Whew! With the mountains of Thanksgiving food now behind us, there’s only a few weeks left in the year. And even though we’re all still recuperating from overindulgent meals, we’re here to bring you a quick, holiday Drop of new games coming to PlayStation. Please excuse the simplified format!
This week, The Crew roars onto PS4 with a massive, open-world rendering of the United States. Tackle high-octane challenges across major cities throughout the country, speed through beautiful forests and snowy mountains, and do it all with friends. The devs have created thousands of square miles to explore, so get that car customized and take it out for one breathtaking, interconnected joyride.
But that’s just the start of this week’s lineup. See below for the full list, and as always, enjoy the Drop!
- Chess, PSone Classic
- The Crew, PS4
- Fantasy Hero: Unsigned Legacy, PS Vita
- Final Horizon, PS4
- Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series, Episode One, PS4
- Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX, PS3
- Secret Ponchos, PS4
- Syberia, PS3
The information above is subject to change without notice.
cya at PSX!!! :)
Thank you for ignoring me Ryan, you’re a very educated and nice person.
Chess as PS1 Classics? What wrong with you SCEA?
Is Kingdom Hearts getting a digital release as well or just physical?
I never heard of that Fantasy Hero game, but I just checked it out and it looks really good. I hope it’s a $20 budget game. It looks like a lighthearted Diablo clone, and looks perfect for vita.
Wish I had a bit of a longer time with The Crew beta. I had fun the few minutes I got to play, but I wanted to try a few missions to make sure it was a purchase title. Now I’ll just wait it out.
I’ll check out Fantasy Hero and see if I can find more information.
How about a Cyber Monday sale to make up for the horrendous Black Friday sale.
waiting on my super KH edition.
Where’s Brave Fencer Musashi?
What Kind of a game is Syberia?
@59, It’s a point-and-click adventure game. I played it on PC and it is a truly beautiful and memorable experience .
Why does Sony continue to offer the crappiest of classics? Honestly, is it that hard to get quality games up there?
Wow Chess…can I pre-load this? Also, enough with the imported games. Guess what? If I knew Japanese I’d just shop the Japanese PS store and get those titles.
Sony, seriously. RPGs are sort of a bread-n-butter of classics. Suikoden. Dragon Quest. Vandal Hearts. This ain’t that hard.
Oh, and Lunar of course…barring any sort of licensing issues of course. I wouldn’t say no to Einhander either.
How could I forget another ps1 classics, saga frontier. Would love play this one!
In all seriousness, I wish a moderator can/would answer this. What determines which ps1 titles get put into the store? What i mean basically, is that do you have to get permission or some kind of deal with the developer to put one of their old ps1 titles into the store, or does Sony have the rights to the game? Will Diablo ever be a possibility?
Am I the only one still waiting for ps2 and ps1 games to be on PlayStation Now?
May I ask what happened to the psp titles available for vita download? They cannot be seen on my vita when i access the ps store. I was looking to download a few old psp titles since black friday was a bust and it looks like cyber monday is the same.
Dear Sony! We love you so much!!!
But whats happening with you?
Where is our true PS one classics:
Star Ocean
Vandal Hearts
and more..
Where is PSP games
Final fantasy type 0
Crisi Core
Are you seriously thinking that we should play CHESS????????????
Amazon has Freedom Wars for $14.99. It may only be a timed offer today.
Hey Ryan!
Can you please add to the list what games are coming in Digital and Physical. Or even better you could separate Digital releases from Physical, cause right now I dont get it what game in what format is coming. Thank you.
This format of “The Drop” is unacceptable. I don’t care how tired you are. If you are going to DO your job, then do it right. Potentially millions of people will see this and this lazy post never should have happened. People should not have to ask if a game is digital or retail, or ask what kind of game Syberia is. Rey never compromized quality here.
^ – Pretty much my thought as well. It’s not like they didn’t know *all year* that the holiday season was coming. It’s obvious they can make last-minute changes like they just did with KH 2.5, so I dunno why they couldn’t write this up ahead of time. Even if you accept the Drop as being what it is (which I do), this is pretty lame. Not a single word about each game beyond (TM) the hype game of the week.
Retail only games are still a thing in this day and age? What kind of garbage is that?
SE continues to screw over their fans. If it’s an issue of music, just take it out.
Hey at least if you’re not a Vita owner you have full access to everything. They still can’t be bothered to do that much for us, even after PS TV’s release.
I don’t no how reliable this site is but shopto.com says the uk Siberia collection has 3 games
Syberia 1-2 and amerzone for ps3
This is why i am no longer a PlayStation plus subscriber. How much more bs can people put up with, there were only maybe 1 or 2 good game deals during black friday. Thank god for xbox one, because ps4 sucks loyal customer for 19 years. But i am done supporting your bs. Get a clue and think about your customers
Does anybody know if the save file of the digital version of Second Son works with the retail version?…
I would really appreciate any answer.
About The Drop…this week got nothing…maybe discounts?..one can hope.
To bad Kingdom Hearts HD Remix 1 and 2 aren’t available to buy on the PSN store or else I’d get them.. Guess Square doesn’t enjoy taking money from people with broken disc drives.
Oh well..
I actually kind of like this “simplified format” lol. And Beyond!
And you know what’s cool about The Crew? The folks at Ubi feel a little bad about the mess they made of AC Unity, so as an apology to people who bought the game you can snap up The Crew for free. A whole free game! Not just some free stuff for you to throw on their broken game, but a whole new game. While they figure out where they went wrong with their other game. That’s a pretty swell apology.
I can think of another bunch of guys, who are STILL having trouble fixing their disaster of a game who could learn something from Ubisoft….
This is the literal definition of HOT GARBAGE.
What an awesome Cyber Monday Sale….
First they said Final Horizon would come for both platforms, PS4 and Vita.
Then, you read ryan has “updated the list” and then, such game is scheduled to release for ps4 only.
Wanna bet this time is going to be just like what happened to New ‘n’ Tasty?
@69 No, I’ve been watching Freedom Wars since Black Friday and the game’s price has not dropped: still $$29.99
Even the used FW games’ prices were starting at $26,50.
And since there were no cyber monday deals from this company, I guess this price will remain the same before, during and after Christmas. As for “Black” friday -well guess what- all days are black for those who own a Vita. THAT’s the TRUE “ps experience” they don’t want to talk about.
20 minutes until the crew gold edition can’t wait will be playing it all night! OG-RIDER
New York City time 11:45 PM 15 minutes to go for the crew called addition! Yeah buddy!
Oh before I forget, EU PSN store has started the 12 days of Christmas sale and again the show love for the vita with nice discounts. Is anything like that planned for the US store?
BTW some months ago I heard Sony gave more than 300 PSP games for free to PS+ subscribers in Japan, and those games can be downloaded and played on the vita. Any one confirmed that?
Happy holidays!
Don’t bother commenting guys, the Sony team only responds to butt kissers. They don’t like when people have legitimate complaints. If you ever speak out about anything they brand you a troll and ignore you for the rest of your life.
There was this Suikden II listed on the ESRB site in which not only it’ll be available for the PS3 but also for the PSP and PSVita. When will you gonna release it?
Okie dokie so now It’s December 2. No sign of new drop anywhere yet. What time does the new December PSPlus line up drop in?
And why is there so much November-expired content on these crucial Sony web pages? I’m very new to PS and these cool PlayStation websites but WOW is it a bummer to see these sites aren’t content-managed well by Sony PS. As evident by so much November-specific content and promo offers still posted front and center on many web sites.
Why is there no kingdom hearts being released for the Vita? At least make KH: Birth by Sleep available for Vita, dang. Or maybe release a KH 1.5 on vita :(
@84: It was on sale, yesterday. Not for an extended period of time, but it was. BestBuy had it for $15, as well. Amazon matched their sale, but raised it back up early, for whatever reason. Probably should have bit on it, myself.. Oh, well. I got Ys, to keep me busy. It’s on sale for $19.99, on Amazon, if anyone’s interested. Great game.
Wanted a 32 GB Vita card for $40, as well. But Amazon never matched GameStop’s Cyber Monday sale, and GS sold out pretty fast. Can’t bring myself to pay any more than that… Why Sony? Why proprietary? Ugh.
Just bought The Crew this morning…MY DLC CODE ISNT WORKING…The one that came in the game packaging and the one off my receipt, Customer Service let me know the issue will probably be resolve later this evening.
It’s Dec. 3 2014! WHERE ARE THE GAMES??!!?!??
where’s the luuuuuuuuvvvvv??? (sobs)
Why won’t kingdom hearts 2.5 be out for ps4? Really disappointed since I just got rid of my ps3
@SENsMrBlue. RIGHT!?
I recalled Injustice Gods Among Us was coming out as a free game this month for ps plus members on ps4?
And I thought Secret Ponchos was also a free grab for ps plus members on ps4. How many days does it take to update the Playstation Store?