Hey PS Plus fans — we wanted to give you a sneak peek at our December and January PS4 free games lineup for Plus.
Before we reveal our PS4 lineup, we understand many of you are waiting for DRIVECLUB PS Plus Edition to be added to the Instant Game Collection, and we apologize that the game is not yet ready to launch. We want you to know that we’re committed to providing DRIVECLUB PS Plus Edition to members when it’s ready, and the Evolution team is working hard to make it a reality. In the meantime, we want to make sure you still have some amazing free games to play throughout the holidays, so check out the great lineup we have in store for you guys!
In December, we’re excited to add Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition and Secret Ponchos to PS4’s IGC lineup. As one of the biggest fighting games, Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition is the first AAA Blu-ray title to join the Instant Game Collection for PS4, and we think you’ll really enjoy playing it since DRIVECLUB PS Plus Edition is not available yet. For January’s PS4 lineup, we’re adding the hit games inFAMOUS First Light and The Swapper for PS4.
We hope you’ll enjoy this new lineup for PS4 over the holidays. Which one are you looking forward to most?
Very cool. I have been a PS+ member for all of two weeks (just had to get my paid membership after the free trial ended yesterday), so this is definitely fantastic news. I loved the PS2 and while I didn’t actively avoid the PS3 I just never got around to it, and just got a PS4… so it’s good to be back with Sony!
Man, I love that costume for Wonder Woman. So much better than what I’ve seen in the comics.
Nice to see Big Titles finally coming to PS4, but where the hell is DriveClub PS+?
Yay! Finally Secret Ponchos.
Please be aware the netcode on Injustice for the PS4 is horrible. Bad lag and terrible match making too. I hope Sony can some how contact Warner Bros. about it so they can at least patch it.
Wow finally SONY seems to get it. Every month at least one AAA retail game should be in with the PS+ Drop and it sounds like Driveclub won’t be comiing until Dec/January. Looks like you guys realized your mistakes you been making last 4 months with those low budge indies….
If we wanted low budget side scrolling indies we download them to our Andriods… we as PLAYING customers should have never been subjected to that mess you been pulling for last 3 months…
However glad t see at least you are STARTING to get it
Sounds like a plan. I’m excited for Injustice (though I played the vita version, I’m stoked for the PS4 one).
Secret Ponchos looks like fun.
I just got Infamous SS 2 weeks ago and I’m loving it so far. So having First Light on the IGC is going to be great!
Thanks Sony!
Good Job SONY you did the inthinkable… YOU LISTENED TO YOUR CUSTOMERS… You might as well scrap Driveclub because come DEC the Crew is taking over…
I still can’t believe you guys took a launch title delayed it a year and still couldn’t get it right… that is embarrassing. Drive club should be free to all PS4 owners at this point and whoever paid for it should get STORE credit for the PS Store
Finally, thank you sony !!!, to place really exciting games.
Now I have a one year subscription and is only next month there will be a jeugo really worthwhile. I hope that next year they have similar games.
Any word on what actions will be taken as a way of apology to the ps+ community that has been waiting for DriveClub. It’s a bit ridiculous that the original message was miscommunicated, then the game was delayed and now the ps+ community is still waiting while they fix a botched launch. It seems we should be apologized to in some fashion more than verbal. I am not asking for free handouts but I feel we should have more of an apology.
You guys are doing a great job. I know how hard it is having to fix bugs and server issues and dealing with these “fake gamers” about not wanting a free game they never played or at least tried but you guys have my respects. Everybody thinks it could get fixed in a day but it takes time and as for gaming it takes years to make a single game depending on how many people are involved. So good job you guys. As for me i have so many unfinished games on Steam, wii u, 3ds, vita, ps3, and ps4, you guys have no idea how hard it is for me to play them all because of this I’m okay with whatever free games you offer because it’ll take a while to start playing it. Also i can tell you this: The Binding of issac is my all time favorite and i have over 300 hours on it and i finally get the vita version on the go. So thank you guys! Keep doing what you love.
Whoo :D InJustice and First Light, those two I’m gonna love. Can’t complain about the others :D
Already own injustice, waiting to see the rest of the lineup.
And please fix the rest mode on PS4
I assume you mean infamous second son, not an add on? You can’t say you are giving AAA games when u ate giving a $15 add on…
I’m not against indies, in fact I love them very much, but we want some games like theses in IGC, congrats on the lineup!
Thank you for the preview, and thank you also to the publisher, who certainly have agreed to give up sales not just for the month, but in the lead up time before they come to PS+. This should also help with those that buy it before it comes to plus.
Not into fighting games, but you picked a highly rated selection of games.
Now to wait for secret ponchos.
here is to hoping you guys announce more than the stuff that was announced in Europe.
about vita ps3
Ok, so Injustice and Infamous is a step up.
But IMHO, (in my honest opinion) You need to give out a AAA Blu-Ray disc. Knack or Killzone Shadow Fall would be overdue to be free, or at the very least a huge PS4 PSN sales 50%-75% off.
I’ve been very critic about the IGC line up the last 5 months, just weak games and every plataform, Vita had some nice titles, but nothing more than that!
This games will bring back a little the quality of the Plus “free” games, hopping the same happens to the others plataforms, because all of my friend who has PS videogames was becoming borring about IGC!
Nice move Playstation to calm down the fans, showing the next games, this is the only way to cool down the anger of the games are passing the last months and this november!
Sony come back the best program to subscribers like you are in the last 2 years ASAP!!!
I already bought First Light, but you guys are making up for the generic indies we’ve been getting the last couple months! Great month as far as PS4 games go in December and January !!
Oh, and I want the free Driveclub, now. Even if it’s just the single player for the moment, just let people play the game for the meantime. I bought the ps+ 50$ version, was disappointed that I cant level up my own club, and it’s missing the weather features
What about more PSP games? Ps One and PS2 Classics? any chance to get the “UMD PASS” games in america?
Hook line and sinker. Pretty obvious why these titles were announced two months in advance. People are upset about their subscriptions, and I bet there’s plenty of people who joined plus on Black Friday, and their subscriptions are about to end. Good way to keep people around. I’m sure we’ll go right back to the crummy games starting in February.
Thanks Guys Pumped for Secret Ponchos and Infamous First Light already own The Swapper (gotta finish that by the way)still good like November as well I’ve never complained about plus IGC line up well worth the $50 Well I pay for 3months at a time 18$I love plus
Note to self … Never buy a game on the PS store…. Ever again…
Injustice will be a great addition. It´s one of those games I wanted to try but there was always another a game I preferred spending my money on. And the swapper as well, really cool indie game to have on the ps4 and the vita.
I´ve played Infamous First light but for people who haven´t, this is a great chance to go back to the world of infamous. Sony stepping it up with its offers yeah!
For those with the “Rest Mode” issue…I had the same thing. I had downloaded and installed a theme from PS Store. Needless to say I reverted back to stock PS4 theme and deleted the downloaded theme. Everything works fine now…hope this helps.
I just bought The Swapper and Infamous in August… Just going to stop buying games I think.
Why are people still interested in Driveclub? It sucks.
The IGC is the worst idea in gaming. Even with these big titles, most are still disappointed. Including me. And now, you are totally locked in to the IGC forever. Can you imagine the outcry if you ever stopped it? You’re stuck, and the games will never be enough, no matter what you give away.
As a PS3 and Vita owner I hope there is something exciting in store for them. This is the first month that not renewing my subscription to ps+ has ever crossed my mind. I’ve just had a bit of bad luck lately because I already owned some of the good titles like Rainbow Moon, Dragon’s Crown, Sly Cooper 4, Unit 13, and a few others. I already bought Freedom Wars and have Tales of Hearts R preordered so I’m good for November but I hope there’s a nice surprise come December. Thanks!
I already have both Injustice and inFAMOUS: First Light, but I’m glad even more people will get the chance to play those awesome games. I’m not interested in The Swapper, but the Secret Ponchos looks amazing.
Ugh, Injustice was $5 during the the Super Hero sale so I bought it.
First Light I bought because I figured it being such a large title it wouldn’t come to plus and plus it’s inFAMOUS!
I think I’m just done buying games digitally all together especially if I see price drops and/or if they’re first party titles. Tired of spending my money to find ‘oh should of waited, could of got it free’. I’ll just wait.
Oh well, at least Secret Ponchos and I’ve heard good things about The Swapper although it doesn’t look up my alley I hope to be surprised.
PS: Injustice is a mediocre fighter, unfortunately.
In supplement to my above post. Steamworld Dig was on sale for under $5 at one point so I grabbed that and it’s now free today too!
If you see a game go on sale hugely discounted, don’t buy it, likely it will come to PS Plus from my experience.
I almost bought Injustice last week but resisted the temptation. Now I have to go back to gamestop to laugh at them for being smart and not buying it.
Happy to see First Light coming and not Infamous. Cause I already own that. Seems like a good compromise.
But seeing that your giving this news now… Means we will not see Driveclub for some time. I feel that they should give the season pass to the early adopters as an apology for releasing a broken game. And the full version to people with plus during October. Anyone else can get the plus edition as they are entitled if they get plus after October from Santa and the Hanukkah Goblin.
I´m PS Plus subscriber, but I don´t plan buying a PS4 on the near future (I went the green route for this gen).
That being said I´m glad Sony is going back to old form with the instant game collection, and I have to say I´m jealous of PS4 owners that are also PS plus subscribers.
Injustice and Infamous: First Light are the kind of games that made me subscribe PS plus in the early days of the IGC, a subscription that I keep active till today (nowadays mainly for my PSVita).
Ur trying to stop ppl for cancel suscriptions with this?
November ps+ was the worst in close to 2 years i have it, + october fiasco with OLD batman and a Indi for ps3
Damn I already bought injustice and infamous first light….. Guess nothing for me for months…..
Great line up, but where is killzone? It’s a launch title and should be free by now. Also where is onigiri? The free to play Japanese rpg? The website said it should have been out in October and never was released.
Awesome news!! Thanks a lot for loving us!!
wow, announcing in advance to make up this month’s line up. Okay, I’ll accept the apologies. ;)
anyone remember me saying, like yesterday, that these things are taken care of months ahead of time? so what about the patches to the rest mode issue? and speaking of that update, isnt it almost a common thing that everyone has cellphones? why not allow for bluetooth, or even usb connection to play music through that? its kinda taking steps backwards to only allow for usb flashdrives to be able to play music.
Wow, Infamous First Light… I know that is only logical that more budget is going towards PS4, but I do hope there is some really great content for PS3 too since late months have been a bit meh for us (yeah, I know, even though arkham asylum is a bit old and most people interested had played it by now, is not that meh). I hope I get to buy a PS4 soon so I can enjoy my plus membership better than now
Hi Sony,
I hope you guys make the line-up consistent to all regions. Region 3 did not receive Dust: The Elysian Tails back in October. I was greatly looking-forward for that game, and lost my hope when we received Pix the Cat and the Super-something-I-forgot-game. :(
I really love this month’s offerings. However, I understood the frustration some people felt that there was not a retail game listed. This doesn’t matter to me but I see how it matters to some people.
Looks like PS plus is transitioning now from PS3 focused to PS4 focused. I am really excited to see these advanced offereings and have enjoyed ALL PS plus offerings since I got the service (PS4 launch).
Easily the best 50$ I spend all year is on PS Plus. Besides Netflix it is the best value I can see in entertainment