This month we’ve got even more day and date releases into PlayStation Plus including The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth on PS4, Frozen Synapse Prime on PS3 and the Hungry Horde on PS Vita. Our members will also receive the delightful Steamworld Dig on PS4, addictive Luftrausers on PS3 and charming Escape Plan on PS Vita.
Our PS4 members will discover what randomly generated evils lie in the basement in The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, as well as dig for treasures below a western town populated by robots with Steamworld Dig. For PlayStation 3, our members will receive two types of shooters, Frozen Synapse Prime which requires a strategic mind, and the more arcade-y Luftrausers. Finally, our Vita owners can enjoy the touch-screen puzzler Escape Plan as well as The Hungry Horde, where you’ll try and amass the largest zombie horde possible before the government catches on!
All of these games will be free for Plus members starting today when PlayStation Store updates.
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (PS4 | PS VITA)
Free for PS Plus members
The Binding of Isaac is a randomly generated action RPG shooter with heavy Rogue-like elements. Following Isaac on his journey, players will find bizarre treasures that change Isaac’s form giving him superhuman abilities and enabling him to fight off droves of mysterious creatures, discover secrets and fight his way to safety. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is the ultimate of remakes with an all-new highly efficient game engine, all-new hand-drawn pixel style artwork, highly polished visual effects, all-new soundtrack and audio by Ridiculon, and hundreds upon hundreds of designs, redesigns and re-tuned enhancements by series creator, Edmund McMillen.
Steamworld Dig (PS4 | PS VITA)
Free for PS Plus members
SteamWorld Dig is a platform mining adventure with strong Metroidvanian influences. Take the role of Rusty, a lone mining steambot, as he arrives at an old mining town in great need. Dig your way through the old earth, gaining riches while uncovering the ancient threat that lurks below…
Frozen Synapse Prime (PS3)
Free for PS Plus members
Take on the role of Tactics, leading a small rebel faction to overthrow a powerful corporation controlling the city of Markov Geist. Control an elite strike team of futuristic soldiers from shotgunners and snipers, to grenadiers and machine-gunners in the ultimate turn-based strategy game. Plot paths and issue orders to your units, test your plans and predict your opponent in each turn. Combat plays out on procedural, 3D, destructible and customizable battlefields.
Luftrausers (PS3 | PS VITA)
Free for PS Plus members
The skies will be set aflame and the seas will overflow with wreckage in Vlambeer’s stylish arcade shooter LUFTRAUSERS! Select from over 125 combinations of weapons, bodies, and propulsion systems and take to the skies to battle enemy fighter planes, battleships, submarines, and rival aces for glory, honor, and high scores. Bravely volunteer for one of over 100 daring missions and become the most legendary Rauser pilot of all time!
Escape Plan (PS Vita | PS4)
Free for PS Plus members
Escape Plan takes advantage of the PlayStation®Vita system’s multi-touch display, rear touch panel, swipe interfaces and motion sensor, putting the fate of Lil & Laarg in the palm of your hand. Players can swipe, tap, poke, squeeze and slap our hapless heroes and interact with the unique and twisted puzzles of each room. Only you can help them survive before their captor and nemesis, Bakuki, recycles them and turns them into his minions. Swipe as if your life depended on it in this exclusive survival-humor game for the PS Vita system.
The Hungry Horde (PS Vita)
Free for PS Plus members
Lead a horde of zombies on a manic mission to expand the ranks of the undead and destroy humanity. Battle the clock and attempt to trash the planet in this highly addictive, run-till-you-die zombie rampage – one game and you’ll be “turned”!
We want your feedback so please take a moment to take our poll and leave us a comment below. To chat about all things related to PlayStation with a massive community of gamers, head over to the PlayStation Community Forums and make your voice heard.
Another great month to be a Vita owner. Literally just went out yesterday to get a $50 PS card for Binding of Isaac (and some extra lol) then I see this! Great lineup!
I’m happy for Rebirth, at least.. I already bought on Steam but having PS4/Vita version is great bonus.. game will keep me busy for months.. Will online co-op work through Share Play?
The “We want your feedback” link still mentions October’s games, though.
Dear SONY us PS4 owners are tired of these cartoonish NES super mario looking games.. give us a RETAIL GAME, Tomb Raider, NFS, Metal Gear Solid, Knack, Golf Club, Assassian’s Creed… anything hell NOTHING would have been better then this….. the fact you delayed the announcement we thought you heard our cry and was going to listen but no. Sony your PS+ subscription is becoming worthless for us PS4 owners.
Just got a blinking orange light on my PS4 this morning after selecting (Turn off PS4) I know about the rest mode issue….This should be fun…
2 of these have been Plus’d already…… Not sure what I think about Frozen Synapse since some of us bought the vita game a few weeks ago and now there is a PS3 version….
Look what I want to know is when we’re getting a PlayStation All stars Battle Royale 2. I think it deserves another attempt at getting it right.
Update the store grace
This is the first month I am not downloading anything since i signed up… Bummer!
Nothing for me again.
Well, I’m glad the long wait for the announcement paid off….said me!!!
I’m really hoping to find some black friday sales for PSV Memory cards.
Are the luftrauser trophies still glitched or is this another ps plus game that cant be completed, ever since EU and NA started giving the same games the quality of the ps3 games have talen a dive, i know vita and ps4 dont have a huve library but give u quality ps3 games
Meh I just got a PS4 so I’m fine with this month’s update as I need to build a collection on it.
Although the PS3’s section is a bit weak I do agree. Don’t really care for Frozen: Synapse Prime and Luftrausers is glitched without a patch yet :/
Would not that be a great game, Sony wanting to win the Microsft this at all, apparently even in this crappy games Live overcoming this month.
Disappointing month and still no Drive Club.
A fantastic month for Vita owners, so-so for PS4 and dreadful for PS3 owners…
“Look at that link: “What are your thoughts on October’s PlayStation Plus game lineup?” Is this an oversight, or do they not want us to give feedback on November’s PlayStation Plus game lineup?”
They’d like you to play them first before declaring them the worst thing ever, so no, it’s not an oversight. The poll is always a month behind to see how everyone liked last month’s games.
A poor showing, but worse is the fact that they have been silent on WHY they were silent for so long on release. This is a month that makes some people very happy. (Anyone looking forward to BoI) But for the most part the best I can say is Meh. I wouldn’t have purchased a year of Plus if I knew that the IGC offerings were going to get this bad.
Not a good month for me, but for those who don’t have Steamworld Dig and Escape Plan, this is a great month for you, whether you know it yet or not.
Since the release of PS NOW the ps plus had gone from bad to worse….. i hated ps plus subscription before because I only have a vita and vita IGC were only psp/indie, so I bought ps3 to enjoy retail titles and yet now ps3 only offers all indie too lol…
Yeah great… too bad Rebirth isn’t even on PSN yet like it’s supposed to be.
Will PS4 owners ever get a AAA title from PS Plus? As far as I’m concerned the discounts are the only reason to have one on the PS4. I’ve only ever played one PS Plus freebie, Resogun. 12 months of platforming titles, yawn.
Nothing for me this month. Glad to see some people are happy!
LOVE the lineup this month! Very excited for all of the titles!
@26 Chip1010
I think they were trying to make Frozen Synapse PS3/Vita special cross-buy, like happened with Dragon’s Crown and Rainbow Moon. Maybe because the Vita version was released about a month ago it was not possible.
Anyway, as a Vita-only gamer I’m very happy with this month lineup. 5 games, which 2 are new releases. Escape Plan is the only one I already played.
please stop giving your loyal fans ****** games… i see the games XBone gets and i hate to say this but i really am considering trading my PS4 in for an XB1… these games are a horrible way of thanking your members for forcing them to buy a service that once was free and still is free on PS3… December is it for me, sony. If nothing great and i mean great (due to the **** games i got last few months you better make up for it) if nothing great comes in December i will not renew and i will go to XB1.
Good month, looking forward to it. Go cry elsewhere, nerds.
7.9 million Plus Members and this is our IGC games, i’m mad with Playstation, **** games, humble bundles has better games than plus, and cost the same!
I’m a Sony fan since the 90′, but this last months it’s beggining to drive me crazy, where are ours AAA titles? The Origin are giving for free better games than Plus, and Plus isn’t free! The MS will turn in a best program in few months if the IGC don’t turn back on the tracks!
It gets worst every month, how is that possible? If that goes on, in December we will get a Hanna Montana game or something like that… Just look at what IGC looked like one year ago and compare it with now… It’s ridiculous!
Any word on a November fix after the 2.0 Update me and my friends all have the Rest Mode issue and wanted to know when you guys will fix it.
The feedback Is for october games cuz you already tried them. That’s why its showing october games.
Kristine, thanks for the update. Im a happy Vita owner now. By the way… Your team need to learn some communication skills, cuz its not a good idea TO keep people in the dark for days.
Wow, you would think this would be an amazing month for IGC given it’s the anniversary of the release of PS4, but we get this?
I’m disappointed.
Well another month of hot garbage.
Too much hate in this blog… It´s a great month for vita users! Thanks Sony!
The Binding of Isaac; So……you made Zelda?
Hmm, only thing I’m interested in this month is Escape Plan. Although sadly I don’t think I have enough memory card room for it.
I remember last December was super good for Plus. Hoping to see some cool stuff next month! :D
We get games like The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth on release day yet people complain. Try playing some of these games before grabbing your torches and pitchforks, you might be pleasantly surprised by many of these titles.
people complain WAY too much.The games this month are fine.I mean SURE, we should be getting GTA 5 & dragons age this month for free though,shame on you sony! (sarcasm obviously)
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth > xbox this month
I think FrozenPrime Vita isn’t plus is because of the sale last month where they had it for $20. I think plenty of Plus users bought it….it would seriously piss them off if the next month it was iGC.
I would prefer Strategy games on a portable. . I hope we get a cheaper sale price of the Vita version or like Dead Nation get that specific version free months later.
LOL at the people who whine at this month selection. Plus is more than games…it those awesome discounts, online save file, exclusive betas, and being able to play those AAA PS+ games in your backlog.
If you don’t like a month….check your backlog or your PS+ backlog.
I can’t wait to play Binding of Isaac(I heard some even gone 300 hours into it) but Freedom Wars has my attention for now.
Commence whining about getting six games for free. Spoiled kids everywhere.
Woo boi. I’m also going to give steamworld a go though this month is all isaac for me. Also while I have been happy with plus could you guys please at least let us know what went wrong even if its just a contract adjustment. I joined PS because of your communication and showing of many types of games and while the games are flowing from all genres Id hate to see this become a trend where you keep us in the dark.
The tears of all you PS+ crybabies are delicious, keep them flowing. ;D
I haven’t been impressed with PS Plus in a few months now. And one of last month’s offerings (Batman: Arkham Asylum) I had already gotten as a freebie last year.
Come on, Sony. I know you can do better than that. I’m not expecting AAA titles from 2014 (or even from 2013) here. Maybe throw in some JRPGs for the Vita or something. I’d like to see more of those.
Good month for Vita owners with five games for us. I’ve always wanted to play Escape Plan and Hungry Horde looks like it’s worth downloading. Not too interested in the other retro-style games, however.
Will we be getting the same December and January PS4 games as Europe, which they’ve already announced:
Injustice Gods Among Us
Secret Ponchos
Infamous First Light
The Swapper
In the same month last year the Sony give a lot of “full games” not only indies.
Last year in November
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (PS3)
Remember Me (PS3)
Oddworld Strangers Wrath (Vita)
MotorStorm RC (Vita)
And this?
October was the same thing:
in 2013
Far Cry 3
Mafia 2
Spec Ops The Line (NBA 2K13 in UAE)
Street Fighter X Tekken
Touch My Katamari
C’mon Sony… Just indies now? Just 9,90 games every month? C’mon.
Thats bull****.
EU blog announced the Dember lineup and January line up today. Looking pretty awesome
Anyways, I sure hope we get those games the next couple months. All 4 look good to me!
I’m a Vita/PS3 owner and while I do believe the lineup of games this month is ok (many of them are pretty similar to Asteroids etc.) the way Sony handled the situation was horrible. Why make your paying customers wait 6 days more to learn about what their getting just for it to be the same? Instead of saying “we’re working on the ps plus update” just DO IT. This is a first for Sony from my perspective and shows that things are getting worse. I knew they would get worse over time as they implemented PS Plus into PS4’s online servers and the PS3 got older. The Vita is around 2 years old now and I can’t even find screen protectors for them at Walmart and all the games they have there are pushed to the side and only Borderlands is featured really.
I’m sorry Sony but after I’m done playing with my PS3/Vita, I won’t be buying a PS4 or continuing on with you.
Oh, my original message was supposed to be “I’m glad my PS Plus ran out the other day.” gives me more time to play some of my bought physical/digital games that are collecting dust :)
@37 I agree with you completely.
Wow, this is total horse ****. The IGC games keep getting worse, Drive Club’s launch was a complete disaster and still missing from PS+, and the 2.0 update was a spectacular let down in borking the Rest mode and introducing a whole whack of other issues. I was hoping that taking down the video on yourtube and the delay in an IGC update was going to result in at least an olive branch being extended to those us of who have paid into the PS4 and our PS+ memberships… Clearly that was too much to expect. Luftrausers looks like it belongs on the Gameboy, it’s even freaking monochromatic. Everything else looks like it should be playing on systems from at least 2 generations ago.
If I didn’t already own a ludicrous amount of digital content already I would be sorely tempted to go trade in my PS4 for an Xbone at this point.
Cool I guess but I am not touching any of that retro looking stuff. That FAD needs to stop already. Indie Devs step your game up. Sony, stop giving them the greenlight. ;)
now who said VITA isn’t getting any games??????