ve had every generation of Playstation consoles (minus the PSP), and that DS4 would be the ultimate controller for fans like myself!
Looks amazing!! Any chance the controller will be available separately? Pleassse makes this happen lol :D:D
Dang it, I want a PS4 bad enough already! STOP MAKING THE WAIT HARDER ON ME!!!
and belgium ???
What about EU ?
No anniversary edition for EU ? :(
I want one so bad ;(
That a sexy piece of machinery lol.
Wow, i wanted the original theme startup sound since PS3. Someone at Sony working in the PlayStation org is listening. such a fine detail that is a huge delighter. I hope you guys increase production on the limited edition PS4. I’ll purchase a second one if I can get my hands on this.
I want it! Omg, that makes me pumped. I got my PS One back 1997 with my first paycheck from my very first job and I’ve been a loyal supporter every since. Thank you Sony for some of the most amazing gaming moments ever! Most memorable PSOne games: Final Fantasy VII and Metal Gear Solid.
Man, I was really hoping for a Special 20th Anniversay Edition PS4 containing add-on chips (Emotion Engine, Cell CPU) which was fully backwards compatible with all PS1-PS2-PS3-PS4 games. I would buy that in an instant!
“Hey! check out this AWESOME limited edition PS4 that kinda look like a PSX but…..doesn’t……play….any…….of……your……PSX…..games” >_> Way to continue failing.
No way I will be able to get one of those consoles, but would love to buy a throwback controller. I hope they eventually become for sale separately.
Wow, PlayStation turned 20 today and I’ll be turning 22 this Monday on the 8th! I’ve been a huge fan of PlayStation since I was kid watching my older brother play Twisted Metal and all the other amazing PS1 games. I personally didn’t start playing PlayStation until I was about five because I was just a toddler who was having a blast getting killed by the very first enemy on the very first level in Donkey Kong Country. But once I started playing PS1, I knew then I would always be fan. Now it’s 20 years later and I still have all my PlayStation consoles and games, and I’m still buying PS1 games play. Here’s to 20 more years to PlayStation, and me!
P.S. Hey PlayStation, since the limited edition PS4s are for pre-order on December 6th, and my birthday is December 8th, maybe you can send one of them to this long time fan who has grown up alongside you.
wink wink nudge nudge
Thank you for your story, fun to read :D