Since the announcement of PlayStation 4 in 2013, one of the key pillars of the system has been its unique social features. Of course, social interaction was built into the very foundation of the system, with features including DualShock 4’s Share button to easily share gameplay images and videos on social networks, the ability to live broadcast to Twitch or Ustream, and more recently Share Play (check out our walkthrough here in case you’re not up to speed).
We’re always looking for ways to expand PS4’s social features, which is why I’m so excited about our partnership with Ubisoft on Far Cry 4. As I discussed during our E3 2014 press conference, Far Cry 4 on PlayStation has an exclusive mode called Keys to Kyrat. Anyone who buys Far Cry 4 on PS4 or PS3 will receive 10 keys to send to your PSN friends, letting them join you in Kyrat for a free two-hour trial period, even if they don’t own a copy of the game. As an added bonus, your friends will get a currency boost for playing the trial if they end up purchasing the full game!
You might be thinking, “This sounds a lot like Share Play. How is it different?” Well, we thought you might ask that:
Keys to Kyrat | Share Play | |
Download vs Stream | Each key allows one of your PSN friends to download Far Cry 4 and play a trial of online co-op without needing to purchase the game. | Stream a game to a friend’s PS4 so they can watch you play, take over your controller, or play as the second player in games that feature local multiplayer* even when they don’t own a copy of it. |
Time Limit | They can play a free two-hour trial of online co-op in Far Cry 4. | Spectate or play most PS4 games for up to one hour at a time. |
*Far Cry 4 does not support local multiplayer.
The initial concept for the Keys to Kyrat was born out of a brainstorming session between our team and the Far Cry 4 development team. We wanted to give fans a way to introduce their friends to the world of Far Cry 4 even if they didn’t own a copy of the game. Our talented friends over at Ubisoft ran with this idea and worked tirelessly to develop this feature, so we hope you enjoy it.
Far Cry 4 comes out tomorrow — who will you share your keys with?
I also need a key! Anyone?
Guess what guys, even if you get a key, you only get access to coop so you. Have to join the key givers game. I hate jumping on someone else game when they might be in the middle of doing a mission in single player. This demo system is kind of BS.
Can I please have a key to kyrat? I would like to try this game before I buy it.
Anyone out there have a spare key? I just downloaded the so called demo and realised that I need a key. Seems like a bunch of BS to go through just to try the game out. Thanks in advance for your kindness.
I must say that this was one of thee worst ways to demo a game. Some one thinking way outside the and some idiot giving the go ahead. If this is some one thinks that this would be a revolutionary idea, should have placed it under “Stupid Ideas” and not Demos. Waste of Internet bandwidth. Went from a posible sale to no sale for me.
Wow, this is the lamest thing I’ve seen on PlayStation since they tried to tell us that we would lose the upgrade to the full copy of DRIVECLUB if we left PS+. (Of course, that was back when DRIVECLUB PS+ was still a thing.)
If it’s an actual demo, you let us actually play. You don’t tell us it’s a demo, then have us download it for more than 20GB, plus a big update, and then not let us play. Simply put: you guys are kinda stupid, or total jerks.
And I am with LordsXO … I am deleting the not-demo, which pretty well guarantees I won’t buy it, since then I would have to download it again for another 20+ GB.
This is all well and good for someone who has a lot of friends on PSN.
However, I am an introvert with very few friends and none of them play Far Cry 4.
Guess I’m just S#*! outta luck.
I will be gratefull if someone send me key to Kyrat Far cry 4. I would like to check this game first :)
add me on psn if you want to play fc4 coop LeonidesLeon
can someone please give me a key?
Hi, hope everyone is do well do anybody have a far cry 4 key send it to andrewrigh@yahoo.com
Could anyone please share the key??
I just want to play the trial version before purchasing the full game.
Would be great if someone could spare me a key
“The initial concept for the Keys to Kyrat was born out of a brainstorming session between our team and the Far Cry 4 development team. We wanted to give fans a way to introduce their friends to the world of Far Cry 4 even if they didn’t own a copy of the game.”
Because the concept of a regular free “play it without begging for a key from someone else” demo is broken of course… Worst brainstorming session ever.
I need a Key to the Kyrat.. anyone out there who could send me one?
Please add me my username is MorbidXlll (that’s 3 small L’s)
I really want to play this game!
We downloaded the demo and can’t play it wth?? :/
ill play with u bro i d=have a mic , downloaded farcry 4 demo ill play with u bro !!!!
Add me pleeeezz sumbody, i gots the 14 hr download and no freakkin keys, what a jippo. Any ways, im a great 1st person shooter guy and whould be a healthy addition to any rhino raiding party.. Holla at your boy ( Roy.est.1982 )
Can someone give me a key??
DOG GAMMIT! A dude names BEN contacted me on my playstation message box,
I added you but when I did your msg disappeared and now I can’t locate you
what was your username again? and to answer your question, Yes please I would love to have a Key :)
Please msg me back ASAP mate!
Hi. Can anyone help me please by sending me key to kyrat. my username is veronq. Thank you in advance. If I buy this game I will also help others.
someone could give me keys add me if you can give me keys
but if i have the necessary keys it is the same as if have the full game?
I just got the demo for far cry 4 but non of my friends have it. Is there anyway I could get a key So I could play it to see if I want to buy the full the game.
Would someone mind sending a key to nbouldien8? I would appreciate it
This is not a demo at all. It does not say anywhere that you need a key play the game before you download a huge amount of content to your ps4. Thanks for the heads up.
Somone will add and send me a key? Like to try this game:)
Does anyone have a spare code they wouldn’t mind giving me ?? Add me on psn!
I just downloaded the Far Cry 4 demo and it turns out I need a code to play it? Can anyone spare a code for me to try it out? I’m a new PS4 guy and trying to see the graphics on this console. Thank you.
Yeah, I am not really sure what marketing strategy they were going with and thought it was a good idea to force people to get a key from a friend just to try a demo. I guess they make so much money, they no longer care what works in the industry and think they can just do whatever they want. If I didn’t already own this, I definitely would not have bought it based on this situation until it was on sale 50% or less. I literally own thousands of games, so I really have no need to buy something when it first comes out. The only reason I did is because I had a friend visiting from out of town who works at UBI, so we could play.
1. You should be able to play a demo without a key
2. If you don’t have any friends with the game I guess you are just SOL.
3. The key is only for co-op play, so no idea why the demo download is so large.
4. Fairly certain most people trying a demo of the Far Cry series would expect to play the story as the demo.
5. UBI you are doing it wrong, regardless of how much money you make off of it.
6. The best way to hurt a company is to not buy any of their products.
Even though I already own this on PS4, I did try to download this demo on PS3 just to see the train wreck UBI has caused. I wanted to compare the two consoles, but I can’t even do that either because I already own the game and you cannot send keys to someone that has a full copy.
I guess I’m an idiot, I assumed after downloading the multi GB far cry 4 DEMO i might be able to try the game, instead I’m told to buy it. Not sure why that took 10 GB. Rather than trying it out and maybe buying it, I’ve just wasted my time and bandwidth. Ubisoft really seems to be batting a 1000 lately. Any interest I had, has been replaced by annoyance with this stunt.
I wanna buy the game from the PS-Store but it says that it is a Timed Trial…. now what does that mean?
i agree with the complaints. It would have been more fair to describe in advance of the download that the demo is not playable without obtaining a key. That’s a lot of bandwidth and storage wasted for a lot of us.
Hello boys and girls!
Well, i ran in to this trap as well. I have the “demo” but useless without that famous key..
Can I please have a spare key from someone? Thanks in advance for your kindness!
Keys from PS4 are compatible with PS3 ? I have PS3 btw..
Can anyone share a Key with me? MikeBuckeyes on PS+
If anyone NEEDSba key to kyrat, add me and mention this in a message. I have 6 keys left, for anyone looking to try the game out! Figured I should give them away instead of just sitting there..
Btw this is for PS4 version
@TiniFyah can u send me? Sevranc
Can anyone let me have there keys of kyrat redeem code?
A demo that requires you to get key code from someone in order to play? Pffttthahahaha!
Wow! Bravo. Brilliant business model there. /clap
Hey, I REGRET to inform you all but the Keys to Kyrat/Demo does not work.. That is all
Anybody wanna feel that Christmas passion and share with me a key?