Hey, Luc Bernard here again. So, to start off, last time you guys saw this game it was called Reaper — we have renamed it to Death Tales.
Now onto the next piece of news: Death Tales is exclusive to PS Vita and PlayStation TV!
Along with it being exclusive, Death Tales will also feature online and local multiplayer. Local multiplayer will only be available on Playstation TV, while the online will be limited to two-player co-op on PS Vita and PS TV.
Death Tales will consist of two modes:
- Story: the story mode will be an open-world action RPG. You’ll be able to play local co-op in it, too.
- Tales: the tales mode will feature a hub town where you can get various quests from different characters and go perform them alone or online with strangers or friends. Each level will also be randomly generated so your experience will be different each time you play.
Death Tales will be playable at the Playstation Experience at our booth — you’ll be able to find me there too, if I’m not passed out in a corner. I’ve never been to Vegas, and I heard there is lots of alcohol…
Oh yes, and all of this of course will be free to play. An action RPG with online co-op for free on Vita? Come on, it doesn’t get better than that!
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